If you’re a professional photographer, things may be about to go a little quiet. Perhaps they already have? Even for non-professionals, you may find things are going to get a little more difficult to obtain work or even just head out to photograph. So what can you do in this downtime? None of us like it, and none of us want it, but we can put this time to good use. Website is online presence number one When was the last time you seriously looked at your website? Does it need a spring clean, a total overhaul or just some TLC? When you are busy — and this is a good thing — often things like your website get a little forgotten. How about doing a little research and writing a better, more professional or even more hip About Me page? Do you have an Artist Statement on your website? Maybe it is old and dated, time to spruce it up a bit. What about rates and providers and hosting services? are you actually getting the best deal? Maybe it’s time to shop around and see what else is available. Update your images If you’re a photographer, your images are your calling card. Does your website or social media profile need a sprucing up too? Do you use Flickr, 500px and so many other platforms that often do not get the attention that Facebook and Instagram get? Some of these platforms are actually better at displaying your images at a much higher resolution and better quality, so maybe they could do with some attention. Just like the images on your website, are they relevant, are they current? Do they give the viewer a real sense of WHAT YOU DO? Build your online presence Just because you cannot get out and about, or not have the world come to you in person, doesn’t mean you can’t make the world come to you online. Work on your communication. Reach out, connect, network … it’s all available online. Build your social media following, or even simply start one. It may start small, but take this time to build on it. Work on marketing and schedule days, weeks and even months in advance for when things can perhaps get busy again. Create a community Do you have something to offer an online community or group? Starting a group for a specific purpose can really help build your brand. You can become the go-to person. Offer real value, helpful advice, weekly competitions or challenges. Do you have a YouTube channel? Perhaps you could start one, or even a podcast. Who knows where it could lead! Catch up on editing or pet projects Do you often complain that you are being on personal edits, holidays and such? Do you perhaps complain you have no time to work on your own personal pet projects? This may be the perfect opportunity to do just that. Create, learn play and experiment. There may never be a better time. So things may not be super busy in the studio, but take this time to make a real impact when things settle down. You may not get a chance to when things get busy again.