The Wheel of Time Season 3, Episode 5 Review – “Tel'aran'rhiod”
“Tel'aran'rhiod” uses the world of dreams to explore the fears, growth, and limitations of The Wheel of Time’s characters.

Dreams and fears define “Tel'aran'rhiod,” which continues The Wheel of Time’s strong third season by pushing characters to confront their weaknesses and limitations. It demonstrates how much some characters have grown over the course of the show while also pointing out the issues they still need to address to move forward on their journeys.
Characters in Robert Jordan’s books regularly describe channeling as almost addictively euphoric, and Rosamund Pike very clearly conveys that in the opening of “Tel’aran’rhiod,” as Moiraine tests out the powerful sa'angreal she stole from Rhuidean. Lan can read those feelings through the Warder bond, but what he really wants to know is what she experienced in the trial. Fortunately, she learned a lesson from pushing Lan away last season and opens up to him. His stoicism is a perfect antidote to her despair as they just share some terrible booze and enjoy each other’s company, solidifying their commitment to face, as a united front, whatever will come.
Rand may have proven himself in Rhuidean, but that doesn’t automatically earn him the loyalty of all the Aiel. But considering the difficulty of the path he’s been walking, it’s nice that he gets a tiny chance to have some fun and play with kids. It’s another sad reminder for Egwene of the family they once wanted to build together – she’s immediately reminded that her power has pulled her in another direction.
The Dreaming training reminded me of Inception, with an anchor back to the waking world in the form of a pin set in a melting candle. It’s a precaution that saves Egwene’s life when her natural ambition leads her away from the safety of her trainers and into Lanfear’s hands. If she and Rand were talking more – rather than putting off their breakup – Rand would have a better sense of who Lanfear really is. He’s so full of fear and self-loathing that he’s seeing the best in Lanfear and the worst in himself, believing they deserve each other. I’m looking forward to the fallout of Egwene seeing Rand’s dream next week.
The White Tower is embroiled in a power struggle between Siuan Sanche and Elaida. The latter can leverage almost as much authority as the Amyrlin Seat thanks to her seniority and her regality – she is advisor to the queen of Andor, after all. Siuan’s humble roots are so core to her identity that she rarely gets through a conversation without making some reference to fish or fishing, and the contempt this provokes in Elaida shows just how strong she thinks her position is by comparison. Shohreh Aghdashloo and Sophie Okonedo trade their characters’ passive aggressive barbs and outright hostility with perfectly even tones, the mix of formal politeness and seething hatred further deepening the tension.
It would be so convenient for Siuan if Elaida were Black Ajah. But the trap she and Verrin lay actually proves her rival is one of the few Aes Sedai she can be sure isn’t working for the Shadow. That should make them allies for the greater good, but really just solidifies how far both will go to undermine the other. That’s a problem, because Siuan is quickly running out of allies.
Egwene warning Moiraine about the dangers of dreaming shows just how much things have changed for the character. She started as an awestruck girl with full reverence for an Aes Sedai, and is now a woman confident enough to guide Moiraine on her mission (despite the peril). But the plot’s real emotional power comes from concluding the complicated love story between Siuan and Moiraine, a relationship built on and torn apart by their unrelenting commitment to preparing the way for the Dragon Reborn.
The Wheel of Time’s cycle of reincarnation is a burden but also a blessing, a chance for their stories to someday find a happy ending. But it won’t be happening in this life, and I’ll miss the strong chemistry Pike and Okonedo had together. Their beautifully raw farewell provides a poignant contrast to how the Amyrlin has to guard herself and everyone else in the Tower while allowing Moiraine to expand on the emotional vulnerability she was able to share with Lan earlier in “Tel'aran'rhiod.”
In the Two Rivers, Alanna and her warder Maksim have gotten over their grief enough to tease each other about how they’re not cut out for village life. But the wound still festers. Their big fight is cathartic, explaining the ethos of the Green Ajah and why Alanna will risk her life to help the Two Rivers but not to pursue vengeance against Liandrin. Luckily Maksim is still a good Warder and comes to bail Alanna out when she needs it. Watching the two of them kill 10 Whitecloaks is an impressive testament to how much more they can accomplish together than apart – that’s a thread that runs throughout “Tel'aran'rhiod” and The Wheel of Time as a whole.
Nynaeve continues to try to be the village wisdom, acting as a moderator in the fighting between Elayne and Mat when she’s not puking her guts out on the ship to Tanchico. The opportunity to escape that dynamic is enough for Mat to finally forgive Min for almost selling him to the Forsaken last season, even if that arrangement is quickly soured by seeing a sketch of her visions.
Poor Mat. The show has made his already difficult arc harsher than it was in the books by changing his dad from a successful horse trader to a poor man who neglects his own family. And now Whitecloaks kill his mom? Mat’s dream of being respectable and wealthy enough to support his family is so simple and already impossible. It seems pretty clear that his mom was just covering for one of her daughter’s channeling – the fact that there’s another potential Aes Sedai in the village supports Alanna’s notion that the people of Two Rivers would be quite the army.
The Sea Folk using the One Power to speed their passage is beautiful – an arresting combination of dancing movement and aurora borealis-like visuals. It makes a big impression on the Aes Sedai, too. “Tel'aran'rhiod” is a reminder of just how big and rich Jordan’s world is, and that the Aes Sedai don’t have all the answers – they’re just very good at pretending to. The Sea Folk philosophy of abandoning control might be helpful in Nynaeve’s quest to get over her block, even if it will be very hard for her to actually do.