How to get Volt Fusion Energy for Black Kyurem in Pokémon Go

Track down Volt Fusion Energy to give to your Zekrom and Kyurem to fuse them into an even stronger form, Black Kyurem.

Feb 28, 2025 - 23:19
How to get Volt Fusion Energy for Black Kyurem in Pokémon Go

There are multiple types of resources you have to track down for your many Pokémon in Pokémon Go. For those looking to unlock a Black Kyurem, the primary resource you need to track down is Volt Fusion Energy, and it’s not easy to find.

You use Volt Fusion Energy when you want to combine your Kyurem and Zekrom, creating a more powerful fusion version of these Pokémon. Unlike Mega Evolutions, the fusion is permanent, unless you choose to separate these Pokémon. Their added power does make them a stronger force. But the real challenge is getting enough Volt Fusion Energy to pull it off. We’ll share with you the best way you can get Volt Fusion Energy in Pokémon Go, and how you use it.