Gossifleur makes its Pokémon Go Debut in April’s Spring into Spring event
Niantic has revealed Spring into Spring, a new Pokémon Go mini-event starting April 9 at 10 am local time that adds new Pokémon and offers some nice bonuses to kickstart Spring as a whole. The main highlight is the arrival of Gossifluer from the Galar region, making its Pokémon Go debut for the first time alongside its evolution Eldegoss. You'll need to evolve Gossifluer using the usual 50 candy to get Eldegoss, so thankfully there is no weird evolution method needed this time around. Both Pokémon are not available as Shiny from the get-go. Gossifluer and Eldegoss aren't the only highlights though, with Niantic announcing a host of event bonuses until the mini-event ends on April 14 at 8 pm local time. These include: 2x Lucky Egg duration 2x Candy from hatched eggs Increased chance of encountering Shiny Remoraid and Shiny Fletchling 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are in incubators during the event https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status/1904236069715157318 The increased Shiny odds for Remoraid and Fletching are a welcome sight, but it'll still be rare to find a Shiny form of both of them unless your playing every hour of every day and checking every encounter you come across. On top of the event bonuses, Niantic has confirmed the wild encounters that'll be boosted during Spring into Spring, but with a twist. On top of Remoraid, Fletching, and Gossifluer spawning more frequently in the wild, the following Pokémon will appear more frequently on select dates. April 9 to 10 will see Marill, Lotad, Ducklett, and Dewpider get increased spawns with Lapras being a rarer spawn. From April 11 to 12, the Pokémon will then switch out to Vulpix, Ponyta, Number, and Litleo, and if you are lucky you could also come across Hisuian Growlithe. The event will then end off from April 13 to 14 with increased spawns of Oddish, Hoppip, Roselia, and Cherubi, and if you are lucky you might even find a rare wild Alolan Exeggutor spawn. Outside of wild spawns, there will also be a series of Egg exclusive Pokémon hatches. These include the following: 2km Eggs Spring into Spring 5km Eggs Spring into Spring Magby Remoraid Budew Fletching Mantyke Gossifluer Lastly, Niantic has confirmed a $2 paid research ticket that'll give trainers a bunch of extras during the event's duration. These include Timed Research tasks that'll give trainers 5,000 XP, One Lucky Egg, Two Super Incubators, and encounters with Remoraid, Fletching, and Gossifluer. For veteran trainers, only Gossifluer's inclusion might entice people to play to add it to their growing Pokédex, but for new trainers, a healthy mix of different Pokémon every couple of days will offer an extra benefit for those who don't want to see the same Pokémon spawns every day for an entire week, so there is something for everyone. Pokémon Go's Spring into Spring event begins April 9 local time, ending April 14 at 8pm local time. The post Gossifleur makes its Pokémon Go Debut in April’s Spring into Spring event appeared first on Destructoid.

Niantic has revealed Spring into Spring, a new Pokémon Go mini-event starting April 9 at 10 am local time that adds new Pokémon and offers some nice bonuses to kickstart Spring as a whole.
The main highlight is the arrival of Gossifluer from the Galar region, making its Pokémon Go debut for the first time alongside its evolution Eldegoss. You'll need to evolve Gossifluer using the usual 50 candy to get Eldegoss, so thankfully there is no weird evolution method needed this time around. Both Pokémon are not available as Shiny from the get-go.
Gossifluer and Eldegoss aren't the only highlights though, with Niantic announcing a host of event bonuses until the mini-event ends on April 14 at 8 pm local time. These include:
- 2x Lucky Egg duration
- 2x Candy from hatched eggs
- Increased chance of encountering Shiny Remoraid and Shiny Fletchling
- 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are in incubators during the event
The increased Shiny odds for Remoraid and Fletching are a welcome sight, but it'll still be rare to find a Shiny form of both of them unless your playing every hour of every day and checking every encounter you come across.
On top of the event bonuses, Niantic has confirmed the wild encounters that'll be boosted during Spring into Spring, but with a twist. On top of Remoraid, Fletching, and Gossifluer spawning more frequently in the wild, the following Pokémon will appear more frequently on select dates.
April 9 to 10 will see Marill, Lotad, Ducklett, and Dewpider get increased spawns with Lapras being a rarer spawn. From April 11 to 12, the Pokémon will then switch out to Vulpix, Ponyta, Number, and Litleo, and if you are lucky you could also come across Hisuian Growlithe. The event will then end off from April 13 to 14 with increased spawns of Oddish, Hoppip, Roselia, and Cherubi, and if you are lucky you might even find a rare wild Alolan Exeggutor spawn.
Outside of wild spawns, there will also be a series of Egg exclusive Pokémon hatches. These include the following:
2km Eggs Spring into Spring 5km Eggs Spring into Spring Magby Remoraid Budew Fletching Mantyke Gossifluer
Lastly, Niantic has confirmed a $2 paid research ticket that'll give trainers a bunch of extras during the event's duration. These include Timed Research tasks that'll give trainers 5,000 XP, One Lucky Egg, Two Super Incubators, and encounters with Remoraid, Fletching, and Gossifluer.
For veteran trainers, only Gossifluer's inclusion might entice people to play to add it to their growing Pokédex, but for new trainers, a healthy mix of different Pokémon every couple of days will offer an extra benefit for those who don't want to see the same Pokémon spawns every day for an entire week, so there is something for everyone.
Pokémon Go's Spring into Spring event begins April 9 local time, ending April 14 at 8pm local time.
The post Gossifleur makes its Pokémon Go Debut in April’s Spring into Spring event appeared first on Destructoid.