All Totem of Rightful Rulership locations in Avowed

The gods of Eora's pantheon will bestow various totems throughout the Living Lands, giving you additional buffs for your journey. While at Dawnshore, you can collect pieces of the Totem of Rightful Rulership, an artifact based on Woedica. Here's how to find all the Dawnshore totem fragments in Avowed. Table of contents How to complete the Totem of Rightful Rulership quest in Avowed Golden Plaque of Oaths location Totem Core location Golden Plaque of Promises location Broken Crown Jewel location Golden Scale of Justice location Golden Flames location Golden Scale of Order location How to use Totem of Rightful Rulership in Avowed All Totem of Rightful Rulership buffs How to complete the Totem of Rightful Rulership quest in Avowed Totem fragments will be cleverly hidden around Dawnshore, linking to riddles that Sanza provides you with at his shop. Sometimes, they'll be out in the open, while other times, you'll be scratching your head, wondering, "Where, oh where could this little item be?" To avoid going on a wild goose chase, we'll break each Totem of Rightful Rulership location down in Avowed. Golden Plaque of Oaths location Screenshot by Destructoid When searching for the missing cartographer in Dawnshore, you'll encounter one of the totem pieces near Usher's Hand. You can use the Eye of Rymrgand to freeze the gate (it'll be right below this gate) or swim down to reach the Golden Plaque of Oaths Totem Fragment. Image by Destructoid Totem Core location Screenshot by Destructoid If you speak to Sanza at his emporium in Hightown, he'll provide hints for the rest of the totem pieces through the Fragment of the Scales Quest Item. For the totem base, travel to the Shrine to Woedica at the top-right corner of the map. Go up the large set of stairs with an arch to find the Scales of the Oathbinder totem piece.  Screenshot by Destructoid Golden Plaque of Promises location Screenshot by Destructoid Go to the lighthouse to reach the Golden Plaque of Promises. Use the ladder on the left to climb higher and jump across the wooden platforms there. By the mid-point, you'll discover the totem fragment inside an opening in the lighthouse. You can also go up further to claim Captain Henqua's Spoils Treasure Map. Screenshot by Destructoid Broken Crown Jewel location Screenshot by Destructoid The Broken Crown Jewel totem piece is inside Sanza's Emporium at Paradis Hightown. Enter the room to the left of Sanza, and you'll see it on a desk. Screenshot by Destructoid Golden Scale of Justice location Screenshot by Destructoid The Golden Scale of Justice is one of the trickiest totems to find, as it is carefully hidden by a balcony near Paradis' Apothecary's Shop. There will be plenty of balconies to explore here, but you'll need to go through a specific route just to find the correct one. First, go up the wooden structures by the Apothecary's Shop. Screenshot by Destructoid Make your way to the left side, where a painting with an egg resides. Enter the room near there and burn down the webs using Kai's command or your own magic. Screenshot by Destructoid Eliminate the Phantoms inside the room, and you'll see the Golden Scale of Justice on the ground next to a fallen bookcase. Screenshot by Destructoid Golden Flames location Screenshot by Destructoid The Golden Flames hint will lead you to an "isle of wicked outlaws." This destination is none other than Castol's Folly, which you may have explored during the Precious Light side quest. Climb up to get to the right side of the island, where you can follow a fire trail. Screenshot by Destructoid Look to the cliffside to spot the Golden Flames near the edge. Screenshot by Destructoid Golden Scale of Order location Screenshot by Destructoid The last hint from the Fragment of the Scales item indicates that the Golden Scale of Order is inside "Dwarven halls." The in-game description mentions the Pargrunen subculture consists of Mountain Dwarves, leading you to Pargrun Cache on the top-left corner of the Dawnshore map. Use a bow to shoot the explosive barrels near a stone wall. Screenshot by Destructoid Walk inside and follow the pathway to get closer to the totem fragment. Watch out for tripwires on the ground to avoid deadly traps. Eventually, you'll go up against a few enemies, so get rid of them to explore the area freely. Approach the entryway blocked by some roots and shoot the barrels inside. If you don't do this, you'll end up causing an explosion when breaking the wall from the other side. Screenshot by Destructoid Go to the left of this building to enter the new opening. Next, travel up the wooden structures and continue up this pathway until you reach the Golden Scale of Order on a nest. Screenshot by Destructoid How to use Totem of Rightful Rulership in Avowed Now that you have all seven totem pieces, it's time to set up your Party Camp. Approach the Totem area and place down the f

Feb 13, 2025 - 19:03
All Totem of Rightful Rulership locations in Avowed

Totem of Rightful Rulership in Avowed

The gods of Eora's pantheon will bestow various totems throughout the Living Lands, giving you additional buffs for your journey. While at Dawnshore, you can collect pieces of the Totem of Rightful Rulership, an artifact based on Woedica. Here's how to find all the Dawnshore totem fragments in Avowed.

How to complete the Totem of Rightful Rulership quest in Avowed

Totem fragments will be cleverly hidden around Dawnshore, linking to riddles that Sanza provides you with at his shop. Sometimes, they'll be out in the open, while other times, you'll be scratching your head, wondering, "Where, oh where could this little item be?" To avoid going on a wild goose chase, we'll break each Totem of Rightful Rulership location down in Avowed.

Golden Plaque of Oaths location

Usher's Hand map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

When searching for the missing cartographer in Dawnshore, you'll encounter one of the totem pieces near Usher's Hand. You can use the Eye of Rymrgand to freeze the gate (it'll be right below this gate) or swim down to reach the Golden Plaque of Oaths Totem Fragment.

Gate and water route to Golden Plaque of Oaths
Image by Destructoid

Totem Core location

Shrine to Woedica map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you speak to Sanza at his emporium in Hightown, he'll provide hints for the rest of the totem pieces through the Fragment of the Scales Quest Item. For the totem base, travel to the Shrine to Woedica at the top-right corner of the map. Go up the large set of stairs with an arch to find the Scales of the Oathbinder totem piece. 

Totem base at Shrine to Woedica
Screenshot by Destructoid

Golden Plaque of Promises location

Lighthouse map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

Go to the lighthouse to reach the Golden Plaque of Promises. Use the ladder on the left to climb higher and jump across the wooden platforms there. By the mid-point, you'll discover the totem fragment inside an opening in the lighthouse. You can also go up further to claim Captain Henqua's Spoils Treasure Map.

Golden Plaque of Promises inside the lighthouse
Screenshot by Destructoid

Broken Crown Jewel location

Sanza's Emporium map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

The Broken Crown Jewel totem piece is inside Sanza's Emporium at Paradis Hightown. Enter the room to the left of Sanza, and you'll see it on a desk.

Broken Crown Jewel in Avowed
Screenshot by Destructoid

Golden Scale of Justice location

Apothecary's Shop map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

The Golden Scale of Justice is one of the trickiest totems to find, as it is carefully hidden by a balcony near Paradis' Apothecary's Shop. There will be plenty of balconies to explore here, but you'll need to go through a specific route just to find the correct one. First, go up the wooden structures by the Apothecary's Shop.

Wooden structures that lead to Golden Scale of Justice room
Screenshot by Destructoid

Make your way to the left side, where a painting with an egg resides. Enter the room near there and burn down the webs using Kai's command or your own magic.

Entryway to Golden Scale of Justice
Screenshot by Destructoid

Eliminate the Phantoms inside the room, and you'll see the Golden Scale of Justice on the ground next to a fallen bookcase.

Golden Scale of Justice totem inside secret room
Screenshot by Destructoid

Golden Flames location

Castol's Folly map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

The Golden Flames hint will lead you to an "isle of wicked outlaws." This destination is none other than Castol's Folly, which you may have explored during the Precious Light side quest. Climb up to get to the right side of the island, where you can follow a fire trail.

Following the Castol's Folly fire trail
Screenshot by Destructoid

Look to the cliffside to spot the Golden Flames near the edge.

Picking up the Golden Flames totem
Screenshot by Destructoid

Golden Scale of Order location

Pargrun Cache map location
Screenshot by Destructoid

The last hint from the Fragment of the Scales item indicates that the Golden Scale of Order is inside "Dwarven halls." The in-game description mentions the Pargrunen subculture consists of Mountain Dwarves, leading you to Pargrun Cache on the top-left corner of the Dawnshore map. Use a bow to shoot the explosive barrels near a stone wall.

Stone Wall at Pargrun Cache
Screenshot by Destructoid

Walk inside and follow the pathway to get closer to the totem fragment. Watch out for tripwires on the ground to avoid deadly traps. Eventually, you'll go up against a few enemies, so get rid of them to explore the area freely. Approach the entryway blocked by some roots and shoot the barrels inside. If you don't do this, you'll end up causing an explosion when breaking the wall from the other side.

Pargrun Cache entryway and explosive barrels
Screenshot by Destructoid

Go to the left of this building to enter the new opening. Next, travel up the wooden structures and continue up this pathway until you reach the Golden Scale of Order on a nest.

Golden Scale of Order in a nest
Screenshot by Destructoid

How to use Totem of Rightful Rulership in Avowed

Now that you have all seven totem pieces, it's time to set up your Party Camp. Approach the Totem area and place down the fragments. You'll complete Avowed's Totem of Rightful Rulership quest and earn six new buffs for your party while it's active.

Placing a totem fragment in Totem of Rightful Rulership
Screenshot by Destructoid

All Totem of Rightful Rulership buffs

If you want a sneak peek of what each totem fragment has to offer, here's what you can expect:

Totem Pieces Abilities
Totem Core A base that's used to place down pieces at camp
Broken Crown Jewel (Swift Orders) Reduces Companion ability cooldowns by 15 percent
Golden Flames (Flames of Resurrection) Second Wind casts Ring of Fire
Golden Plaque of Promises (Nobless Oblige) Gain rapid Health and Essence regeneration when reviving a Companion
Golden Statue of Justice (Sympathy for the Damned) Critical Hits deal high Fire Accumulation
Golden Plaque of Oaths (The Queen's Burden) Grants +2 Intellect and +2 Resolve
Golden Scale of Order (The Power of Command) Increase your damage for five seconds by activating a Companion ability

You'll discover more and more totems as you explore the Living Lands. However, keep in mind that only one totem can be activated at a time, so be sure to select the one that best suits your playstyle.

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