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A Japanese H3 rocket is scheduled to launch the Michibiki 6 navigation satellite...
This month we’ll look for five planets in the evening sky, explore the Moon’s ph...
A Month of Bright Planets Venus blazes at its brightest for the year after sunse...
New Zealand is the first country in the world to give natural geographic feature...
The Kiffness combines two songs into a great music video: “Hold Onto My Fur” and...
Sailing has been a mainstay of human history for millennia, so it’s no surprise ...
Scientists have cast doubt on the reliability of America's most celebrated roden...
A 13th-century fresco rediscovered in Ferrara, Italy, provides unique evidence o...
This week, astronomers reported the discovery of a super-Earth potentially capab...
Spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) are nanoscale spintronic devices that convert...
Asteroid samples fetched by NASA hold not only the pristine building blocks for ...
Security researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Cisco have found ...
A young man with severe asthma used to be able to get his inhaler for cheap, but...