
Bonobos realize when humans miss information and commun...

To get treats, apes eagerly pointed them out to humans who didn't know where the...

Study estimates the cost of preventing extinction of Au...

A new study has estimated it would cost $15.6 billion per year for 30 years to p...

Quantum Experiment Reveals Light Existing in Dozens of ...

Reality isn’t what it seems.

Illuminating the elements under our feet: Laser tool of...

A vast field of tall, skinny trees sways in a light breeze. In the future, popla...

Our Ears Still Try to Swivel Around to Hear Better, Stu...

Go on, give them a wiggle.

Hanging Wet Washing Up Inside Your Home Could Be a Heal...

Here's what to look out for.

Neutron isotropy measurements validate sheared-flow-sta...

In physics, the term "isotropy" means a system where the properties are the same...

Parents' math anxiety linked to lower numeracy skills i...

New research findings reveal that parents' anxiety about mathematics can have a ...

Metal alloy shows practically no thermal expansion over...

Most metals expand when their temperature rises. The Eiffel Tower, for example, ...

How a twin Earth could detect Earth

A research team led by Dr. Sofia Sheikh of the SETI Institute, in collaboration ...

Is there life out there? The existence of other technol...

We live in a golden age for space exploration. Scientists are gathering massive ...

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