All Schedule 1 customer locations and favorite drugs

Customers are the pillars of your empire in Schedule 1, as your success and growth will depend on how many products you get to sell. As you level up and increase your base of operations, new areas will be unlocked. A new area brings fresh set of clients, and the customers have different needs and demands. To satisfy their needs, you'll want to pay attention to what your customers want, and some of them are more important than the rest. This guide will give you an information about all the customers available in all six regions, along with their personal preferences. All Schedule 1 customers in Northtown The first region, Northtown has the highest number of customers. Customer Preferences Kyle Cooley Calming, Munchies, Smelly Austin Steiner Munchies, Calorie-Dense, Euphoric Jessi Walters Sneaky, Paranoia, Energizing Kathy Henderson Athletic, Energizing, Focused Sam Thompson Smelly, Athletic, Munchies Geraldine Poon Blading, Long-Faced, Sedating Mick Lubbin Sneaky, Euphoric, Bright-Eyed Peter File Sneaky, Refreshing, Focused Chloe Bowers Euphoric, Shrinking, Munchies Donna Martin Lethal, Refreshing, Munchies Peggy Myers Energizing, Refreshing, Bright-Eyed Mrs. Ming Shrinking, Electrifying, Gingeritis Ludwig Meyer Energizing, Euphoric, Refreshing Beth Penn Schizophrenic, Seizure-Inducing, Lethal All Schedule 1 customers in Westville Westville takes about a couple of hours to unlock once you have levelled up slightly. Customer Preferences Trent Sherman Balding, Athletic, Calorie Dense Meg Cooley Slippery, Thought-Provoking, Sneaky Joyce Ball Euphoric, Thought-Provoking, Calorie-Dense Keith Wagner Slippery, Sneaky, Tropic Thunder Doris Lubbin Tropic Thunder, Spicy, Balding Kim Delaney Focused, Jennerising, Shrinking Charles Rowland Sedating, Foggy, Disorienting Jerry Montero Gingeritis, Smelly, Thought-Provoking Dean Webster Glowing, Spicy, Laxative George Greene Thought-Provoking, Energizing, Focused All Schedule 1 customers in Downtown Downtown gains you access to more POIs, and you'll be able to buy businesses. Customer Preferences Jeff Gilmore Lon-Faced, Laxative, Sedating Greg FIggle Euphoric, Toxic, Tropic Thunder Randy Caulfield None Philip Wentworth Refreshing, Foggy, Shrinking Eugene Buckley Schizophrenic, Toxic, Calming Louis Fourier Paranoia, Shrinking, Seizure-Inducing Kevin Oakley No Preference Lucy Pennington Calorie-Dense, Glowing, Euphoric Jennifer Rivera Toxic, Shrinking, Slippery Elizabeth Homley Tropic Thunder, Sedating, Toxic All Schedule 1 customers in Docks Docks officially opens up the chance to make Cocaine, and own the Docks property to establish a new base for your business. Customer Preferences Billy Kramer Long-Faced, Schizophrenic, Spicy Melissa Anti-Gravity, Slippery, Refreshing Mac Cooper Spicy, Focused, Long Marco Barone Sneaky, Long-Faced, Refreshing Cranky Frank Toxic, Tropic-Thunder. Laxative Genghis Barn Electrifying, Athletic, Gingeritis Javier Perez No preference Lisa Gardener Anti-gravity, Schizophrenic, Laxative Anna Chesterfield Refreshing, Euphoric, Thought-Provoking All Schedule 1 customers in Suburbia Suburbia is slightly located to the outskirts of Hyland Point. Customer Preferences Alison Knight No Preference Jeremy Wilkinson Balding, Slipper, Calorie-Dense Harold Colt Foggy. Jennerising, Spocy Carl Bundy Disorienting, Spicy, Foggy Jack Knight Lethal, Thought-Provoking, Shrinking Dennis Kennedy Bright-Eyed, Athletic, Focused Jackie Stevenson No Preference Hank Stevenson Sneaky, Toxic, Schizophrenic Karen Kennedy No Preference Chris Sullivan Euphoric, Electrifying, Sneaky All Schedule 1 customers in Uptown Uptown is where the elites are located. You can make a lot of money, but the clients will settle for nothing but your finest. Customer Preferences Pearl Moore Explosive, Schizophrenic, Gingeritis Tobas Wentworth Lethal, Spicy, Disorienting Michael Boog Schizophrenic, Calming, Jennerising Herbert Bleuball Sneaky, Energizing, Disorienting Walter Cussler Schizophrenic, Balding, Calming Jen Heard Sneaky, Energizing, Disorienting Ray Hoffman No Preference Fiona Hancock Tropic Thunder. Lethal, Thought-Provoking Lily Turner No Preference The post All Schedule 1 customer locations and favorite drugs appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 29, 2025 - 13:30
All Schedule 1 customer locations and favorite drugs

Marco in Schedule 1

Customers are the pillars of your empire in Schedule 1, as your success and growth will depend on how many products you get to sell.

As you level up and increase your base of operations, new areas will be unlocked. A new area brings fresh set of clients, and the customers have different needs and demands. To satisfy their needs, you'll want to pay attention to what your customers want, and some of them are more important than the rest.

This guide will give you an information about all the customers available in all six regions, along with their personal preferences.

All Schedule 1 customers in Northtown

The first region, Northtown has the highest number of customers.

Kyle CooleyCalming, Munchies, Smelly
Austin SteinerMunchies, Calorie-Dense, Euphoric
Jessi WaltersSneaky, Paranoia, Energizing
Kathy HendersonAthletic, Energizing, Focused
Sam ThompsonSmelly, Athletic, Munchies
Geraldine PoonBlading, Long-Faced, Sedating
Mick LubbinSneaky, Euphoric, Bright-Eyed
Peter FileSneaky, Refreshing, Focused
Chloe BowersEuphoric, Shrinking, Munchies
Donna MartinLethal, Refreshing, Munchies
Peggy MyersEnergizing, Refreshing, Bright-Eyed
Mrs. MingShrinking, Electrifying, Gingeritis
Ludwig MeyerEnergizing, Euphoric, Refreshing
Beth PennSchizophrenic, Seizure-Inducing, Lethal

All Schedule 1 customers in Westville

Westville takes about a couple of hours to unlock once you have levelled up slightly.

Trent ShermanBalding, Athletic, Calorie Dense
Meg CooleySlippery, Thought-Provoking, Sneaky
Joyce BallEuphoric, Thought-Provoking, Calorie-Dense
Keith WagnerSlippery, Sneaky, Tropic Thunder
Doris LubbinTropic Thunder, Spicy, Balding
Kim DelaneyFocused, Jennerising, Shrinking
Charles RowlandSedating, Foggy, Disorienting
Jerry MonteroGingeritis, Smelly, Thought-Provoking
Dean WebsterGlowing, Spicy, Laxative
George GreeneThought-Provoking, Energizing, Focused

All Schedule 1 customers in Downtown

Downtown gains you access to more POIs, and you'll be able to buy businesses.

Jeff GilmoreLon-Faced, Laxative, Sedating
Greg FIggleEuphoric, Toxic, Tropic Thunder
Randy CaulfieldNone
Philip WentworthRefreshing, Foggy, Shrinking
Eugene BuckleySchizophrenic, Toxic, Calming
Louis FourierParanoia, Shrinking, Seizure-Inducing
Kevin OakleyNo Preference
Lucy PenningtonCalorie-Dense, Glowing, Euphoric
Jennifer RiveraToxic, Shrinking, Slippery
Elizabeth HomleyTropic Thunder, Sedating, Toxic

All Schedule 1 customers in Docks

Docks officially opens up the chance to make Cocaine, and own the Docks property to establish a new base for your business.

Billy KramerLong-Faced, Schizophrenic, Spicy
Melissa Anti-Gravity, Slippery, Refreshing
Mac CooperSpicy, Focused, Long
Marco BaroneSneaky, Long-Faced, Refreshing
Cranky FrankToxic, Tropic-Thunder. Laxative
Genghis BarnElectrifying, Athletic, Gingeritis
Javier PerezNo preference
Lisa GardenerAnti-gravity, Schizophrenic, Laxative
Anna ChesterfieldRefreshing, Euphoric, Thought-Provoking

All Schedule 1 customers in Suburbia

Suburbia is slightly located to the outskirts of Hyland Point.

Alison KnightNo Preference
Jeremy WilkinsonBalding, Slipper, Calorie-Dense
Harold ColtFoggy. Jennerising, Spocy
Carl BundyDisorienting, Spicy, Foggy
Jack KnightLethal, Thought-Provoking, Shrinking
Dennis KennedyBright-Eyed, Athletic, Focused
Jackie StevensonNo Preference
Hank StevensonSneaky, Toxic, Schizophrenic
Karen KennedyNo Preference
Chris SullivanEuphoric, Electrifying, Sneaky

All Schedule 1 customers in Uptown

Uptown is where the elites are located. You can make a lot of money, but the clients will settle for nothing but your finest.

Pearl MooreExplosive, Schizophrenic, Gingeritis
Tobas WentworthLethal, Spicy, Disorienting
Michael BoogSchizophrenic, Calming, Jennerising
Herbert BleuballSneaky, Energizing, Disorienting
Walter CusslerSchizophrenic, Balding, Calming
Jen HeardSneaky, Energizing, Disorienting
Ray HoffmanNo Preference
Fiona HancockTropic Thunder. Lethal, Thought-Provoking
Lily TurnerNo Preference

The post All Schedule 1 customer locations and favorite drugs appeared first on Destructoid.