Makino Kurumazuka kofun walkthrough in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Makino Kurumakuka Kofun is a kofun in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, located in the northern tip of the Izumi Settsu province. Like all kofun in Shadows, it’s a poorly lit series of tunnels that’s extremely easy to get lost in, but if you navigate it successfully, you’ll get rare gear. In this Assassin’s Creed Shadows guide, […]

Mar 25, 2025 - 18:52
Makino Kurumazuka kofun walkthrough in Assassin’s Creed Shadows
The entrance to Makino Kurumazuka Kofun looms over a river in AC Shadows

Makino Kurumakuka Kofun is a kofun in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, located in the northern tip of the Izumi Settsu province. Like all kofun in Shadows, it’s a poorly lit series of tunnels that’s extremely easy to get lost in, but if you navigate it successfully, you’ll get rare gear.

In this Assassin’s Creed Shadows guide, we’ll show you how to enter Makino Kurumazuka Kofun, alongside a full walkthrough of the dungeon and details about the rewards you get.

How to enter Makino Kurumazuka Kofun

A map shows the location of Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

Makino Kurukazuka Kofun is in the Yawata Plains subregion of Izumi Settsu. It’s due east across the river from Takatsuki and north of the Bamboo Cutters Watchtower synchronization point.

Note that you cannot enter Makino Kurumazuka Kofun until you’ve unlocked Yasuke. And you’ll also need to play as Yasuke to complete the Kofun. Yasuke stands near an explosive barrel near Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

To the left of the stairs leading to Makino Kurumazuka’s entrance, you’ll see an explosive barrel, which you can only lift while playing as Yasuke. Yasuke blows up the entrance to Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

Pick it up, bring it down the stairs, place it next to the collapsed boulders at the end of the tunnel, and then use Yasuke’s bow or teppo gun to shoot the barrel. (You can also hit explosive barrels with a melee weapon when standing next to them. Though you’ll take damage, since Makino Kurumazuka isn’t a combat zone, you’ll automatically heal back to full health throughout the dungeon.)

Makino Kurumazuka Kofun walkthrough

Yasuke stands in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun room 1 in AC Shadows

In the first room, grab the chest on your left, then take the tunnel to your right. Push the giant crate forward, then take the stairs on your right to a tunnel that leads to the next room. Yasuke pulls a giant crate in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

In this room, pull the giant crate back, revealing another tunnel. Follow that tunnel as far as it goes, until you end up going up some stairs and into a room with two explosive barrels on the left and a pile of boulders on the right. Yasuke blows up an explosive barrel and wall in Makino Kurumazuka in AC Shadows

You know what to do. Yasuke holds an explosive barrel in Makino Kurumazuka in AC Shadows

Once the wall is exploded, go back and grab the second explosive barrel, then bring it up the stairs to your left. At the top of the ledge, you’ll see another cluster of boulders blocking the way to the next room. Place the barrel, blow it up, move into the next tunnel, and go right.

In the next room, you’ll stumble upon a pond with a slate ledge hanging over it. Swim across the pond, then follow the tunnel until it loops around to a room overlooking the room with the pond you were just in. Yasuke stands in a room in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

To your right, behind some crates, you’ll find some explosive barrels (thin arrow in the image above). Grab one, then jump across the gap while holding it and use it to explode the cluster of boulders on the far wall (thick arrow). Yasuke stands in a room in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

In the next tunnel, go left, though note that you’ll need to go prone to fit through the gap. Take that tunnel as far as it goes. When you reach the next room, you’ll see a tightrope, but it’ll snap if you try to walk on it. Either way, drop down, then take the route to your right. Yasuke moves a giant crate in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

In this room, you’ll find a giant crate. Pull it backward in the room with the tightrope, then move it left so it’s flush with the ledge on the other side. Use it to climb up to the ledge. Follow the stairs and tunnel to the final puzzle of Makino Kurumazuka Kofun. Yasuke stands in a room with two boxes in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

First, pull out the crates to your left. This will reveal a tunnel. Follow it until it loops around to a small chamber on the right side of the room. Yasuke stands in a room with two boxes in Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

In this chamber, move both boxes right, starting with the right one first. Then grab the explosive barrel and bring it into the main part of the room, but don’t do anything with it yet! Set it on the ground in a safe spot where you won’t accidentally blow it up. Yasuke stands in the final room of Makino Kurumazuka Kofun in AC Shadows

Move the boxes so they’re situated like the image above. Then hop along the stairs, boxes, and bamboo shelf to reach the far side. At the far side, you’ll need to throw the barrel across the gap before jumping across (Yasuke can’t jump this gap while holding it). But once you use it to explode another pile of boulders, you’ll be able to follow the tunnel that’s revealed to a chamber with reward of Makino Kurumazuka Kofun.

Makino Kurumazuka rewards

A menu shows the Makino Kurumazuka Kofun rewards in AC Shadows

For completing Makino Kurumazuka Kofun, you’ll get a knowledge point, 1,000 XP, and the Blush of the Earth legendary bow, a weapon that can be equipped by Yasuke. Its perk extends the Clear Mind ability — which slows down time for 10 second when aiming a bow — by an additional five seconds.

For more Assassin’s Creed Shadows guides, see our running lists of Lost Pages, Kuji-kiri, and armor locations. Or see our full Assassin’s Creed Shadows walkthrough, and our guides on how to get all companions and romance options.