All Schedule 1 Console Commands And Cheats And How To Get Them

From getting back on land after getting stuck who knows where to hacking in a photo mode of sorts, there’s nothing a good console command can’t do. No matter what your hangup is with Schedule 1, there's a cheat that will make your life easier. Cheats like spawning the vehicle of your dreams instead of buying a car normally or making the police way more aggressive to have a proper standoff before putting them back into their neutral state when the heat gets too intense. All this at the press of a button. How do you do that? One thing at a time. First, let’s look at how to enable console commands in Schedule 1. How to use console commands in Schedule 1 Screenshot by Destructoid Enabling console commands in Schedule 1 is extremely simple. Just load your game and open the in-game Settings menu. You’ll find a toggleable box called Console under the Game sub-menu. Click it, and you’ll gain the ability to use cheats. To actually use cheats, you’ll need to leave the menu and press the tilde (~) button, which is usually found to the left of the 1 key. Opening the console this way doesn’t pause the game, so watch out. Now, you only need some commands to input. You can find a list of all the cheats in Schedule 1 in the in-game menu. You can access this list by pressing the View Commands button under the Console toggle button you just pressed. Every console command and cheat in Schedule 1 Screenshot by Destructoid While they’re also available inside the game, here’s a partial list of the console commands Schedule 1. It might come in handy if you want to keep the list on a second monitor or on your phone. We removed a handful of commands from the full list, but don’t worry. Those are worthless for regular users since they require variable names and other technical knowledge. They were probably meant to be used exclusively during development, but they made their way into the game anyway. All the commands are non-case sensitive. Command Example Usage Description freecam freecam Toggles freecam mode, allows flight, and hides the UI save save Saves the game settime settime 1530 Sets the time of day, written in military time give give ogkush 5 Places a certain amount of a certain item in the player inventory clearinventory clearinventory Delete all items in the player’s inventory changecash changecash 5000 Change the cash available to the player character changebalance changebalance 5000 Change the money available to the player character in their bank account addxp addxp 100 Increase the experience points for the player character spawnvehicle spawnvehicle shitbox Spawn a given vehicle in front of the player character, it can be driven setmovespeed setmovespeed 1 Change the speed of the player’s walk and run (1 is default) setjumpforce setjumpforce 1 Change the jump height of the player character (1 is default) teleport teleport townhall Instantly move the player to the specified location (location names are found on the map) setowned setowned barn Set the specified location as owned by the player (only works for some locations) packageproduct packageproduct jar Put the equipped product in the package, same as using the packaging station setstaminareserve setstaminareserve 100 Change max stamina value (100 is default) raisewanted raisewanted Raises the wanted level with the police lowerwanted lowerwanted Lower the wanted level with the police clearwanted clearwanted Clear the wanted level with the police sethealth sethealth 100 Set player health to the specified number settimescale settimescale 1 Change the time scale (how fast the time goes by) to the specified level (1 is default) setqueststate setqueststate Change the quest status setquestentrystate setquestentrystate Change the state of an entry in a questline setemotion setemotion cheery Change the expression of the player character setunlocked setunlocked Unlocks the specified NPC setrelationship setrelationship 5 Change the relationship level with an NPC (between 0 and 5) addemployee addemployee botanist barn Add an employee to the specified type in the specified location setdiscovered setdiscovered ogkush Set product to discovered growplants growplants Make all plants fully grown setlawintensity setlawintensity 10 Set the intensity of law enforcement (from 0 to 10) setquality setquality heavenly Set the quality of the currently equipped item bind bind X ‘command’ Set a hotkey (X) for a command "command". You need the apostrophe around the name of the command, and you don't need to use the letter x. unbind unbind x Delete the bind/hotkey set on the specified key (x) clearbinds clearbinds Delete all binds/hotkeys hideui hideui Hides the UI showfps showfps Shows how many FPS the game is running at. hidefps hidefps Hides the FPS indicator. The post All Schedule 1 Console Commands And Cheats And How To Get Them appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 27, 2025 - 15:29
All Schedule 1 Console Commands And Cheats And How To Get Them

A view from above of the city in Schedule 1.

From getting back on land after getting stuck who knows where to hacking in a photo mode of sorts, there’s nothing a good console command can’t do. No matter what your hangup is with Schedule 1, there's a cheat that will make your life easier.

Cheats like spawning the vehicle of your dreams instead of buying a car normally or making the police way more aggressive to have a proper standoff before putting them back into their neutral state when the heat gets too intense. All this at the press of a button. How do you do that? One thing at a time. First, let’s look at how to enable console commands in Schedule 1.

How to use console commands in Schedule 1

The menu that activates cheats in Schedule 1
Screenshot by Destructoid

Enabling console commands in Schedule 1 is extremely simple. Just load your game and open the in-game Settings menu. You’ll find a toggleable box called Console under the Game sub-menu. Click it, and you’ll gain the ability to use cheats.

To actually use cheats, you’ll need to leave the menu and press the tilde (~) button, which is usually found to the left of the 1 key. Opening the console this way doesn’t pause the game, so watch out. Now, you only need some commands to input. You can find a list of all the cheats in Schedule 1 in the in-game menu. You can access this list by pressing the View Commands button under the Console toggle button you just pressed.

Every console command and cheat in Schedule 1

A menu in Schedule 1 called Console Commands, showing some of the cheats in Schedule 1
Screenshot by Destructoid

While they’re also available inside the game, here’s a partial list of the console commands Schedule 1. It might come in handy if you want to keep the list on a second monitor or on your phone.

We removed a handful of commands from the full list, but don’t worry. Those are worthless for regular users since they require variable names and other technical knowledge. They were probably meant to be used exclusively during development, but they made their way into the game anyway. All the commands are non-case sensitive.

CommandExample UsageDescription
freecamfreecamToggles freecam mode, allows flight, and hides the UI
savesaveSaves the game
settimesettime 1530Sets the time of day, written in military time
givegive ogkush 5Places a certain amount of a certain item in the player inventory
clearinventoryclearinventoryDelete all items in the player’s inventory
changecashchangecash 5000Change the cash available to the player character
changebalancechangebalance 5000Change the money available to the player character in their bank account
addxpaddxp 100Increase the experience points for the player character
spawnvehiclespawnvehicle shitboxSpawn a given vehicle in front of the player character, it can be driven
setmovespeedsetmovespeed 1Change the speed of the player’s walk and run (1 is default)
setjumpforcesetjumpforce 1Change the jump height of the player character (1 is default)
teleportteleport townhallInstantly move the player to the specified location (location names are found on the map)
setownedsetowned barnSet the specified location as owned by the player (only works for some locations)
packageproductpackageproduct jarPut the equipped product in the package, same as using the packaging station
setstaminareservesetstaminareserve 100Change max stamina value (100 is default)
raisewantedraisewantedRaises the wanted level with the police
lowerwantedlowerwantedLower the wanted level with the police
clearwantedclearwantedClear the wanted level with the police
sethealthsethealth 100Set player health to the specified number
settimescalesettimescale 1Change the time scale (how fast the time goes by) to the specified level (1 is default)
setqueststatesetqueststate Change the quest status
setquestentrystatesetquestentrystate Change the state of an entry in a questline
setemotionsetemotion cheeryChange the expression of the player character
setunlockedsetunlocked Unlocks the specified NPC
setrelationshipsetrelationship 5Change the relationship level with an NPC (between 0 and 5)
addemployeeaddemployee botanist barnAdd an employee to the specified type in the specified location
setdiscoveredsetdiscovered ogkushSet product to discovered
growplantsgrowplantsMake all plants fully grown
setlawintensitysetlawintensity 10Set the intensity of law enforcement (from 0 to 10)
setqualitysetquality heavenlySet the quality of the currently equipped item
bindbind X ‘command’Set a hotkey (X) for a command "command". You need the apostrophe around the name of the command, and you don't need to use the letter x.
unbindunbind xDelete the bind/hotkey set on the specified key (x)
clearbindsclearbindsDelete all binds/hotkeys
hideuihideuiHides the UI
showfpsshowfpsShows how many FPS the game is running at.
hidefpshidefpsHides the FPS indicator.

The post All Schedule 1 Console Commands And Cheats And How To Get Them appeared first on Destructoid.