Genshin Impact Varesa ascension and talent materials

Varesa is a new 5-star Electro character in Genshin Impact who excels in dealing with Plunging Attack DMG. If you plan to build her, here is a simple guide covering her ascension and talent level-up materials, as well as how to find all of her materials. Varesa ascension and talent materials Listed below are all the materials you will need for Varesa's ascension: Vajrada Amethyst Silver x1 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment x9 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk x9 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone x6 New local specialty item x168 Lava Dragon Statue boss drop x46 Juvenile Fang x18 Seasoned Fang x30 Tyrant's Fang x36 You will need the following to max all 3 of Varesa's talents: Juvenile Fang x18 Seasoned Fang x66 Tyrant's Fang x93 Teachings of Conflict x9 Guide to Conflict x63 Philosophies of Conflict x114 Eroded Scale-Feather x18 Crown of Insight x3 Where to farm Varesa's materials Vajrada Amethyst Silver, Fragment, Chunk, and Gemstone Image via HoYoverse Vajrada Amethyst Silver, Fragment, Chunk, and Gemstone are elemental ascension materials used by Electro characters. You can obtain them by challenging the following enemies: Electro Hypostasis Electro Regisvine Thunder Manifestation Millennial Pearl Seahorse Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom Iniquitous Baptist Tenebrous Papilla Lava Dragon Statue boss drop Image via HoYoverse Defeat the Lava Dragon Statue near Collective of Plenty in Natlan to obtain the boss material. New local specialty item You will need to farm the local specialty found in Atocpan for Varesa's ascension. Juvenile, Seasoned, and Tyrant's Fang Image via HoYoverse You can obtain the Juvenile, Seasoned, and Tyrant's Fang by defeating all the Saurian enemies found all over Natlan. You can also buy some of the drops from the in-game shop using Masterless Starglitter and Masterless Stardust. Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Conflict Image via HoYoverse You can farm the Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Conflict in the Blazing Ruins domain only on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Eroded Scale-Feather Image via HoYoverse Eroded Scale-Feather is a weekly boss drop and can be obtained by defeating the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire in Natlan. Lastly, you will need roughly 7m Mora and 3 Crowns of Insight. The latter can be obtained from the flagship events every update, while you can farm Mora from daily activities, quests, chests, and events. The post Genshin Impact Varesa ascension and talent materials appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 22, 2025 - 18:03
Genshin Impact Varesa ascension and talent materials

Varesa idle motion

Varesa is a new 5-star Electro character in Genshin Impact who excels in dealing with Plunging Attack DMG. If you plan to build her, here is a simple guide covering her ascension and talent level-up materials, as well as how to find all of her materials.

Varesa ascension and talent materials

Listed below are all the materials you will need for Varesa's ascension:

  • Vajrada Amethyst Silver x1
  • Vajrada Amethyst Fragment x9
  • Vajrada Amethyst Chunk x9
  • Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone x6
  • New local specialty item x168
  • Lava Dragon Statue boss drop x46
  • Juvenile Fang x18
  • Seasoned Fang x30
  • Tyrant's Fang x36

You will need the following to max all 3 of Varesa's talents:

  • Juvenile Fang x18
  • Seasoned Fang x66
  • Tyrant's Fang x93
  • Teachings of Conflict x9
  • Guide to Conflict x63
  • Philosophies of Conflict x114
  • Eroded Scale-Feather x18
  • Crown of Insight x3

Where to farm Varesa's materials

Vajrada Amethyst Silver, Fragment, Chunk, and Gemstone

Vajrada Amethyst Silver is Varesa's ascension material.
Image via HoYoverse

Vajrada Amethyst Silver, Fragment, Chunk, and Gemstone are elemental ascension materials used by Electro characters. You can obtain them by challenging the following enemies:

  • Electro Hypostasis
  • Electro Regisvine
  • Thunder Manifestation
  • Millennial Pearl Seahorse
  • Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto
  • Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
  • Iniquitous Baptist
  • Tenebrous Papilla

Lava Dragon Statue boss drop

Location of the Lava Dragon Statue boss.
Image via HoYoverse

Defeat the Lava Dragon Statue near Collective of Plenty in Natlan to obtain the boss material.

New local specialty item

You will need to farm the local specialty found in Atocpan for Varesa's ascension.

Juvenile, Seasoned, and Tyrant's Fang

Juvenile Fang is one of Varesa's ascension and talent materials.
Image via HoYoverse

You can obtain the Juvenile, Seasoned, and Tyrant's Fang by defeating all the Saurian enemies found all over Natlan. You can also buy some of the drops from the in-game shop using Masterless Starglitter and Masterless Stardust.

Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Conflict

Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Conflict are Varesa's talent materials.
Image via HoYoverse

You can farm the Teachings, Guide, and Philosophies of Conflict in the Blazing Ruins domain only on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Eroded Scale-Feather

Eroded Scale-Feather is a weekly boss material.
Image via HoYoverse

Eroded Scale-Feather is a weekly boss drop and can be obtained by defeating the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire in Natlan.

Lastly, you will need roughly 7m Mora and 3 Crowns of Insight. The latter can be obtained from the flagship events every update, while you can farm Mora from daily activities, quests, chests, and events.

The post Genshin Impact Varesa ascension and talent materials appeared first on Destructoid.