How to get and use the Shotgun in R.E.P.O
If there's one lesson R.E.P.O players will learn very quickly, it's that a good weapon makes a huge difference when tackling enemies. The early game mainly involves running away and collecting loot, while later levels let you have fun with items you've bought. One such item is the shotgun, a powerful gun that can one-shot most monsters and eliminate tougher ones with enough shots and accuracy. However, it's not as easy to wield as you'd think, especially if you've never used one. Here's how to obtain and use a shotgun in R.E.P.O. Where to find the shotgun in R.E.P.O The shotgun in R.E.P.O is an item you can randomly encounter in the item shop after completing a level. It costs anywhere between $80,000 to $98,000, making it one of the most expensive items in the game. You'll usually spot it on the product shelf in the center of the store, but you may occasionally see it on the floor if someone accidentally knocks it over. Screenshot by Destructoid If you don't see a shotgun in the shop right away, you'll have to complete another level and recheck until you spot one. I found my first shotgun during round three, but you may find it earlier or later, depending on the seed. After spotting a shotgun, toss it onto the purchasing platform and press the big red button to own it for the rest of your save. How to use the shotgun in R.E.P.O Like other guns in R.E.P.O, the shotgun requires picking it up like you would any other item, carefully aiming it in front of you, and pressing E to shoot it. However, rather than shooting in the direction you're facing, it'll fire wherever its tip is pointing. In short, even if you're looking forward, it can shoot to the side if your hands are shaky or you get startled by a monster. Is the shotgun good in R.E.P.O? The shotgun's strength greatly depends on your ability to wield it without getting overwhelmed by enemies. The shotgun is a close-range weapon, so you'll need the courage to run up to a monster and steady your hands enough to land the shot. Missing can easily lead to your character's demise, especially if it's still recharging. It's also much more expensive than most items in R.E.P.O, making it difficult to save up enough money to use it. You're usually better off buying Energy Crystals or health. However, if you're far into your playthrough and have extra money saved up, the shotgun can help you out a lot. The upside is that it can easily one-shot most enemies in the game if you land a point-blank hit. Although R.E.P.O's monsters eventually respawn, killing them still gives you time to collect more items without worrying as much about unexpected attacks. You can also use weapons like the tranq gun to stun enemies, making it much easier to eliminate them and move on. The post How to get and use the Shotgun in R.E.P.O appeared first on Destructoid.

If there's one lesson R.E.P.O players will learn very quickly, it's that a good weapon makes a huge difference when tackling enemies. The early game mainly involves running away and collecting loot, while later levels let you have fun with items you've bought.
One such item is the shotgun, a powerful gun that can one-shot most monsters and eliminate tougher ones with enough shots and accuracy. However, it's not as easy to wield as you'd think, especially if you've never used one. Here's how to obtain and use a shotgun in R.E.P.O.
Where to find the shotgun in R.E.P.O
The shotgun in R.E.P.O is an item you can randomly encounter in the item shop after completing a level. It costs anywhere between $80,000 to $98,000, making it one of the most expensive items in the game. You'll usually spot it on the product shelf in the center of the store, but you may occasionally see it on the floor if someone accidentally knocks it over.
If you don't see a shotgun in the shop right away, you'll have to complete another level and recheck until you spot one. I found my first shotgun during round three, but you may find it earlier or later, depending on the seed. After spotting a shotgun, toss it onto the purchasing platform and press the big red button to own it for the rest of your save.
How to use the shotgun in R.E.P.O
Like other guns in R.E.P.O, the shotgun requires picking it up like you would any other item, carefully aiming it in front of you, and pressing E to shoot it. However, rather than shooting in the direction you're facing, it'll fire wherever its tip is pointing. In short, even if you're looking forward, it can shoot to the side if your hands are shaky or you get startled by a monster.
Is the shotgun good in R.E.P.O?
The shotgun's strength greatly depends on your ability to wield it without getting overwhelmed by enemies. The shotgun is a close-range weapon, so you'll need the courage to run up to a monster and steady your hands enough to land the shot. Missing can easily lead to your character's demise, especially if it's still recharging.
It's also much more expensive than most items in R.E.P.O, making it difficult to save up enough money to use it. You're usually better off buying Energy Crystals or health. However, if you're far into your playthrough and have extra money saved up, the shotgun can help you out a lot.
The upside is that it can easily one-shot most enemies in the game if you land a point-blank hit. Although R.E.P.O's monsters eventually respawn, killing them still gives you time to collect more items without worrying as much about unexpected attacks. You can also use weapons like the tranq gun to stun enemies, making it much easier to eliminate them and move on.
The post How to get and use the Shotgun in R.E.P.O appeared first on Destructoid.