How to create Family Recipes in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies

Cooking is one of the most basic life skills, and it’s no different for your Sims in The Sims 4. It’s nearly impossible to survive as a Sim without the cooking skill, so you’ll have to level it up in every playthrough.  As part of the Business and Hobbies expansion pack, a new feature has been added that allows you to create and pass down Family Recipes. These family recipes are not only delicious (most of the time), but they come with the added perks called Special Touches.  These gameplay features are an amazing addition to The Sims 4, particularly if you spend a lot of time taking part in Legacy Challenges. When you're 10 generations into a challenge and still using recipes created by the original starting Sim, it's a nice touch that really adds to the immersion. Here’s everything you need to know about creating Family Recipes, and how to unlock additional Special Touches, in The Sims 4.  How to create Family Recipes in The Sims 4 Screenshot by Destructoid If you own the Businesses and Hobbies expansion for The Sims 4, you’ll find that interacting with any cooking item will bring up a new option to “Create Family Recipe”. Selecting this will bring up a menu (shown above) that allows you to select a base recipe, an additional ingredient, and a Special Touch.  What you make here is up to you, and it doesn’t even need to be particularly appetizing. You can combine a Chocolate Cake with Avocado if the mood takes you, and your Sim is unlikely to complain at the taste or turn it down. You can make a maximum of 10 Family Recipes, as you cannot make more than one recipe using the same Special Touch.  Screenshot by Destructoid As part of the Businesses and Hobbies expansion, a new item called “Grammy’s Family Recipes” was added to the Build and Buy menu, costing 85 Simoleons. This item works like any cooking station, and you can create Family Recipes directly from it.  When you’ve created a Family Recipe and cooked it for the first time, you can prepare it from the “Family Recipes…” option when interacting with a cooking item. You’ll also be able to teach it to another member of the family, or even a family friend if you don’t mind sharing your secrets. Screenshot by Destructoid You’ll also be able to view all of your created Family Recipes, and clicking on them will reveal the options you chose when creating them.  How to get more Special Touches in The Sims 4 Screenshot by Destructoid You’ll need to add a Special Touch to every Family Recipe that you make, and which ones you’ll have unlocked depends on how long your Sim has been around and what they’ve experienced during their life. If you’re playing with an established Household, you’ll likely have access to many of the available Special Touches by default.  Remember, you can only create one recipe using each Special Touch. Trying to reuse a Special Touch that you’ve already used in a Family Recipe will replace the original Family Recipe, so it’s worth unlocking as many Special Touches as you can.  However, if you’re playing with a new household, you’ll need to unlock additional Special Touches by having experiences in the world at large. Here’s how: Special Touch Meal Effect How to unlock Moodlet Booster Increases the duration of Happy and Inspired Moodlets Unlocked by default Academic Ace Gives Sims a burst of energy and prevents Elder Sims from experiencing exhaustion Graduate Grade School, High School, or University Comfort Food Reduces the duration of Sad and Uncomfortable Moodlets Have a successful chat with the Sadness Hotline through the Social tab on the phone while feeling sad Dream Chaser Sims earn double Satisfaction Points from completing Wants and Aspirations Fulfill 50 Wants Mystery Fuel Gives Sims a burst of energy and prevents Elder Sims from experiencing exhaustion Obtain a Skill Enhancement Perk Heartbreak Healer Reduces the duration of Heartbroken Moodlets Experience a heartbreak Home Remedy Reduces the duration of Illnesses Overcome a common illness Low Maintenance Slows down how quickly Toddler and Children needs decrease Witness your Sim’s child age up Motive-ating Pauses the decrease of a random need Go three in-game days without experiencing a single negative Moodlet Spontaneous Rage Increases the success of Mean interactions and boosts performance in physical confrontations with other Sims Win a fight against another Sim Fertility Unleashed Boosts fertility and increases the likelihood of twins or triplets Become a parent to a newborn When a Family Recipe infused with a Special Touch is consumed by a Sim, they’ll gain the Meal Effect as a perk that lasts a fixed amount of time. How long each perk lasts varies, and you can find out how long you have left with a particular perk by hovering over it underneath your Sim in the bottom-left corner of the screen. The post How to create Family Recipes in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies appeared first on Destructoid.

Mar 10, 2025 - 12:47
How to create Family Recipes in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies

Cooking in The Sims 4

Cooking is one of the most basic life skills, and it’s no different for your Sims in The Sims 4. It’s nearly impossible to survive as a Sim without the cooking skill, so you’ll have to level it up in every playthrough. 

As part of the Business and Hobbies expansion pack, a new feature has been added that allows you to create and pass down Family Recipes. These family recipes are not only delicious (most of the time), but they come with the added perks called Special Touches. 

These gameplay features are an amazing addition to The Sims 4, particularly if you spend a lot of time taking part in Legacy Challenges. When you're 10 generations into a challenge and still using recipes created by the original starting Sim, it's a nice touch that really adds to the immersion.

Here’s everything you need to know about creating Family Recipes, and how to unlock additional Special Touches, in The Sims 4

How to create Family Recipes in The Sims 4

Creating a Family Recipe in The Sims 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you own the Businesses and Hobbies expansion for The Sims 4, you’ll find that interacting with any cooking item will bring up a new option to “Create Family Recipe”. Selecting this will bring up a menu (shown above) that allows you to select a base recipe, an additional ingredient, and a Special Touch. 

What you make here is up to you, and it doesn’t even need to be particularly appetizing. You can combine a Chocolate Cake with Avocado if the mood takes you, and your Sim is unlikely to complain at the taste or turn it down. You can make a maximum of 10 Family Recipes, as you cannot make more than one recipe using the same Special Touch. 

Gram's Recipe Book in The Sims 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

As part of the Businesses and Hobbies expansion, a new item called “Grammy’s Family Recipes” was added to the Build and Buy menu, costing 85 Simoleons. This item works like any cooking station, and you can create Family Recipes directly from it. 

When you’ve created a Family Recipe and cooked it for the first time, you can prepare it from the “Family Recipes…” option when interacting with a cooking item. You’ll also be able to teach it to another member of the family, or even a family friend if you don’t mind sharing your secrets.

Family Recipes list in The Sims 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

You’ll also be able to view all of your created Family Recipes, and clicking on them will reveal the options you chose when creating them. 

How to get more Special Touches in The Sims 4

Special Touches in The Sims 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

You’ll need to add a Special Touch to every Family Recipe that you make, and which ones you’ll have unlocked depends on how long your Sim has been around and what they’ve experienced during their life. If you’re playing with an established Household, you’ll likely have access to many of the available Special Touches by default. 

Remember, you can only create one recipe using each Special Touch. Trying to reuse a Special Touch that you’ve already used in a Family Recipe will replace the original Family Recipe, so it’s worth unlocking as many Special Touches as you can. 

However, if you’re playing with a new household, you’ll need to unlock additional Special Touches by having experiences in the world at large. Here’s how:

Special TouchMeal EffectHow to unlock
Moodlet BoosterIncreases the duration of Happy and Inspired MoodletsUnlocked by default
Academic AceGives Sims a burst of energy and prevents Elder Sims from experiencing exhaustionGraduate Grade School, High School, or University
Comfort FoodReduces the duration of Sad and Uncomfortable MoodletsHave a successful chat with the Sadness Hotline through the Social tab on the phone while feeling sad
Dream ChaserSims earn double Satisfaction Points from completing Wants and AspirationsFulfill 50 Wants
Mystery FuelGives Sims a burst of energy and prevents Elder Sims from experiencing exhaustionObtain a Skill Enhancement Perk
Heartbreak HealerReduces the duration of Heartbroken MoodletsExperience a heartbreak
Home RemedyReduces the duration of IllnessesOvercome a common illness
Low MaintenanceSlows down how quickly Toddler and Children needs decreaseWitness your Sim’s child age up
Motive-atingPauses the decrease of a random needGo three in-game days without experiencing a single negative Moodlet
Spontaneous RageIncreases the success of Mean interactions and boosts performance in physical confrontations with other SimsWin a fight against another Sim
Fertility UnleashedBoosts fertility and increases the likelihood of twins or tripletsBecome a parent to a newborn

When a Family Recipe infused with a Special Touch is consumed by a Sim, they’ll gain the Meal Effect as a perk that lasts a fixed amount of time. How long each perk lasts varies, and you can find out how long you have left with a particular perk by hovering over it underneath your Sim in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

The post How to create Family Recipes in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies appeared first on Destructoid.