How to get more seeds in Schedule 1

The start of a flourishing business is a few little seeds. The post How to get more seeds in Schedule 1 appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 25, 2025 - 21:16
How to get more seeds in Schedule 1

After harvesting your first bit of weed in Schedule 1, you’ll quickly run out with no apparent way to get more. You’ll get more after advancing through the prologue, but unlocking more is an entirely separate challenge. Here’s how to get more seeds in Schedule 1.

How to buy more seeds in Schedule 1

You can obtain more weed seeds after completing Schedule 1’s prologue and buying your first motel room. Shortly after getting a motel and buying your first set of supplies for weed growing, you’ll get a new quest objective to contact Albert Hoover and order your first batch of seeds.

Schedule 1 seed purchase menu
Screenshot by Destructoid

The price of each weed seed container depends on its type. While your first seed type, OG Kush, costs $30 per batch, others you unlock later in your playthrough will increase in price and rarity. These more expensive plants will attract more customer types and make you more money.

Once you order some seeds from Albert, he’ll gather them and send them to dead drops in Hyland Point. It usually takes a few minutes for him to send them, so you can spend this time talking to potential customers or buying more supplies if needed. Otherwise, wait for the dead drop notification to find a map marker indicating where it’s arriving.

How to unlock more seed types in Schedule 1

You’ll naturally unlock more seed types as you play Schedule 1. By selling OG Kush to customers in Hyland Point and advancing through the story, you’ll gain ranks that bring you closer to unlocking these. Here’s a list of every seed, their required rank, and price:

SeedRank RequiredCost
OG KushDefault$30
Sour DieselStreet Rat IV$35
Green CrackHoodlum II$40
Granddaddy PurpleHoodlum IV$45

At first, you’ll only sell OG Kush to clients around town while avoiding and cooperating with the police. Customers will ask for different varieties as you unlock more seed types, making your operations slightly more complex. By this point, though, you’ll have your bearings on managing your new business, so it’ll just be a matter of remembering to stock up on seeds. You can even get a few friends to play Schedule 1 with you if you want to progress quickly.

The post How to get more seeds in Schedule 1 appeared first on Destructoid.