Will Overwatch 2’s perk system be good for the esports scene?

Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment via Steam Overwatch 2‘s new perk system has shaken up the competitive scene, but not everyone is on board with this drastic shift in the hero shooter. Many players have welcomed hero perks as a fresh change of pace. However, some pro players are concerned that the game is straying further … Continued The post Will Overwatch 2’s perk system be good for the esports scene? appeared first on Esports Insider.

Mar 3, 2025 - 18:23
Will Overwatch 2’s perk system be good for the esports scene?
Tracer, Reinhardt, Hazard, Reaper, Juno, and Mercy in Overwatch 2
Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment via Steam

Overwatch 2‘s new perk system has shaken up the competitive scene, but not everyone is on board with this drastic shift in the hero shooter.

Many players have welcomed hero perks as a fresh change of pace. However, some pro players are concerned that the game is straying further into a meta-driven environment.

The new hero perk system was released on February 18, 2025, at the start of Season 15. The game hasn’t seen such a major overhaul to its mechanics since the game first switched over to a 5v5 format back in August 2023.

Shortly after the Overwatch Spotlight event presented by game director, Aaron Keller, players were able to get their hands on over 152 perks that transform how they play their favourite heroes.

It’s a system that has affected players on all levels, including its recent introduction into the Overwatch Champions Series (OWCS).

Some welcome the freedom of choice perks offer to players, whilst others criticise that mechanical skill is now less of a determining factor towards success.

Perks Are Changing Overwatch 2 In a Big Way

The esports scene is buzzing with mixed feelings over the new perk system. While some remain cautious, there’s a growing sense of excitement about the potential for this to be a defining moment in Overwatch’s history.

A post on X made by Overwatch 2 coach, Jacob ‘Spilo‘ Clifton, highlighted how perks could be a double edged sword to the game’s balance, but still hold potential.

Spilo said: “Perks are good when they: 1. Demand active choice from the player 2. Add choices that adjust your gameplay loop 3. Require discretion or skill to utilise.

“Free value is not fun for either side. Looking over the list from Spotlight I think the majority are going to be solid.”

With Overwatch 2 amongst the many games joining this year’s Esports World Cup, it will be interesting to see how perks will influence strategies used in matches.

Pro’s Voice Concerns Regarding Perks

One of the more vocal critics is Prashant ‘CaptainPrash‘ Garej, a support main and former member of Ex Oblivione.

In an interview with Esports News UK, he said: “My main concern with these perks is that they take away skill expression and simplify the game down to who scales to the most OP perk build first, or who is just good at hitting a key to activate a really strong cooldown.”

It’s definitely a major change that will take some time to get used to. The recently announced OWCS partners will have to dedicate more time learning the ins and outs of these perks and how to best utilise them.

Not all perks are created equal. While some are gimmicky, like Zenyatta gaining 30% kick distance with Zenith Kick, others are game changers. Streamers and players are already calling out characters like Ana and her perk Shrike, which applies Nano Boost to both herself and a targeted ally.

In an interview with PC Gamer, Alec Dawson, lead gameplay designer for Overwatch 2, said: “There’s a little bit of letting go of the fine balance that we’ve been chasing and see how it all plays out to some degree.

“We should be a little scared of what we’re putting out there, in terms of how it might affect the game. Within reason, of course. I think perks are that. It’s gonna be a lot for players to learn and we’re going to be monitoring how that happens over time, but also giving it room to breathe.”

The post Will Overwatch 2’s perk system be good for the esports scene? appeared first on Esports Insider.