Scrapple Is the Breakfast Meat of Super Bowl Champions

Welcome to Off the Eaten Path, a series where our Test Kitchen creator Noah Tanen dives deep into regional recipes. Next up? Scrapple. Scrapple, for the uninitiated, is a dish true to its name. At diners and breakfast tables across Philadelphia, the metro-area nearest to the Pennsylvania Dutch communities who invented it, slices of scrapple are hacked off of a larger block, seared hot in butter, then hit the plate a deep golden brown and still sizzling. But in its raw form, it is essentially a cold, hard block of congealed and mushed pork scraps. Put another way: the absolute tastiest, most flavorful parts of the pig, otherwise destined for the trash. In Philly, they call it breakfast. Read More >>

Feb 10, 2025 - 23:11
Scrapple Is the Breakfast Meat of Super Bowl Champions

Welcome to Off the Eaten Path, a series where our Test Kitchen creator Noah Tanen dives deep into regional recipes. Next up? Scrapple.

Scrapple, for the uninitiated, is a dish true to its name. At diners and breakfast tables across Philadelphia, the metro-area nearest to the Pennsylvania Dutch communities who invented it, slices of scrapple are hacked off of a larger block, seared hot in butter, then hit the plate a deep golden brown and still sizzling. But in its raw form, it is essentially a cold, hard block of congealed and mushed pork scraps. Put another way: the absolute tastiest, most flavorful parts of the pig, otherwise destined for the trash. In Philly, they call it breakfast.