Painting tile counters in kitchen
We have an 80's kitchen but no money to redo the whole thing. My wife would like to paint the counters white. They are currently patterned tiles that are glossy-ish. We painted once with a primer, a couple coats of a white latex paint and then two coats of KBS Coatings DiamondFinish Clear Coat. We got this idea from some website or another but it isn't great. It stains easy and seems to chip (perhaps we didn't get it applied evenly enough?). Are there any better ways to do this project? submitted by /u/Srocksly [link] [comments]
We have an 80's kitchen but no money to redo the whole thing. My wife would like to paint the counters white. They are currently patterned tiles that are glossy-ish. We painted once with a primer, a couple coats of a white latex paint and then two coats of KBS Coatings DiamondFinish Clear Coat. We got this idea from some website or another but it isn't great. It stains easy and seems to chip (perhaps we didn't get it applied evenly enough?). Are there any better ways to do this project?
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