Where to find microscopes in Fallout 76
Microscopes in Fallout 76 are a convenient source of valuable crafting materials. They also only weigh 0.88 pounds and are one of the best ways in the game to get your hands on Fiber Optics, a rare component used to craft laser weapons, among other things. They can be scrapped into: Gear Glass x 2 Crystal x 2 Fiber Optics Steel x 3 Locations with enough Microscopes worth making a trip for Several places in Fallout 76 have Microscopes lying around, though most of them only have one. There are eight locations where you will find at least two, making it more worth the trek and time investment. AMS Corporate Headquarters - 2 Arktos Pharma Biome Lab - 7 AVR Medical Center – 7 Morgantown High School -4 Transmission Station 1AT-U03 – Enclave research facility - 10 Vault 63 - 8 Vault 96 - 11 West Tek Research Center – 6 How to find Microscopes in Fallout 76 AMS Corporate Headquarters Screenshot by Destructoid Once inside, take the lift to the third floor. Upon reaching a staircase, follow it all the way to the top and then head into the room directly in front of you. There are two Microscopes inside. Arktos Pharma Biome Lab Screenshot by Destructoid The next set of Microscopes is in the underground biome lab at Arktos Pharmacy. No need to run through the maze of the surface-level building; take the right-hand elevator in the reception area to reach the lab. Unfortunately, you’ll be moving from one maze to another, encountering some Scorched, security robots, a Sentry Bot boss, and seven Microscopes as you wander. AVR Medical Center Screenshot by Destructoid You’ll find seven Microscopes in the AVR Medical Center, scattered among three different rooms. It’s a bit of work to get them, though, as there are Scorched lurking about and the facility is fairly large and labyrinthine, especially if it’s your first time here. If you’re short on Plastic, this is also a great place to scavenge because there are a bunch of Cafeteria Trays in the lunchroom. Two Chemical Stations in the building make it convenient to scrap all the junk you’ll inevitably pick up. Morgantown High School Screenshot by Destructoid There are four Microscopes in the science classroom on the ground floor of Morgantown High School, off the first hallway leading east from the main entrance. Transmission Station 1AT-U03 – Enclave research facility Screenshot by Destructoid You’ll find 10 Microscopes scattered about this somewhat large and enemy-filled research facility in Fallout 76. However, to access it, you’ll need to work your way a fair way through the Brotherhood of Steel questline, which begins at Fort Atlas. Vault 63 Screenshot by Destructoid Vault 63 is in Skyline Valley, which was added to the game in June 2024. If you haven’t been there yet, look on your Pip Boy’s Data tab to start the Fallout 76 quest called “An Unlikely Invitation.” That questline will lead you to Vault 63, where you’ll eventually gain access to the maze-like Organics Sector and its eight Microscopes. Vault 96 Screenshot by Destructoid This vault holds 11 Microscopes, the most you’ll find in one place. It’s inaccessible, however, unless you’ve progressed through the Steel Reign quests for the Brotherhood of Steel. Until that’s done, the terminal that opens the vault door won’t even be spawned in for you. You’ll also have to explore enough of the area to obtain the security card or the path to some rooms with Microscopes will be blocked. West Tek Research Center Screenshot by Destructoid The West Tek Research Center is filled with Super Mutants, but you’ll eventually wind up with six Microscopes in your backpack as a reward for taking them on. There are also a couple of Hazmat Suits to grab if you don’t already have one. If you venture into the FEV Production Facility via the elevator inside, you will end up at red security lasers blocking the way forward. That area is only accessible while completing a Brotherhood of Steel quest. The post Where to find microscopes in Fallout 76 appeared first on Destructoid.

Microscopes in Fallout 76 are a convenient source of valuable crafting materials. They also only weigh 0.88 pounds and are one of the best ways in the game to get your hands on Fiber Optics, a rare component used to craft laser weapons, among other things. They can be scrapped into:
- Gear
- Glass x 2
- Crystal x 2
- Fiber Optics
- Steel x 3
Locations with enough Microscopes worth making a trip for
Several places in Fallout 76 have Microscopes lying around, though most of them only have one. There are eight locations where you will find at least two, making it more worth the trek and time investment.
- AMS Corporate Headquarters - 2
- Arktos Pharma Biome Lab - 7
- AVR Medical Center – 7
- Morgantown High School -4
- Transmission Station 1AT-U03 – Enclave research facility - 10
- Vault 63 - 8
- Vault 96 - 11
- West Tek Research Center – 6
How to find Microscopes in Fallout 76
AMS Corporate Headquarters

Once inside, take the lift to the third floor. Upon reaching a staircase, follow it all the way to the top and then head into the room directly in front of you. There are two Microscopes inside.
Arktos Pharma Biome Lab

The next set of Microscopes is in the underground biome lab at Arktos Pharmacy. No need to run through the maze of the surface-level building; take the right-hand elevator in the reception area to reach the lab. Unfortunately, you’ll be moving from one maze to another, encountering some Scorched, security robots, a Sentry Bot boss, and seven Microscopes as you wander.
AVR Medical Center

You’ll find seven Microscopes in the AVR Medical Center, scattered among three different rooms. It’s a bit of work to get them, though, as there are Scorched lurking about and the facility is fairly large and labyrinthine, especially if it’s your first time here.
If you’re short on Plastic, this is also a great place to scavenge because there are a bunch of Cafeteria Trays in the lunchroom. Two Chemical Stations in the building make it convenient to scrap all the junk you’ll inevitably pick up.
Morgantown High School

There are four Microscopes in the science classroom on the ground floor of Morgantown High School, off the first hallway leading east from the main entrance.
Transmission Station 1AT-U03 – Enclave research facility

You’ll find 10 Microscopes scattered about this somewhat large and enemy-filled research facility in Fallout 76. However, to access it, you’ll need to work your way a fair way through the Brotherhood of Steel questline, which begins at Fort Atlas.
Vault 63

Vault 63 is in Skyline Valley, which was added to the game in June 2024. If you haven’t been there yet, look on your Pip Boy’s Data tab to start the Fallout 76 quest called “An Unlikely Invitation.” That questline will lead you to Vault 63, where you’ll eventually gain access to the maze-like Organics Sector and its eight Microscopes.
Vault 96

This vault holds 11 Microscopes, the most you’ll find in one place. It’s inaccessible, however, unless you’ve progressed through the Steel Reign quests for the Brotherhood of Steel. Until that’s done, the terminal that opens the vault door won’t even be spawned in for you. You’ll also have to explore enough of the area to obtain the security card or the path to some rooms with Microscopes will be blocked.
West Tek Research Center

The West Tek Research Center is filled with Super Mutants, but you’ll eventually wind up with six Microscopes in your backpack as a reward for taking them on. There are also a couple of Hazmat Suits to grab if you don’t already have one. If you venture into the FEV Production Facility via the elevator inside, you will end up at red security lasers blocking the way forward. That area is only accessible while completing a Brotherhood of Steel quest.
The post Where to find microscopes in Fallout 76 appeared first on Destructoid.