33 Immortals Weapon Tier List

With the release of 33 Immortals, players can finally team up with up to 32 others as they rebel against God himself. But you'll want to use the best weapons to do so. We've put together this 33 Immortals Weapon Tier List to help you choose which weapon is best for you. Screenshot via Thunder Lotus 33 Immortals Weapon Tier List - All weapons ranked While all four weapons in 33 Immortals have their own strengths that make them worth using, there are certainly varying elements of overall strength right out of the gate with each of them. That being said, keep in mind you can efficiently use any of the four weapons. If you enjoy the playstyle of a certain weapon, play it and build into it and you will be able to clear any content in 33 Immortals. Here is our 33 Immortals tier list ranking all the best weapons: S Tier Daggers of Greed The Daggers of Greed are extremely potent in 33 Immortals, carrying a high base damage for both its Basic Attack (Slashes) and its Charged Attack (Stun Slash). The Special Ability of Daggers of Greed performs a lunging slash consuming all Greed, dealing more damage and a longer stun based on the amount of Greed consumed. Most importantly, you become invulnerable during the lunge animation, making this one of the strongest mobility and defensive abilities in 33 Immortals. A Tier Bow of Hope The Bow of Hope was close to obtaining S Tier on this list but fell just a bit short due to its lower damage output than the Daggers of Greed. The Basic Attack (Arrow) shoots an arrow a set distance away while the Charged Attack (Heavy Arrow) lets you shoot arrows further and deal more damage. You can then recall all the arrows via the Bow of Hope special ability, piercing and damaging enemies that the recalled arrows clip through. This can be extremely useful for upkeeping your co-op buff as well as clearing enemies quickly with smart arrow placement. Sword of Justice The Sword of Justice is a more defensive weapon in 33 Immortals, while still having rather solid damage output. Its Basic Attack (Sword Slash) generates Justice when dealing damage to an enemy, while the Charged Attack (Heavy Slash) consumes Justice to stagger and stun enemies. The special ability for the Sword of Justice is a Guard, consuming Justice to make the player immune to incoming damage. The Sword of Justice is a great option for players who haven't quite perfected dodging attacks in 33 Immortals. B Tier Staff of Sloth The Staff of Sloth is a bit under-tuned compared to the other weapons, with its best ability being its Special Ability (Torpor) which has only situational uses, allowing you to slow enemies in a certain area. The Basic Attack (Orbs) for Staff of Sloth deals moderate damage and generates Sloth while the Charge Attack (Double Orbs) also stuns. Overall the Staff of Sloth just feels weaker compared to its counterparts in 33 Immortals. The post 33 Immortals Weapon Tier List appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 19, 2025 - 00:19
33 Immortals Weapon Tier List

33 Immortals Weapons Tier List

With the release of 33 Immortals, players can finally team up with up to 32 others as they rebel against God himself. But you'll want to use the best weapons to do so. We've put together this 33 Immortals Weapon Tier List to help you choose which weapon is best for you.

33 Immortals Weapon Tier List - All weapons ranked
Screenshot via Thunder Lotus

33 Immortals Weapon Tier List - All weapons ranked

While all four weapons in 33 Immortals have their own strengths that make them worth using, there are certainly varying elements of overall strength right out of the gate with each of them. That being said, keep in mind you can efficiently use any of the four weapons. If you enjoy the playstyle of a certain weapon, play it and build into it and you will be able to clear any content in 33 Immortals. Here is our 33 Immortals tier list ranking all the best weapons:

S Tier

  • Daggers of Greed
    • The Daggers of Greed are extremely potent in 33 Immortals, carrying a high base damage for both its Basic Attack (Slashes) and its Charged Attack (Stun Slash). The Special Ability of Daggers of Greed performs a lunging slash consuming all Greed, dealing more damage and a longer stun based on the amount of Greed consumed. Most importantly, you become invulnerable during the lunge animation, making this one of the strongest mobility and defensive abilities in 33 Immortals.

A Tier

  • Bow of Hope
    • The Bow of Hope was close to obtaining S Tier on this list but fell just a bit short due to its lower damage output than the Daggers of Greed. The Basic Attack (Arrow) shoots an arrow a set distance away while the Charged Attack (Heavy Arrow) lets you shoot arrows further and deal more damage. You can then recall all the arrows via the Bow of Hope special ability, piercing and damaging enemies that the recalled arrows clip through. This can be extremely useful for upkeeping your co-op buff as well as clearing enemies quickly with smart arrow placement.
  • Sword of Justice
    • The Sword of Justice is a more defensive weapon in 33 Immortals, while still having rather solid damage output. Its Basic Attack (Sword Slash) generates Justice when dealing damage to an enemy, while the Charged Attack (Heavy Slash) consumes Justice to stagger and stun enemies. The special ability for the Sword of Justice is a Guard, consuming Justice to make the player immune to incoming damage. The Sword of Justice is a great option for players who haven't quite perfected dodging attacks in 33 Immortals.

B Tier

  • Staff of Sloth
    • The Staff of Sloth is a bit under-tuned compared to the other weapons, with its best ability being its Special Ability (Torpor) which has only situational uses, allowing you to slow enemies in a certain area. The Basic Attack (Orbs) for Staff of Sloth deals moderate damage and generates Sloth while the Charge Attack (Double Orbs) also stuns. Overall the Staff of Sloth just feels weaker compared to its counterparts in 33 Immortals.

The post 33 Immortals Weapon Tier List appeared first on Destructoid.