All trophies and how to get them in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Assassin's Creed Shadows has plenty of trophies to unlock, and the road to Platinum can be a gargantuan task. While some of the tasks required to get the trophies are relatively simple, others are hidden at first. Certain trophies can be pretty hard to find, but our guide will help you understand how to get all of them, which is essential if you want to go Platinum. How to get all Assassin's Creed Shadows trophies The available trophies can be classified into Bronze, Silver, Gold, and ultimately, Platinum. Bronze trophies Achievement How to Obtain Prologue Complete the Prologue A New League Rises Complete Act 1 An Oath Fulfilled Complete Act 2 Fall of the Shinbakufu Complete Act 3 The Thief Meet Gennojo The Toxin Master Meet Oni-yuri The Eager Assassin Meet Yagoro The Ronin Meet Ibuki The Warrior Monk Meet Yaya The Sharpshooter Meet Katsuhime Build Your League Recruit an ally for the first time Front of the Pack Completely train an ally for the first time Art of Ninjutsu Master the way of the shinobi Art of Kenjutsu Master the way of the samurai Make it Personal Engrave a weapon for the first time Better Than a Bucket Equip Legendary gear on all slots Suture Self Completely upgrade for all your rations Sometimes Perform a landing roll Reeding is Fundamental Use a breathing reed to hide underwater from enemies for the first time Just Your Shadow Distract an enemy three times with shinobi bells Hook, Line and Swinger Swing from one grappling point to the other while staying airborne Acrobatics Execute a leap of faith after using a grappling hook Leap of Fall Execute a leap of faith as Yasuke Adept Shinobi Assassinate a target for the first time Master Shinobi Assassinate a target through the shoji door for the first time Adept Samurai Perform a finisher with Yasuke Master Samurai Parry a projectile This is Japan, Actually Kick any enemy from an elevated position Overdesign III Execute a finisher on an Poisoned and Dazed enemy Final Hearing Sheath your weapon after killing an enemy from Bleed Adventurer Shoot an arrow to the enemy's knee Kofun Rider Complete a kofun Good Form Complete a kata Sole Sanctum Unlock the hideout Chase the Morning Add a sumi-e to your hideout Against Wood and Stone Max out a building in your hideout Everybody Benefits Adopt any pet for the first time Happy Place Travel to the highest point of the map Pathfinder Visit every province in the game Scouting Mission Extract information using a scout Would You Kindly? Complete contracts in every province Silver trophies Achievement How to Obtain Death Blossom Defeat all the Shinbakufu Limitless Collect a Legendary Gear piece of each type In Case of Tropuble Max out your ammunition and tools Unseen Successfully complete 5 assassinations in a row while maintaining stealth Unstoppable Use the Samurai Stand before executing a finisher Mortal Reminder Complete any Objective Board for the first time Test Your Might Defeat the final combatant of a tournament Zen Master Complete all kuji-kiri A Rare Occurrence Complete all sumi-e (legendary) Collector Complete any collection for the first time Gold Trophy Acievement How to Obtain Epilogue Finish the epilogue Platinum Trophy Acievement How to Obtain Assassin's Creed Shadows Unlock all trophies The sequence towards earning the trophies begin with the Bronze collectibles, as they're the easiest ones to unlock. Some of them will complete automatically as you progress on the main campaign. Then comes the Silver trophies, which are slightly harder and longer to obtain. Obtaining the Platinum trophy in Assassin's Creed Shadows will require a fair bit of time. Hence, it's best to be patient if you care about completing the achievement. The post All trophies and how to get them in Assassin’s Creed Shadows appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 20, 2025 - 09:30
All trophies and how to get them in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Assassin's Creed Shadows has two protagonists and will release in March 2025

Assassin's Creed Shadows has plenty of trophies to unlock, and the road to Platinum can be a gargantuan task.

While some of the tasks required to get the trophies are relatively simple, others are hidden at first. Certain trophies can be pretty hard to find, but our guide will help you understand how to get all of them, which is essential if you want to go Platinum.

How to get all Assassin's Creed Shadows trophies

The available trophies can be classified into Bronze, Silver, Gold, and ultimately, Platinum.

Bronze trophies

AchievementHow to Obtain
PrologueComplete the Prologue
A New League RisesComplete Act 1
An Oath FulfilledComplete Act 2
Fall of the ShinbakufuComplete Act 3
The ThiefMeet Gennojo
The Toxin MasterMeet Oni-yuri
The Eager AssassinMeet Yagoro
The RoninMeet Ibuki
The Warrior MonkMeet Yaya
The SharpshooterMeet Katsuhime
Build Your LeagueRecruit an ally for the first time
Front of the PackCompletely train an ally for the first time
Art of NinjutsuMaster the way of the shinobi
Art of KenjutsuMaster the way of the samurai
Make it PersonalEngrave a weapon for the first time
Better Than a BucketEquip Legendary gear on all slots
Suture SelfCompletely upgrade for all your rations
SometimesPerform a landing roll
Reeding is FundamentalUse a breathing reed to hide underwater from enemies for the first time
Just Your ShadowDistract an enemy three times with shinobi bells
Hook, Line and SwingerSwing from one grappling point to the other while staying airborne
AcrobaticsExecute a leap of faith after using a grappling hook
Leap of FallExecute a leap of faith as Yasuke
Adept ShinobiAssassinate a target for the first time
Master Shinobi Assassinate a target through the shoji door for the first time
Adept SamuraiPerform a finisher with Yasuke
Master SamuraiParry a projectile
This is Japan, ActuallyKick any enemy from an elevated position
Overdesign IIIExecute a finisher on an Poisoned and Dazed enemy
Final HearingSheath your weapon after killing an enemy from Bleed
AdventurerShoot an arrow to the enemy's knee
Kofun RiderComplete a kofun
Good FormComplete a kata
Sole SanctumUnlock the hideout
Chase the MorningAdd a sumi-e to your hideout
Against Wood and StoneMax out a building in your hideout
Everybody BenefitsAdopt any pet for the first time
Happy PlaceTravel to the highest point of the map
PathfinderVisit every province in the game
Scouting MissionExtract information using a scout
Would You Kindly?Complete contracts in every province

Silver trophies

AchievementHow to Obtain
Death BlossomDefeat all the Shinbakufu
LimitlessCollect a Legendary Gear piece of each type
In Case of TropubleMax out your ammunition and tools
UnseenSuccessfully complete 5 assassinations in a row while maintaining stealth
UnstoppableUse the Samurai Stand before executing a finisher
Mortal ReminderComplete any Objective Board for the first time
Test Your MightDefeat the final combatant of a tournament
Zen MasterComplete all kuji-kiri
A Rare OccurrenceComplete all sumi-e (legendary)
CollectorComplete any collection for the first time

Gold Trophy

AcievementHow to Obtain
EpilogueFinish the epilogue

Platinum Trophy

AcievementHow to Obtain
Assassin's Creed ShadowsUnlock all trophies

The sequence towards earning the trophies begin with the Bronze collectibles, as they're the easiest ones to unlock. Some of them will complete automatically as you progress on the main campaign. Then comes the Silver trophies, which are slightly harder and longer to obtain.

Obtaining the Platinum trophy in Assassin's Creed Shadows will require a fair bit of time. Hence, it's best to be patient if you care about completing the achievement.

The post All trophies and how to get them in Assassin’s Creed Shadows appeared first on Destructoid.