
Stable Diffusion 3.5 opens new doors in digital art

Stable Diffusion 3.5, the latest release from Stability AI, introduces three pow...

Convolutional LSTM for spatial forecasting

In forecasting spatially-determined phenomena (the weather, say, or the next fra...

Forecasting El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an atmospheric phenomenon, located in the...

Simple audio classification with torch

This article translates Daniel Falbel's post on "Simple Audio Classification" fr...

First mlverse survey results – software, applications, ...

Last month, we conducted our first survey on mlverse software, covering topics r...

torch, tidymodels, and high-energy physics

Today we introduce tabnet, a torch implementation of "TabNet: Attentive Interpre...

torch time series, take three: Sequence-to-sequence pre...

In our overview of techniques for time-series forecasting, we move on to sequenc...

torch time series continued: A first go at multi-step p...

We continue our exploration of time-series forecasting with torch, moving on to ...

Introductory time-series forecasting with torch

This post is an introduction to time-series forecasting with torch. Central topi...

torch for optimization

Torch is not just for deep learning. Its L-BFGS optimizer, complete with Strong-...

sparklyr 1.6: weighted quantile summaries, power iterat...

The sparklyr 1.6 release introduces weighted quantile summaries, an R interface ...

torch time series, final episode: Attention

We conclude our mini-series on time-series forecasting with torch by augmenting ...

Que haja luz: More light for torch!

Today, we're introducing luz, a high-level interface to torch that lets you trai...

sparklyr.sedona: A sparklyr extension for analyzing geo...

We are excited to announce the availability of sparklyr.sedona, a sparklyr exten...

sparklyr 1.7: New data sources and spark_apply() capabi...

Sparklyr 1.7 delivers much-anticipated improvements, including R interfaces for ...

torch: Just-in-time compilation (JIT) for R-less model ...

Using the torch just-in-time (JIT) compiler, it is possible to query a model tra...

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