
Massively parallel reporter assay investigates shared g...

Publication date: Available online 22 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Sool Le...

Structure-guided discovery of viral proteins that inhib...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Erez Yi...

Receptor binding, structure, and tissue tropism of catt...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Hao Son...

Assembly and architecture of endogenous NMDA receptors ...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Ming Zh...

Cardiometabolic benefits of a non-industrialized-type d...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Fuyong ...

Rational multienzyme architecture design with iMARS

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Jiawei ...

Designed mosaic nanoparticles enhance cross-reactive im...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Eric Wa...

A pair of LysM receptors mediates symbiosis and immunit...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Xinhang...

High-resolution spatially resolved proteomics of comple...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Beiyu H...

Comparative proteomic landscapes elucidate human preimp...

Publication date: Available online 23 January 2025Source: CellAuthor(s): Wenchen...

Transplantation of gasdermin pores by extracellular ves...

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Sky...

<em>Cell</em> after 50

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Joh...

How NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture and why NINJ...

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Bib...

Engineering and structures of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic...

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Eli...

YTHDF2 promotes ATP synthesis and immune evasion in B c...

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Zhe...

A gut commensal protozoan determines respiratory diseas...

Publication date: 23 January 2025Source: Cell, Volume 188, Issue 2Author(s): Kyl...

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