Pokémon Go ‘Powerful Potential’ event guide
Pokémon Go’s first event of the “Might and Mastery” season is “Powerful Potential,” which runs from March 5-10. The “Powerful Potential” event adds Charcadet’s shiny form and adds it to a few more egg pools for a limited time. To further encourage players to get hatching, hatch distance has also been reduced to half if […]

Pokémon Go’s first event of the “Might and Mastery” season is “Powerful Potential,” which runs from March 5-10.
The “Powerful Potential” event adds Charcadet’s shiny form and adds it to a few more egg pools for a limited time. To further encourage players to get hatching, hatch distance has also been reduced to half if you put eggs in Incubators during the event.
Alongside this event, the first two steps of the seasonal “Might and Mastery” Special Research have also been added to the game.
Below, we list the perks and bonuses associated with Pokémon Go’s “Powerful Potential” event.
Pokémon Go ‘Powerful Potential’ event Timed Research and reward
If you complete this research before the event ends, you’ll get a special reward. Completing this research will also net you a 1/4 hatch distance bonus for the rest of the event.
‘Powerful Potential’ step 1 of 1
- Hatch 5 eggs (10 Kubfu Candy)
- Win 3 raids (3,000 XP)
- Complete 5 Field Research Tasks (3,000 XP)
- Power up Pokémon 5 times (10 Pinap Berries)
Rewards: Charcadet encounter, 1,500 Stardust, 1 Incubator
Pokémon Go ‘Powerful Potential’ event Field Research and rewards
Spinning a PokéStop during the event period may yield one of these tasks:
- Earn a candy exploring with your buddy (1,000 Stardust)
- Explore 2 km (Gothita, Solosis, or Sinistea encounter)
- Hatch an egg (Gothita, Solosis, or Sinistea encounter)
- Win 2 raids (Alolan Raichu, Hisuian Typhlosion, or Sableye encounter)
Pokémon Go ‘Powerful Potential’ event egg hatches
Part of the hype of this event is the fact that Charcadet is now available shiny and it’ll be hatching out of two, five, seven, and 10 km eggs — but it’s in a pretty diluted pool, as you still have a high chance of getting another seasonal Pokémon from the egg.
You can see the egg hatch possibilities for this event below, courtesy of Leek Duck.
2 km eggs
- Aipom
- Wynaut
- Bonsly
- Ducklett
- Larvesta
- Litleo
- Smoliv
- Charcadet
5 km eggs
- Psyduck
- Larvesta
- Inkay
- Crabrawler
- Komala
- Togedemaru
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Charcadet
7 km eggs
- Alolan Meowth
- Galarian Meowth
- Alolan Grimer
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Hisuian Qwilfish
- Galarian Corsola
- Galarian Darumaka
- Charcadet
10 km eggs
- Larvesta
- Carbink
- Jangmo-o
- Dreepy
- Charcadet
- Frigibax
Pokémon Go ‘Powerful Potential’ event raid targets
The following changes to the raid schedule and Max Battle schedule will take place as part of the event:
One-star raids Three-star raids One-star Max Battles Six-star Max Battles Gothita Alolan Raichu Grookey (March 8-9) Gigantamax Venusaur (March 8-9) Solosis Hisuian Typhlosion Scorbunny (March 8-9) Gigantamax Charizard (March 8-9) Sinistea Sableye Sobble (March 8-9) Gigantamax Blastoise (March 8-9)