How to complete the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection in The Sims 4

With every expansion pack for The Sims 4, one or more new collections are added, and the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack is no different. Two were added, and both offer new ways to interact with the new world of Nordhaven.  The two new Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack collections are Trashley’s Certified Art Collection and the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection. We’ve already covered how to complete Trashley’s Certified Art Collection, so here’s everything you need to know about the Bike Parts.  Table of contents How to find Bike Parts in The Sims 4 All Nordhaven Bike Parts in The Sims 4 Frames Wheels Using cheats to get the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection How to find Bike Parts in The Sims 4 Screenshot by Destructoid There are 28 Bike Parts to find, and they can only be discovered in the world of Nordhaven. There are four fishing spots around Nordhaven, two in Iverstad and two in Gammelvik. When interacting with any of these fishing spots, you’ll have a new option to “Clean the Canal”, a new feature added as part of the Businesses and Hobbies expansion.  Despite having 28 parts in total to collect, these are only recolors of the same two basic items — the Cykel Frame and the Cykel Wheel. Collecting all of the parts will allow you to put together the story of Britta Cykel, a former beloved resident of Nordhaven, through the descriptions of the parts themselves.  All Nordhaven Bike Parts in The Sims 4 Screenshot by Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid To complete the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection, you’ll need to gather up all 28 parts, made up of 10 Cykel Wheels and 18 Cykel Frames. Admittedly, the maths here doesn’t quite add up and you’ll have far more frames than wheels in the end, but that’s half the fun.  Once you collect the Bike Parts, you can sell them (useful if you’re doing the Rags to Businesses challenge) or use them as decorations. While the Cykel Frames aren’t exactly the most aesthetically pleasing home decor, the wheels make a nice addition and help to tie your space into the world of Nordhaven itself.  Here are all of the different Cykel Parts to be found, how rare each part is, and how much they sell for: Frames Bike Part In-game description Sale price “Anna” Cykel Frame “Britta would sit near the Gammelvik gazebo quite often and contemplate things. She was tickled by the public art there and called the piece near the gazebo The Pistachio so much that most of us ended up calling it Britta’s Pistachio. I heard that irked the artist quite a bit!” 25 Simoleons “Emma” Cykel Frame “Grandma was the best bike lady and also gave me cotton candy, I miss her!” 25 Simoleons “Henrik” Cykel Frame “Ms. Cykel loved bringing the family onto the Nordhaven ferry. I worked as a guide and she would ask questions about the buildings while Lars looked after little Mathilda and baby Sara.” 25 Simoleons “Sophie” Cykel Frame “Did Britta Cykel sit and model for my mermaid sculpture? I don’t think that’s my story to tell.” 25 Simoleons “Martin” Cykel Frame “I was riding the ferry one day and muttering about the graffiti that was ruining our beautiful town, and Britta reminded me that beauty relied on the continuing creativity bursting forth from all of us. What a strange and unique way she had of looking at the world.” 25 Simoleons “Marie” Cykel Frame “I remember how intently grandma Britta would look at a broken bike. She saw the potential of anything, even something that others would discard or trash; in her hands, it would become the foundation of something new.” 25 Simoleons “Peter” Cykel Frame “I was coming back from my Nordhaven vacation and was seated next to Ms. Cykel on the train. She seemed nervous but excited, and filled the entire time telling me stories about Gammelvik. It made me want to schedule another visit right away!” 30 Simoleons “Ida” Cykel Frame “After she retired from working full-time on bikes, Britta was still an active member of the community, often coming to the various meetups and trying out a new hobby or two.” 30 Simoleons “Lena” Cykel Frame “The thing about Britta is that she never saw herself as belonging to anyone but herself. So, yes, she did love Lars and Maria and others, but they were just a part of the grand love that she put out into the world every day.” 35 Simoleons “Ann” Cykel Frame “I crossed paths with Britta Cykel when she came to give a talk on bicycles at the Britechester. She was so passionate, it made me jealous. I wanted to have something, anything, in my life that I cared about that much.” 95 Simoleons “Mathilda” Cykel Frame “Mother would oten tell me that getting on a bike wasn’t about trying to arrive somewhere but about the experience of getting there. She wanted to enjoy every moment of the going.” 95 Simoleons “Hans” Cykel Frame “Ms. Cykel would always fix up my bike for free. All she wanted in exchange was a grand story about the adventure I’d raken it on to get it into that rough c

Mar 10, 2025 - 11:27
How to complete the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection in The Sims 4

Sim and a bike in The Sims 4

With every expansion pack for The Sims 4, one or more new collections are added, and the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack is no different. Two were added, and both offer new ways to interact with the new world of Nordhaven. 

The two new Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack collections are Trashley’s Certified Art Collection and the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection. We’ve already covered how to complete Trashley’s Certified Art Collection, so here’s everything you need to know about the Bike Parts. 

How to find Bike Parts in The Sims 4

Fishing up a box in The Sims 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

There are 28 Bike Parts to find, and they can only be discovered in the world of Nordhaven. There are four fishing spots around Nordhaven, two in Iverstad and two in Gammelvik. When interacting with any of these fishing spots, you’ll have a new option to “Clean the Canal”, a new feature added as part of the Businesses and Hobbies expansion. 

Despite having 28 parts in total to collect, these are only recolors of the same two basic items — the Cykel Frame and the Cykel Wheel. Collecting all of the parts will allow you to put together the story of Britta Cykel, a former beloved resident of Nordhaven, through the descriptions of the parts themselves. 

All Nordhaven Bike Parts in The Sims 4

To complete the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection, you’ll need to gather up all 28 parts, made up of 10 Cykel Wheels and 18 Cykel Frames. Admittedly, the maths here doesn’t quite add up and you’ll have far more frames than wheels in the end, but that’s half the fun. 

Once you collect the Bike Parts, you can sell them (useful if you’re doing the Rags to Businesses challenge) or use them as decorations. While the Cykel Frames aren’t exactly the most aesthetically pleasing home decor, the wheels make a nice addition and help to tie your space into the world of Nordhaven itself. 

Here are all of the different Cykel Parts to be found, how rare each part is, and how much they sell for:


Bike PartIn-game descriptionSale price
“Anna” Cykel Frame“Britta would sit near the Gammelvik gazebo quite often and contemplate things. She was tickled by the public art there and called the piece near the gazebo The Pistachio so much that most of us ended up calling it Britta’s Pistachio. I heard that irked the artist quite a bit!”25 Simoleons
“Emma” Cykel Frame“Grandma was the best bike lady and also gave me cotton candy, I miss her!”25 Simoleons
“Henrik” Cykel Frame“Ms. Cykel loved bringing the family onto the Nordhaven ferry. I worked as a guide and she would ask questions about the buildings while Lars looked after little Mathilda and baby Sara.”25 Simoleons
“Sophie” Cykel Frame“Did Britta Cykel sit and model for my mermaid sculpture? I don’t think that’s my story to tell.”25 Simoleons
“Martin” Cykel Frame“I was riding the ferry one day and muttering about the graffiti that was ruining our beautiful town, and Britta reminded me that beauty relied on the continuing creativity bursting forth from all of us. What a strange and unique way she had of looking at the world.”25 Simoleons
“Marie” Cykel Frame“I remember how intently grandma Britta would look at a broken bike. She saw the potential of anything, even something that others would discard or trash; in her hands, it would become the foundation of something new.”25 Simoleons
“Peter” Cykel Frame“I was coming back from my Nordhaven vacation and was seated next to Ms. Cykel on the train. She seemed nervous but excited, and filled the entire time telling me stories about Gammelvik. It made me want to schedule another visit right away!”30 Simoleons
“Ida” Cykel Frame“After she retired from working full-time on bikes, Britta was still an active member of the community, often coming to the various meetups and trying out a new hobby or two.”30 Simoleons
“Lena” Cykel Frame“The thing about Britta is that she never saw herself as belonging to anyone but herself. So, yes, she did love Lars and Maria and others, but they were just a part of the grand love that she put out into the world every day.”35 Simoleons
“Ann” Cykel Frame“I crossed paths with Britta Cykel when she came to give a talk on bicycles at the Britechester. She was so passionate, it made me jealous. I wanted to have something, anything, in my life that I cared about that much.”95 Simoleons
“Mathilda” Cykel Frame“Mother would oten tell me that getting on a bike wasn’t about trying to arrive somewhere but about the experience of getting there. She wanted to enjoy every moment of the going.”95 Simoleons
“Hans” Cykel Frame“Ms. Cykel would always fix up my bike for free. All she wanted in exchange was a grand story about the adventure I’d raken it on to get it into that rough condition.”105 Simoleons
“Nia” Cykel Frame“Well Britta had a few tattoos, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy, so I can’t tell you what they were and I certainly can’t tell you where they were!”105 Simoleons
“Kristina” Cykel Frame“As a child, I used to walk by the Cykel Bike Shop as I made my way home from school, but my family could never afford such a bicycle for myself. I must have told Ms. Cykel this one day, because a week later, a sturdy fixed-up bike appeared outside my doorway with a not that simply read: Kristina’s Bike.”110 Simoleons
“Erik” Cykel Frame“Everyone knows that having a Cykel means you care about having the best. Britta was an absolute master of construction and she knew her way around frames, wheels, and chains like no one else.”110 Simoleons
“Mattias” Cykel Frame“You wouldn’t know it looking at her, but Britta could be quite the rebel. I remember some time after she returned from her trip to Britechester, she camped for a week in front of a Gammelvik historic building to push for more bike lanes!”275 Simoleons
“Ingrid” Cykel Frame“I apprenticed under Britta for a while and learned how to take a bike apart and make it shine. But once she was gone, it wasn’t the same, so we closed up the shop. Still, her spirit lives on in ever bike you see in Nordhaven.”295 Simoleons
“Lars” Cykeln Frame“I would ask Britta from time to time whether she loved me or bicycles more and she would always tell me that her heart was big enough for everything and everyone. It made me want to grow my heart in just such a way.”300 Simoleons


Bike PartIn-game descriptionSale price
“Karl” Cykel Wheel“One moonless night, Britta somehow convinced me to go skinny-dipping in the Gammelvik canals! It was exhilarating and terrifying for me, but it seemed just another night for her. I can’t imagine what her life must have been like.”30 Simoleons
“Susanne” Cykel Wheel“After Mom and Aunt Mathilda had their own families and moved out, grandma moved to Iverstad and we saw her less. But she still had her big holiday party every year! I loved going to that.”30 Simoleons
“Mikael” Cykel Wheel“Writing about Britta Cykel is both easy and hard. Easy because everyone in Nordhaven who knew her has a story to tell, but hard because aside from her sister Lena, there’s very little anyone knows about her before she arrived here.”30 Simoleons
“Jan” Cykel Wheel“Grandma never married grandpa. She always said that our love is what ties us together, not the law. I still plan to get married one day, but she was one of a kind.”35 Simoleons
“Jonas” Cykel Wheel“Often when I came by the bike shop, I’d find Ms. Cykel spinning a wheel and just watching it rotate. Whenever I was having a bad day, she’d say life was like a bike wheel—you’re never down for long, but you can’t count on staying on top either.”45 Simoleons
“Camilla” Cykel Wheel“There was a two-week period after Britta’s 40th birthday where she disappeared. No one knew where she went! Not Lars or her children or her friend Maria! And then—pop—she was back, but refused to say a word!”120 Simoleons
“Maria” Cykel Wheel“When I got scared, I would ask Britta what I was to her. She would take a breath and tell me that we were two entwined souls that had the good fortune to overlap at this singular moment in time and in this wonderful place we called home.”130 Simoleons
“Sara” Cykel Wheel“Of course we were taught to ride a bike as soon as we could pedal. I remember one time taking a turn too quickly and ending up in the canal! I can still hear the laughs from my sister Mathilda.”145 Simoleons
“Jenny” Cykel Wheel“When I interviewed Britta Cykel at the end of her career, she didn’t like being known as a renowned bicycle maker. She preferred to be remembered for the many friendships she forged.”280 Simoleons
“Johan” Cykel Wheel“Ms. Cykel is a fine woman who has done much to bring pride and joy to Nordhaven, but the piece is called Mother and Child. It is not Britta’s Pistachio! Please stop calling it that!”325 Simoleons

There are also two other Bike Parts you can find when cleaning the canals in Nordhaven, the “Bike Part - Frame” and “Bike Part - Wheel”. Neither of these are included in the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection. 

Using cheats to get the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection

The Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection in The Sims 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you want any of the wheels or frames from the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection, you can always use cheats to find them in the Build and Buy menu. Once you place them into the world, you’re free to put them into your Sim’s inventory, and it will count towards the collection, bypassing the need to fish entirely.

To do this, open up the console by pressing the following buttons on your chosen platform:

  • PC: Ctrl + Shift + C
  • Mac: Cmd + Shift + C
  • PS/Xbox: Hold all four triggers

Then enter the following into the console:

  • “testingcheats true”
  • “bb.showhiddenobjects”

The easiest way to find the frames and wheels in the Build and Buy menu is by utilizing the search bar at the left-hand side of the screen. Simply search for “wheel” or “frame”, and you’ll find all of the collectibles ready to be placed in your Sim’s home. You can then interact with them and put them in your inventory to add them to your collection.

The post How to complete the Nordhaven Bike Parts Collection in The Sims 4 appeared first on Destructoid.