Pokémon GO Might and Mastery season schedule, Dynamax and Gigantamax debuts, more
The latest Pokémon GO season, Might and Mastery, has finally kicked off with a ton of new content for the fans to enjoy. This includes an event, the debut of a few Pokémon, rewards, and much more. Table of Contents Might and Mastery dates and times All Pokémon debuts Special Research Wild encounters rotations and Eggs Community Days Pokémon GO Might and Mastery dates and times The Might and Mastery season in Pokémon GO went live on March 4, 2025, and will end on June 3, 2025, at 10 a.m. local time. Image by Niantic All Pokémon debuts in Might and Mastery The new season kicked off by introducing Kubfu to the roster. You can complete all tasks in the free Special Research for a Kubfu encounter in the wilds. Urshifu, its evolved form, has also been introduced with Might and Mastery. Urshifu will have both the Single Strike and Rapid Strike styles; you can unlock them through Dynamax. Alongside Kubfu, there's a chance to encounter a Shiny Charcadet if you're lucky enough! More Pokémon from the Galar region (featured in Pokémon Sword and Shield), including Nickit and Thievul, will be added. Gigantamax Machamp will also debut this season. Machamp can achieve this form from 6-star Max Battles. Special Research There will be a total of five Special Researches throughout the Might and Mastery season. At the time of writing, only two parts have been unlocked. We will update the section when more of them appear in-game. Might and Mastery (1/5) Task Reward Explore 3km 15x PokeBalls Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket members 5x Revives Use a supereffective Charged Attack 1x Charged TM Reward: 891XP and Dynamax Kubfu encounter. Might and Mastery (2/5) Task Reward Win 3 raids 3000× Stardust Spin 30 PokéStops or Gyms 3000× Stardust Power up Pokémon 10 times 3000× Stardust Earn 25000 XP 2× Rare Candy Reward: 891XP and 25× Candy. Wild encounters rotations and Eggs Wild encounters rotations Biome Wild Pokémon Encounters Cities Ampharos*CharjabugElectrike*Ferroseed*FlaaffyPidove*Whismur* Forests AriadosCottonee*Foongus*SteeneTsareenaWurmple*Yanma* Mountains ClodsireCroagunk*Hippopotas*Nincada*Paldean Wooper*Slakoth*Stunfisk* Beaches & Water BarbaracleCarvanha*Marill*Qwilfish*SealeoSpheal*Wailmer* Northern Hemisphere Bronzor*Chespin*Deerling (Spring)*Deino*Fennekin*Froakie*Hisuian Sneasel* Southern Hemisphere Beldum*Deerling (Autumn)*Hisuian Growlithe*Litten*Popplio*Rowlet*Sneasel* Image by Niantic Eggs Egg Pokémon that can hatch 2 km Eggs Aipom*Bonsly*Ducklett*Psyduck*Smoliv*Wynaut* 5 km Eggs Crabrawler*GrookeyKomala*ScorbunnySobbleTogedemaru* 5 km Eggs (Adventure Sync Rewards) Anorith*Lileep*Mucnhlax*Riolu*Skarmory* 7 km Eggs Alolan Grimer*Alolan Meowth*Galarian Corsola*Galarian Meowth*Hisuian Voltorb* 7 km Eggs (Route Rewards) Alolan Vulpix*Basculin (White-Striped Form)*Galarian Corsola*Hisuian Sneasel*Pawniard* 10 km Eggs CarbinkCharcadet*DreepyFrigibaxJangmo-o*Larvesta* 10 km Eggs (Adventure Sync Rewards) Bagon*Charcadet*FrigibaxGible*Jangmo-o* Might and Mastery Community Days Here are all the Community Days in Pokémon GO Might and Mastery season: March 8 - March Community Day - Fuecoco March 22 - March Community Day Classic - Totodile April 27 - April Community Day - To be announced May 11 - May Community Day - To be announced May 24 - May Community Day Classic - To be announced The post Pokémon GO Might and Mastery season schedule, Dynamax and Gigantamax debuts, more appeared first on Destructoid.

The latest Pokémon GO season, Might and Mastery, has finally kicked off with a ton of new content for the fans to enjoy. This includes an event, the debut of a few Pokémon, rewards, and much more.
Table of Contents
- Might and Mastery dates and times
- All Pokémon debuts
- Special Research
- Wild encounters rotations and Eggs
- Community Days
Pokémon GO Might and Mastery dates and times
The Might and Mastery season in Pokémon GO went live on March 4, 2025, and will end on June 3, 2025, at 10 a.m. local time.
All Pokémon debuts in Might and Mastery
The new season kicked off by introducing Kubfu to the roster. You can complete all tasks in the free Special Research for a Kubfu encounter in the wilds. Urshifu, its evolved form, has also been introduced with Might and Mastery. Urshifu will have both the Single Strike and Rapid Strike styles; you can unlock them through Dynamax.
Alongside Kubfu, there's a chance to encounter a Shiny Charcadet if you're lucky enough! More Pokémon from the Galar region (featured in Pokémon Sword and Shield), including Nickit and Thievul, will be added.
Gigantamax Machamp will also debut this season. Machamp can achieve this form from 6-star Max Battles.
Special Research
There will be a total of five Special Researches throughout the Might and Mastery season. At the time of writing, only two parts have been unlocked. We will update the section when more of them appear in-game.
Might and Mastery (1/5)
Task | Reward |
Explore 3km | 15x PokeBalls |
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket members | 5x Revives |
Use a supereffective Charged Attack | 1x Charged TM |
- Reward: 891XP and Dynamax Kubfu encounter.
Might and Mastery (2/5)
Task | Reward |
Win 3 raids | 3000× Stardust |
Spin 30 PokéStops or Gyms | 3000× Stardust |
Power up Pokémon 10 times | 3000× Stardust |
Earn 25000 XP | 2× Rare Candy |
- Reward: 891XP and 25× Candy.
Wild encounters rotations and Eggs
Wild encounters rotations
Biome | Wild Pokémon Encounters |
Cities | Ampharos* Charjabug Electrike* Ferroseed* Flaaffy Pidove* Whismur* |
Forests | Ariados Cottonee* Foongus* Steene Tsareena Wurmple* Yanma* |
Mountains | Clodsire Croagunk* Hippopotas* Nincada* Paldean Wooper* Slakoth* Stunfisk* |
Beaches & Water | Barbaracle Carvanha* Marill* Qwilfish* Sealeo Spheal* Wailmer* |
Northern Hemisphere | Bronzor* Chespin* Deerling (Spring)* Deino* Fennekin* Froakie* Hisuian Sneasel* |
Southern Hemisphere | Beldum* Deerling (Autumn)* Hisuian Growlithe* Litten* Popplio* Rowlet* Sneasel* |

Egg | Pokémon that can hatch |
2 km Eggs | Aipom* Bonsly* Ducklett* Psyduck* Smoliv* Wynaut* |
5 km Eggs | Crabrawler* Grookey Komala* Scorbunny Sobble Togedemaru* |
5 km Eggs (Adventure Sync Rewards) | Anorith* Lileep* Mucnhlax* Riolu* Skarmory* |
7 km Eggs | Alolan Grimer* Alolan Meowth* Galarian Corsola* Galarian Meowth* Hisuian Voltorb* |
7 km Eggs (Route Rewards) | Alolan Vulpix* Basculin (White-Striped Form)* Galarian Corsola* Hisuian Sneasel* Pawniard* |
10 km Eggs | Carbink Charcadet* Dreepy Frigibax Jangmo-o* Larvesta* |
10 km Eggs (Adventure Sync Rewards) | Bagon* Charcadet* Frigibax Gible* Jangmo-o* |
Might and Mastery Community Days
Here are all the Community Days in Pokémon GO Might and Mastery season:
- March 8 - March Community Day - Fuecoco
- March 22 - March Community Day Classic - Totodile
- April 27 - April Community Day - To be announced
- May 11 - May Community Day - To be announced
- May 24 - May Community Day Classic - To be announced
The post Pokémon GO Might and Mastery season schedule, Dynamax and Gigantamax debuts, more appeared first on Destructoid.