Brutalist shooter Straftat teases a four player free-for-all mode
Over the weekend, hectic 1v1 shooter Straftat got yet more free maps in an update. The developers added eight new cramped deathzones alongside a further four maps for owners of the "maps 'n' hats" DLC, then threw in a new submachine gun and a music player for good measure. But over on the game's Discord server, amid the mine-laying mercenaries and bum-sliding shootscum, the developers also held a poll that revealed future plans. They asked players what they'd prefer: a 2v2 mode or a four-player free-for-all? "We'll do both," said devbrother Leonard Lemaitre, "but it's a matter of which one comes first." Read more

Over the weekend, hectic 1v1 shooter Straftat got yet more free maps in an update. The developers added eight new cramped deathzones alongside a further four maps for owners of the "maps 'n' hats" DLC, then threw in a new submachine gun and a music player for good measure. But over on the game's Discord server, amid the mine-laying mercenaries and bum-sliding shootscum, the developers also held a poll that revealed future plans. They asked players what they'd prefer: a 2v2 mode or a four-player free-for-all?
"We'll do both," said devbrother Leonard Lemaitre, "but it's a matter of which one comes first."