If you’re not yet on SlickPic, the platform has just announced a new feature that’s one more reason to sign up for a Pro account. With its Electronic Copyright Office (eCO) Registration Helper, you’ll be able to streamline the process of officially registering your images to secure legal proof of ownership. Whether you’re an amateur or professional photographer, this step is essential to ensuring that your high-quality images are protected against misuse. This is especially crucial if you’re regularly sharing your photos on various public platforms — including your portfolio website. In their official announcement, the folks of SlickPic share the step-by-step guide for registering your image to the eCO system through their Registration Helper. For starters, you need to be a current Pro member or sign up for a free 14-day trial, so you can also explore all the features of a SlickPic Pro account. If you’re just learning about image copyright registration, their post also serves as a quick guide with all the important information you need. So, make sure to check it out!