FFXIV: Hydaelyn’s weapons get a glowy makeover in stealth-dropped 7.2 addition

Let’s face it, there is no shortage of weapons to choose from in Final Fantasy, regardless of what Job you play. From dungeon drops to crafted weapons and even MogStation purchases, there are thousands to choose from.  However, there is one type of weapon that will always prove more popular than others — the glowing versions of each expansion's trial weapons. The crafted weapons usually get released a full expansion cycle after the trial was originally introduced, or later in some cases, and they always prove popular, even if they aren’t announced in the patch notes ahead of time. Or maybe especially so, everybody loves a surprise, after all. As part of 7.2, Hydaelyn’s Weapons “…of Divine Light” have received a subtle yet very pretty glowing effect and can now be crafted and sold — as long as you have a Crystal of Divine Light and the other crafting materials needed to make them. These new level 90 weapons are called “... of Sanctifying Light”, and they’re currently selling on the Marketboard for a pretty penny — around 4 million Gil each on Goblin. Screenshot by Destructoid The original “... of Divine Light” weapons were a possible drop from The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call, or could be obtained in exchange for Totems in Radz-at-Han, but without the glow, they now look pretty basic in comparison to the new weapons. Don’t get me wrong, they’ve always been pretty, but that added glow just takes things up a notch.  Here’s a selection of the weapons when compared to their new crafted counterparts, so you can see what I mean: Screenshots by Destructoid Screenshots by Destructoid Screenshots by Destructoid Screenshots by Destructoid Sadly, none of the weapons are dyable, much like their non-glowing counterparts, so if you’re anything like me, you’re about to go down a glamour wormhole to make an outfit that fits with the bright blue glow of these weapons.  This is the first time that Reaper and Sage mains will get a new crafted trial weapon, as the Jobs were introduced with the Endwalker expansion. Pictomancer and Viper mains will need to wait until the next expansion cycle, whenever that happens to be, before they begin getting their own shiny weapons to enjoy.  More of these glowing level 90 weapons are likely to be added in each major 7.x major patch moving forward, and I’m excited to see which ones will come next. I’m particularly interested in Golbez’s Voidcase weapons because their design and dark color scheme would lend themselves perfectly to a demonic red glow.  The post FFXIV: Hydaelyn’s weapons get a glowy makeover in stealth-dropped 7.2 addition appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 25, 2025 - 17:59
FFXIV: Hydaelyn’s weapons get a glowy makeover in stealth-dropped 7.2 addition

Player doing the Wow emote in Final Fantasy XIV

Let’s face it, there is no shortage of weapons to choose from in Final Fantasy, regardless of what Job you play. From dungeon drops to crafted weapons and even MogStation purchases, there are thousands to choose from. 

However, there is one type of weapon that will always prove more popular than others — the glowing versions of each expansion's trial weapons. The crafted weapons usually get released a full expansion cycle after the trial was originally introduced, or later in some cases, and they always prove popular, even if they aren’t announced in the patch notes ahead of time. Or maybe especially so, everybody loves a surprise, after all.

As part of 7.2, Hydaelyn’s Weapons “…of Divine Light” have received a subtle yet very pretty glowing effect and can now be crafted and sold — as long as you have a Crystal of Divine Light and the other crafting materials needed to make them. These new level 90 weapons are called “... of Sanctifying Light”, and they’re currently selling on the Marketboard for a pretty penny — around 4 million Gil each on Goblin.

Sanctifying Light weapons on the Marketboard in Final Fantasy XIV
Screenshot by Destructoid

The original “... of Divine Light” weapons were a possible drop from The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call, or could be obtained in exchange for Totems in Radz-at-Han, but without the glow, they now look pretty basic in comparison to the new weapons. Don’t get me wrong, they’ve always been pretty, but that added glow just takes things up a notch. 

Here’s a selection of the weapons when compared to their new crafted counterparts, so you can see what I mean:

Sadly, none of the weapons are dyable, much like their non-glowing counterparts, so if you’re anything like me, you’re about to go down a glamour wormhole to make an outfit that fits with the bright blue glow of these weapons. 

This is the first time that Reaper and Sage mains will get a new crafted trial weapon, as the Jobs were introduced with the Endwalker expansion. Pictomancer and Viper mains will need to wait until the next expansion cycle, whenever that happens to be, before they begin getting their own shiny weapons to enjoy. 

More of these glowing level 90 weapons are likely to be added in each major 7.x major patch moving forward, and I’m excited to see which ones will come next. I’m particularly interested in Golbez’s Voidcase weapons because their design and dark color scheme would lend themselves perfectly to a demonic red glow. 

The post FFXIV: Hydaelyn’s weapons get a glowy makeover in stealth-dropped 7.2 addition appeared first on Destructoid.