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Everyone loves a dutch baby pancake for the simplicity and the drama. This is a ...
Hearty, healthy, and satisfying - this cabbage soup recipe is super simple to ma...
This vegan Wellington is filled with braised lentils, finely chopped walnuts, an...
This wheat berry salad is festive, textured, and wonderfully hearty, which makes...
This apple cider vinaigrette is a perfect option for those who prefer their dres...
These vegan blended baked oats with dark chocolate chips are based off of a vira...
The addition of miso to simple sautéed butter beans and greens with garlic and s...
This teriyaki tofu is a fast and flavorful vegan dinner. Cooking the tofu in the...
Warm up with a bowl of comforting and hearty mushroom barley soup. This recipe i...
I love to glam up simple ingredients like chickpeas, rice, and cabbage with spic...
Nothing says love like homemade vegan potato gnocchi. Tender pillows of cooked r...
Warm up with this spiced orange mocha that comes together in a saucepan on the.....
Air Fryer Salmon is one of the easiest and most satisfying weeknight dishes I’ve...
Saucy shredded chicken, yellow rice, pickled onions, greens, and cilantro pesto ...