No Man’s Sky’s newest update adds bones and fossils beneath the earth
It’s almost comical how many free expansions Hello Games have now released for No Man’s Sky, and the studio shows no signs of stopping. On Wednesday March 26, a new update called Relics went live in No Man’s Sky. Relics, as the name suggests, is all about unearthing hidden treasure and skeletal remains from beneath […]

It’s almost comical how many free expansions Hello Games have now released for No Man’s Sky, and the studio shows no signs of stopping. On Wednesday March 26, a new update called Relics went live in No Man’s Sky. Relics, as the name suggests, is all about unearthing hidden treasure and skeletal remains from beneath the earth. Unlike the previous, much vaster Worlds updates that changed ecosystems and bodies of water, Relics is laser focused on catering to the treasure hunters and paleontologists amongst us.
Right now, players can dig to their hearts content and terraform a planet as much as they like, but there’s not too much to find beneath the soil but ferrite dust and the occasional upgrade capsule. Relics will add procedurally generated bones of all sizes to worlds, and players can rebuild them freely in an attempt to figure out what kind of creature it may have been. (Or, you could just create a giant skeleton monster out of assembled bones to astonish your friends and alarm your enemies.)
This sounds charming and fun, but are there any risks? Hello Games teases dangerous guards over rare treasures, like the Stone Ghosts, Stone Golem, and the terrifying-sounding Titan Worm. While digging will remain the best way to get bones, if a particular piece of the skeleton eludes you, a new specialist on the Space Station will be happy to barter with you. This is a narrowly focused update, much like the previous patch that added fishing, but it’s another neat way Hello Games are rounding out the No Man’s Sky experience, even though the game is getting close to being a decade old. I can dig it.