All Triumphant Light cards list in Pokémon TCG Pocket

The Triumphant Light cards are out now Pokémon TCG Pocket, adding 96 new cards to the competitive mobile game. The Triumphant Light expansion offers one new booster pack with Arceus as the figurehead Pokémon plus a new battle mechanic in the form of Link Abilities. This expansion is roughly the same size as the Mythical […]

Feb 28, 2025 - 16:19
All Triumphant Light cards list in Pokémon TCG Pocket

The Triumphant Light cards are out now Pokémon TCG Pocket, adding 96 new cards to the competitive mobile game.

The Triumphant Light expansion offers one new booster pack with Arceus as the figurehead Pokémon plus a new battle mechanic in the form of Link Abilities. This expansion is roughly the same size as the Mythical Island expansion, so there are a lot of new cards for you to earn and learn!

Below, we’ve created a table outlining all new cards in the Triumphant Light expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket — along with their typing, HP, and any attacks or abilities. And if you’re looking for older expansions, here’s how to change booster packs.

All Triumphant Light cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Here’s every new Triumphant Light card in Pokémon TCG Pocket, laid out in a handy table:

Card #CardTypeHPAttack/Ability
1HeracrossGrass100Single-Horn Throw (50+) — Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, this attack does 70 more damage.
2BurmyGrass50Ram (20)
3MothimGrass90Gust (50)
4CombeeGrass20Bug Bite (20)
5VespiquenGrass100Reckless Charge (120) — This Pokémon also does 30 damage to itself.
6CherubiGrass50Leafage (20)
7CherrimGrass80Worry Seed (40) — Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Confused.
8CherrimGrass80Leach Seed (60) — Heal 20 damage from this Pokémon.
9CarnivineGrass80Vine Whip (20)   Power Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, attacks used by this Pokémon do +30 damage to your opponent's active Pokémon.
10Leafeon exGrass140Solar Beam (70)   Forest Breath (Ability) — Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is in the active spot, you may take a grass energy from your energy zone and attach it to 1 of your grass Pokémon.
11HoundourFire60Flare (20)
12HoundoomFire100Corner (60) — During your opponent's next turn, the defending Pokémon can't retreat.
13HeatranFire110Ragin' Mad Strike (40+) — If this Pokémon has damage on it, this attack does 40 more damage.   Speed Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, this Pokémon has no retreat cost.
14MarillWater60Water Gun (20)
15AzumarillWater100Waterfall (60)
16BarboachWater60Mud-Slap (30)
17WhiscashWater120Thrash (80+) — Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 60 more damage. If tails, this Pokémon also does 20 damage to itself.
18SnoruntWater60Icicle (20)
19FroslassWater90Blizzard (40) — This attack also does 10 damage to each of your opponent's benched Pokémon.
20SnoverWater70Corkscrew Punch (30)
21AbomasnowWater120Mega Punch (80)   Vigor Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, attacks used by this Pokémon cost 1 less colorless energy.
22Glaceon exWater140Freezing Wind (90)   Snowy Terrain (Ability) — During Pokémon checkup, if this Pokémon is in the active spot, do 10 damage to your opponent's active Pokémon.
23Origin Forme PalkiaWater120Zone Smash (60+) — Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 60 more damage.
24PhioneWater60Water Pulse (40) — Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Asleep.
25PikachuLightning60Spark (10) — This attack also does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent's benched Pokémon.
26RaichuLightning90Spark (40) — This attack also does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's benched Pokémon.   Resilience Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, this Pokémon takes -30 damage from attacks.
27ElectrikeLightning60Zap Kick (20)
28ManectricLightning90Flash (40) — During your opponent's next turn, if the defending Pokémon tries to use an attack, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack doesn't happen.
29ClefairyPsychic60Smack (30)
30ClefablePsychic100Moonblast (60) — During your opponent's next turn, attacks used by the defending Pokémon do -30 damage.
31GastlyPsychic50Astonish — Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent reveals a random card from their hand and shuffles it into their deck.
32HaunterPsychic80Mumble (40)
33GengarPsychic140Hypnoblast (70) — Your opponent's active Pokémon is now Asleep.
34UnownPsychic60Hidden Power (20)   CHECK (Ability) — Once during your turn, you may choose either player. Look at the top card of that player's deck.
35RotomPsychic70Dash Attack — This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent' benched Pokémon.   Speed Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, this Pokémon has no retreat cost.
36SudowoodoFighting80Fighting Headbutt (20+) — If your opponent's active Pokémon is a Pokémon ex, this attack does 30 more damage.
37PhanpyFighting60Rollout (20)
38DonphanFighting120Rolling Spin (60) — During your next turn, this Pokémon's Rolling Spin attack does +60 damage.
39LarvitarFighting60Corkscrew Punch (30)
40PupitarFighting80Speed Attack (50)
41TyranitarFighting160Land Crush (130)   Power Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, attacks used by this Pokémon do +30 damage to your opponent' active Pokémon.
42NosepassFighting80Tackle (10)
43MedititeFighting60Kick (20)
44MedichamFighting100Kick Shot (80) — Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.
45GibleFighting60Tackle (20)
46GabiteFighting80Sharp Scythe (30)
47Garchomp exFighting170Linear Attack — This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon.   Dragon Claw (100)
48ZubatDarkness50Bite (20)
49GolbatDarkness80Bite (30)
50CrobatDarkness110Darkness Fang (50)   Cunning Link (Ability) — Once during your turn, if you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, you may do 30 damage to your opponent's active Pokémon.
51CroagunkDarkness60Beat (20)
52ToxicroakDarkness100Toxic — Your opponent' active Pokémon is now Poisoned. Do 20 damage to this Pokémon instead of the usual amount for this Special Condition.
53MagnemiteMetal60Tackle (20)
54MagnetonMetal90Rolling Attack (30)
55MagnezoneMetal140Power Beam (80)   Resilience Link (Ability) — If you have Arceus or Arceus ex in play, this Pokémon takes -30 damage from attacks.
56MawileMetal70Iron Beam Breaker (20+) — If your opponent's active Pokémon is a metal Pokémon, this attack does 30 more damage.
57Probopass exMetal160Defensive Unit (90) — During your opponent's next turn, this Pokémon takes -20 damage from attacks.
58BronzorMetal60Ram (10)
59BronzongMetal120Psychic (50+) — This attack does 20 more damage for each energy attached to your opponent's active Pokémon.
60Origin Forme DialgaMetal120Time Mash (100) — Flip a coin. If tails, during your next turn, this Pokémon can't attack.
61GiratineDragon120Crisis Dive (120) — Discard 2 random energy from this Pokémon.
62EeveeColorless60Tail Whap (30)
63SnorlaxColorless140Collapse (100) — This Pokémon is now Asleep.
64HoothootColorless60Peck (20)
65NoctowlColorless100Silent Wing (50) — Your opponent reveals their hand.
66StarlyColorless60Glide (20)
67StaraviaColorless80Wing Attack (30)
68StaraptorColorless150Brave Bird (130) — This Pokémon also does 20 damage to itself.
69ShayminColorless70Flap (30)   Sky Support (Ability) — As long as this Pokémon is on your bench, your active basic Pokémon's retreat cost is 1 less.
70ArceusColorless120Power Blast (100) — Discard a random energy from this Pokémon.
71Arceus exColorless140Ultimate Force (70+) — This attack does 20 more damage for each of your benched Pokémon.   Fabled Luster (Ability) — This Pokémon can't be affected by any Special Conditions.
72IridaSupporterHeal 40 damage from each of your Pokémon that has any water energy attached.
73Celestic Town ElderSupporterPut 1 random basic Pokémon from your discard pile into your hand.
74BarrySupporterDuring this turn, attacks used by your Snorlax, Heracross, and Staraptor cost 2 less colorless energy.
75AdamanSupporterDuring your opponent's next turn, all of your metal Pokémon take -20 damage from attacks from your opponent's Pokémon.
76HoundoomFire100Corner (60) — During your opponent's next turn, the defending Pokémon can't retreat.
77MarillWater60Water Gun (20)
78UnownPsychic60Hidden Power (20)   CHECK (Ability) — Once during your turn, you may choose either player. Look at the top card of that player's deck.
79SudowoodoFighting80Fighting Headbutt (20+) — If your opponent's active Pokémon is a Pokémon ex, this attack does 30 more damage.
80MagnemiteMetal60Tackle (20)
81ShayminColorless70Flap (30)   Sky Support (Ability) — As long as this Pokémon is on your bench, your active basic Pokémon's retreat cost is 1 less.
82Leafeon exGrass140Solar Beam (70)   Forest Breath (Ability) — Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is in the active spot, you may take a grass energy from your energy zone and attach it to 1 of your grass Pokémon.
83Glaceon exWater140Freezing Wind (90)   Snowy Terrain (Ability) — During Pokémon checkup, if this Pokémon is in the active spot, do 10 damage to your opponent's active Pokémon.
84Garchomp exFighting170Linear Attack — This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon.   Dragon Claw (100)
85Probopass exMetal160Defensive Unit (90) — During your opponent's next turn, this Pokémon takes -20 damage from attacks.
86Arceus exColorless140Ultimate Force (70+) — This attack does 20 more damage for each of your benched Pokémon.   Fabled Luster (Ability) — This Pokémon can't be affected by any Special Conditions.
87IridaSupporterHeal 40 damage from each of your Pokémon that has any water energy attached.
88Celestic Town ElderSupporterPut 1 random basic Pokémon from your discard pile into your hand.
89BarrySupporterDuring this turn, attacks used by your Snorlax, Heracross, and Staraptor cost 2 less colorless energy.
90AdamanSupporterDuring your opponent's next turn, all of your metal Pokémon take -20 damage from attacks from your opponent's Pokémon.
91Leafeon exGrass140Solar Beam (70)   Forest Breath (Ability) — Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is in the active spot, you may take a grass energy from your energy zone and attach it to 1 of your grass Pokémon.
92Glaceon exWater140Freezing Wind (90)   Snowy Terrain (Ability) — During Pokémon checkup, if this Pokémon is in the active spot, do 10 damage to your opponent's active Pokémon.
93Garchomp exFighting170Linear Attack — This attack does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.   Dragon Claw (100)
94Probopass exMetal160Defensive Unit (90) — During your opponent's next turn, this Pokémon takes -20 damage from attacks.
95Arceus exColorless140Ultimate Force (70+) — This attack does 20 more damage for each of your benched Pokémon.   Fabled Luster (Ability) — This Pokémon can't be affected by any Special Conditions.
96Arceus exColorless140Ultimate Force (70+) — This attack does 20 more damage for each of your benched Pokémon.   Fabled Luster (Ability) — This Pokémon can't be affected by any Special Conditions.