Tips on sound proofing bedrooms
Right now, the guest bedroom is between mine and my 15 month old son’s bedroom. We will be having another child in the next year and want to hear tips on what best soundproofing options may be. My thoughts were to: Remove drywall in guest bedroom, add insulation, re-drywall, and get better doors for the rooms. Additionally down the road, it would probably work well to add some acoustic dampening art (felt shapes, tapestry, other) submitted by /u/snooty-pooty [link] [comments]
Right now, the guest bedroom is between mine and my 15 month old son’s bedroom. We will be having another child in the next year and want to hear tips on what best soundproofing options may be. My thoughts were to:
Remove drywall in guest bedroom, add insulation, re-drywall, and get better doors for the rooms.
Additionally down the road, it would probably work well to add some acoustic dampening art (felt shapes, tapestry, other)
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