
Scientists Just Achieved a Major Milestone in Creating ...

The first artificial genome of its kind.

Shock Discovery Reveals Penguins Don't Mate For Life Af...

"There's often a bit of hanky-panky happening on the side."

AI Can Predict Incredible Solar Storms Before They Strike

Patterns exist that we never noticed.

Peeing Appears to Be Contagious in Humanity's Closest R...

"This phenomenon may have deep evolutionary roots."

Organic material can convert toxic heavy metal to harml...

Researchers from the University of Waterloo have discovered that a special form ...

Life as a cascade of machines making machines: Living m...

Living matter remains the quintessential puzzle of biological sciences, a questi...

Atmosphere's self-cleansing ability followed by long-te...

The Earth's atmosphere has strengthened its ability to remove air pollutants, in...

A new feature discovered in radioactive lanthanum isotopes

Researchers at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä, Finlan...

Green tea-derived nanosilver complex displays anti-mela...

Melanoma is a fast-progressing skin cancer characterized by a high mortality rat...

Ribosomes team up in difficult situations, new imaging ...

Researchers from the Tanenbaum group at the Hubrecht Institute have developed a ...

Innovative sensors for wearables could offer real-time ...

A transdisciplinary team of AMBER and CRANN researchers from the School of Chemi...

Genomic evidence confirms white shark liver is on Austr...

For the first time, DNA evidence has confirmed killer whales in Australia hunted...

Ancient agricultural strategies revealed: How pre-indus...

A recent study published in Scientific Reports delves into the adaptive agricult...

Physicists decipher structure of antimony melt, explain...

Antimony is widely used in the production of materials for electronics, as well ...

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