
Digital phenotyping from wearables using AI characteriz...

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Jas...

Ligand interaction landscape of transcription factors a...

Publication date: Available online 24 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Hui Pen...

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Was Nice to Someone During a Debat...

This is what it looks like when doctors treat the pandemic as an intellectual pa...

Mechanisms of memory-supporting neuronal dynamics in hi...

Publication date: Available online 25 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Yiding ...

Trouble in (MAHA) paradise?

Even as President Donald Trump is inaugurated today and his pick for HHS Secreta...

Old Doctor Yells At Clouds

I’m at that age, 67 going in 68, where it is reasonable to yell at the clouds. W...

Monstrous Creatures of The Past Could Have Feasted on T...

Next-level predators have emerged.

A Scientist Reveals 5 Amazing Facts About Your Sense of...

It's more important than you think.

New Images of Interstellar Dust Look Like Something Out...

How does space get more beautiful?

Scientists Reveal What Alcohol Is Doing to Your Sleep

Time to ditch the nightcap?

Dr. Vinay Prasad 2025 = Dr. Kelly Brogan 2015

In 2017, Dr. Vinay Prasad said an anti-vaccine doctor was a "quack". What chang...

Astronomers Capture Mysterious 'Chorus Waves' Emerging ...

Like birds singing in the cosmos?

New Book-Sorting Algorithm Almost Reaches Perfection

The library sorting problem is used across computer science for organizing far m...

The Jagged, Monstrous Function That Broke Calculus

In the late 19th century, Karl Weierstrass invented a fractal-like function that...

Concept Cells Help Your Brain Abstract Information and ...

Individual cells in the brain light up for specific ideas. These concept neurons...

Heat Destroys All Order. Except for in This One Special...

Heat is supposed to ruin anything it touches. But physicists have shown that an ...

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