Personal finance links: household economics
Wednesdays are all about personal finance here at Abnormal Returns. You can check out last week’s links including a look at why...
- Christine Benz and Dan Lefkovitz talk with John Rekenthaler about his long career writing about investing. (
- Peter Lazaroff on how much money you need to retire. (
- Every decision we make has trade-offs: the case for staying home to care for small children. (
- When are you children mature enough to discuss estate issues? (
- Americans are spending more on remodeling their houses. (
- Everybody ends up paying for natural disasters. (
- Why you need a purpose in retirement. (
- We all want to feel productive. (
Personal finance
- In life, stuff happens. (
- Diversification is good for your mental health. (
- On the value a financial advisor can add. (
- Good listening requires a distraction-free space. (
- Why 'critical ignoring' is a crucial skill these days. (
- Retirement includes a lot of uninsured health costs. (
- IRS Direct File is at risk from the new administration. (