How to complete Special Research It’s Not Over Yet in Pokémon GO

If you took part in the Pokémon GO Unova Global Tour event, then you’ll be able to dive into the “It’s Not Over Yet” Special Research tasks. The Special Research has multiple branches at different points, depending on whether you choose the Black or White version.  The It’s Not Over Yet Special Research is a lengthy challenge to complete, but the good news is that there’s no end date for it. That means you can begin now and complete tasks at your own pace. As someone who still has Special Research tasks from 2019 waiting to be completed, this is good news for me, and I’m sure a lot of other more casual players as well.  Here are all of the objectives you’ll need to complete for every step, with the branching options and what rewards are on offer for completing the steps.  Table of contents Step 1 Step 2 Black version White version Step 3 If you chose Snivy If you chose Tepig If you chose Oshawott Step 4 Step 5 Step 1 This first task is shared between all players and is remarkably easy to complete. You simply need to catch one of any Pokémon originally found within the Unova region. This could include the three starters (Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott) or any of the other 156 Unova Pokémon added in Gen 5.  For completing this task (and therefore the step), you’ll receive: 10 GO Unova Tour Stickers 2,025 XP 2,025 Stardust Patrat encounter After catching this first Pokémon, you’ll be asked to choose between Black and White version tasks moving forward. This decision cannot be undone, so choose wisely.  Step 2 Image by Destructoid Black version Special Research task Task rewards Feed your buddy three times Gothita encounter Hatch an egg Vullaby encounter Overall reward: 1 Unova Stone, 3 Reshiram Candy White version Special Research task Task rewards Feed your buddy three times Solosis encounter Hatch an egg Rufflet encounter Overall reward: 1 Unova Stone, 3 Zekrom Candy Step 3 Image by Destructoid After completing either the Black or White version tasks in step 2, you’ll need to choose between Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott before you can begin step 3, with tasks varying depending on who you choose. If you chose Snivy Special Research task Task rewards Power up Grass-type Pokémon five times 1 Incense Use an Incense Snivy encounter Overall reward: 25 Snivy Candy, 5 Snivy Candy XL If you chose Tepig Special Research task Task rewards Power up Fire-type Pokémon five times 1 Incense Use an Incense Tepig encounter Overall reward: 25 Tepig Candy, 5 Tepig Candy XL If you chose Oshawott Special Research task Task rewards Power up Water-type Pokémon five times 1 Incense Use an Incense Oshawott encounter Overall reward: 25 Oshawott Candy, 5 Oshawott Candy XL Step 4 If you’re completing this step after March 22, 2025, you’ll need to complete the same steps regardless of whether you chose Black or White version before step 2. Prior to this, players would need to catch either Zekrom or Reshiram, catch a Kyurem, and then fuse that Kyurem. In other words, things got much easier after the event concluded.  Here are the post-event requirements for step 4: Special Research task Task rewards Catch 50 Fire-type Pokémon 25 Volt Fusion Energy Catch 50 Electric-type Pokémon 25 Blaze Fusion Energy Use 50 Nanab Berries while catching Pokémon 5,000 Stardust Overall reward: 5 Kyurem Candy, 1 Kyurem Candy XL, 2,025 XP Step 5 The fifth step is the same for everyone, regardless of any choices you made during the previous steps: Special Research task Task rewards Win five raids Hilbert’s Hat Pikachu Win five raids Hilda’s Hat Pikachu Win five raids Nate’s Visor Pikachu Win five raids Rosa’s Visor Pikachu Overall reward: 5 Kyurem Candy, 5 GO Unova Tour Stickers, 5 Silver Pinap Berries The post How to complete Special Research It’s Not Over Yet in Pokémon GO appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 22, 2025 - 17:49
How to complete Special Research It’s Not Over Yet in Pokémon GO

Black and White Kyurem in Pokémon GO Unova Tour Global artwork

If you took part in the Pokémon GO Unova Global Tour event, then you’ll be able to dive into the “It’s Not Over Yet” Special Research tasks. The Special Research has multiple branches at different points, depending on whether you choose the Black or White version. 

The It’s Not Over Yet Special Research is a lengthy challenge to complete, but the good news is that there’s no end date for it. That means you can begin now and complete tasks at your own pace. As someone who still has Special Research tasks from 2019 waiting to be completed, this is good news for me, and I’m sure a lot of other more casual players as well. 

Here are all of the objectives you’ll need to complete for every step, with the branching options and what rewards are on offer for completing the steps. 

Step 1

This first task is shared between all players and is remarkably easy to complete. You simply need to catch one of any Pokémon originally found within the Unova region. This could include the three starters (Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott) or any of the other 156 Unova Pokémon added in Gen 5

For completing this task (and therefore the step), you’ll receive:

  • 10 GO Unova Tour Stickers
  • 2,025 XP
  • 2,025 Stardust
  • Patrat encounter

After catching this first Pokémon, you’ll be asked to choose between Black and White version tasks moving forward. This decision cannot be undone, so choose wisely. 

Step 2

Kyurem Black and Kyurem White in Pokémon GO
Image by Destructoid

Black version

Special Research taskTask rewards
Feed your buddy three timesGothita encounter
Hatch an eggVullaby encounter

Overall reward: 1 Unova Stone, 3 Reshiram Candy

White version

Special Research taskTask rewards
Feed your buddy three timesSolosis encounter
Hatch an eggRufflet encounter

Overall reward: 1 Unova Stone, 3 Zekrom Candy

Step 3

Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott in Pokémon GO
Image by Destructoid

After completing either the Black or White version tasks in step 2, you’ll need to choose between Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott before you can begin step 3, with tasks varying depending on who you choose.

If you chose Snivy

Special Research taskTask rewards
Power up Grass-type Pokémon five times1 Incense
Use an IncenseSnivy encounter

Overall reward: 25 Snivy Candy, 5 Snivy Candy XL

If you chose Tepig

Special Research taskTask rewards
Power up Fire-type Pokémon five times1 Incense
Use an IncenseTepig encounter

Overall reward: 25 Tepig Candy, 5 Tepig Candy XL

If you chose Oshawott

Special Research taskTask rewards
Power up Water-type Pokémon five times1 Incense
Use an IncenseOshawott encounter

Overall reward: 25 Oshawott Candy, 5 Oshawott Candy XL

Step 4

If you’re completing this step after March 22, 2025, you’ll need to complete the same steps regardless of whether you chose Black or White version before step 2. Prior to this, players would need to catch either Zekrom or Reshiram, catch a Kyurem, and then fuse that Kyurem. In other words, things got much easier after the event concluded. 

Here are the post-event requirements for step 4:

Special Research taskTask rewards
Catch 50 Fire-type Pokémon25 Volt Fusion Energy
Catch 50 Electric-type Pokémon25 Blaze Fusion Energy
Use 50 Nanab Berries while catching Pokémon5,000 Stardust

Overall reward: 5 Kyurem Candy, 1 Kyurem Candy XL, 2,025 XP

Step 5

The fifth step is the same for everyone, regardless of any choices you made during the previous steps:

Special Research taskTask rewards
Win five raidsHilbert’s Hat Pikachu
Win five raidsHilda’s Hat Pikachu
Win five raidsNate’s Visor Pikachu
Win five raidsRosa’s Visor Pikachu

Overall reward: 5 Kyurem Candy, 5 GO Unova Tour Stickers, 5 Silver Pinap Berries

The post How to complete Special Research It’s Not Over Yet in Pokémon GO appeared first on Destructoid.