Ninja Time: Complete Purple Eyes Clan Skills Showcase [RELEASED]
One of the rarest clans in Ninja Time is as powerful as the Rinnegan eyes, which it was inspired by. Even though all of the skills given by the Purple Eyes Clan are powerful, you can't use all of them at the same time. So, let's dive into a complete showcase of all the Purple Eyes Clan skills in Ninja Time and see which ones are the best. Table of Contents Purple Eyes Clan Skill Tree in Ninja Time Ninja Time Purple Eyes Clan Skills Showcase Purple Eyes Clan High Damage Skills Purple Eyes Clan Low Damage Skills Purple Eyes Clan Utility Skills List of All Purple Eyes Clan Skills in Ninja Time The Best Purple Eyes Clan Skill Loadout in Ninja Time How to Get the Purple Eyes Clan in Ninja Time How to Level Up the Purple Eyes Clan Mastery in Ninja Time Purple Eyes Clan Skill Tree in Ninja Time Purple Eyes Clan has 13 skills you can unlock The Purple Eyes Clan in Ninja Time has 13 skills in total that you can master. Each skill has a level requirement you have to meet, and to unlock one of them, you have to spend one stat point. When you unlock Purple Eyes skills, you can equip them to your hotbar and use them by spending chackra. However, keep in mind that you have to enter the Purple Eyes Mode to use most of them. Ninja Time Purple Eyes Clan Skills Showcase The skills of the Purple Eyes Clan, inspired by Rinnegan, are generally very offensive. There are no defensive moves you can take on the skill tree. So, we separated the skills into three groups: utility skills, low-damage skills, and high-damage skills. Purple Eyes Clan High Damage Skills Demonic Statue Celestial Subjugation Divine Push Gamma Beam Hellgate The high-damage skills of the Purple Eyes Clan generally have large AoEs and longer cooldowns, and they cost more chackra to use. However, if you can combo up a few of them, you can defeat most early-game Ninja Time bosses very quickly. Once you've reached level 25 in Purple Eyes Clan mastery, you want to equip as many of these skills as you can. Purple Eyes Clan Low Damage Skills Rhino Rush Soul Grab Universal Pull Rocket Barrage Most low-damage skills of the Rinnegan-inspired Purple Eyes Clan are useful only in the early game for multiple reasons. Firstly and foremost, they have low damage potential, and secondly, their AoE is usually very small. However, some of these skills are still very useful in the late game because of their damage scaling and lower cooldowns. Purple Eyes Clan Utility Skills Purple Eyes Mode Universal Absorption Chameleon Invocation Bird Invocation The Purple Eyes Clan has a few utility skills that can be super handy. Firstly, the Purple Eyes Mode temporarily increases your Purple Eyes mastery level by 12. And it allows you to use most other Clan skills, so it is a must-have in your loadout. The other useful skill to have is the Bird Invocation. Why? Well, because it is just a way better mount compared to the regular Bird mount. List of All Purple Eyes Clan Skills in Ninja Time Below is a list of all the skills that can be unlocked by leveling up your mastery of the Purple Eyes Clan in Ninja Time. Most skills cost between 75 and 150 chackra to use, and generally, they have a cooldown of around 15 seconds. However, two skills stand out from the rest: Celestial Subjugation and Demonic Statue, which have very high cooldowns and chackra costs. Skill Purple EyesRequirement Effect Cooldown ChackraCost Purple Eyes Mode 1 • Your Purple Eyes Mastery level increases by +12 while the mode is active. 2s 0 Rocket Barrage 1 • You shoot out several smaller rockets that deal very low damage. 8s 20 Universal Pull 3 • You spawn a gravity orb that pulls enemies in a small area around you. 10s 40 Divine Push 5 • You push enemies in a large area away from you, dealing very high damage. 12s 75 Rhino Rush 7 • You summon a charging rhino that deals high damage to all enemies it passes through. 15s 75 Chameleon Invocation 7 • You summon a rideable land mount. 15s 75 Bird Invocation 7 • You summon a rideable flying mount. 15s 75 Universal Absorption 10 • You spawn a clone that forms a red area around it that steals away chackra from nearby enemies. 12s 75 Soul Grasp 10 • You spawn a clone that grabs an enemy close to you and deals very high damage to them. The move has a very small range. 20s 100 Hellgate 10 • You spawn a hellgate in front of you that deals damage over time to all enemies around you and then pushes them away. 20s 100 Gamma Beam 15 • You briefly channel a ball of chackra that explodes, dealing very high damage and pushing away all enemies around you. 17s 150 Celestial Subjugation 20 • You spawn a black gravity ball that goes up into the air and pulls nearby enemies to it, which get slammed by concrete blocks for a very high amount of damage. 60s 200 Demonic Statue 25 • You spawn a Demonic Statue, which fires a beam in front of it that deals extremely high damage. 1
![Ninja Time: Complete Purple Eyes Clan Skills Showcase [RELEASED]](
One of the rarest clans in Ninja Time is as powerful as the Rinnegan eyes, which it was inspired by. Even though all of the skills given by the Purple Eyes Clan are powerful, you can't use all of them at the same time. So, let's dive into a complete showcase of all the Purple Eyes Clan skills in Ninja Time and see which ones are the best.
Table of Contents
Purple Eyes Clan Skill Tree in Ninja Time
The Purple Eyes Clan in Ninja Time has 13 skills in total that you can master. Each skill has a level requirement you have to meet, and to unlock one of them, you have to spend one stat point. When you unlock Purple Eyes skills, you can equip them to your hotbar and use them by spending chackra. However, keep in mind that you have to enter the Purple Eyes Mode to use most of them.
Ninja Time Purple Eyes Clan Skills Showcase
The skills of the Purple Eyes Clan, inspired by Rinnegan, are generally very offensive. There are no defensive moves you can take on the skill tree. So, we separated the skills into three groups: utility skills, low-damage skills, and high-damage skills.
Purple Eyes Clan High Damage Skills
The high-damage skills of the Purple Eyes Clan generally have large AoEs and longer cooldowns, and they cost more chackra to use. However, if you can combo up a few of them, you can defeat most early-game Ninja Time bosses very quickly. Once you've reached level 25 in Purple Eyes Clan mastery, you want to equip as many of these skills as you can.
Purple Eyes Clan Low Damage Skills
Most low-damage skills of the Rinnegan-inspired Purple Eyes Clan are useful only in the early game for multiple reasons. Firstly and foremost, they have low damage potential, and secondly, their AoE is usually very small. However, some of these skills are still very useful in the late game because of their damage scaling and lower cooldowns.
Purple Eyes Clan Utility Skills
The Purple Eyes Clan has a few utility skills that can be super handy. Firstly, the Purple Eyes Mode temporarily increases your Purple Eyes mastery level by 12. And it allows you to use most other Clan skills, so it is a must-have in your loadout. The other useful skill to have is the Bird Invocation. Why? Well, because it is just a way better mount compared to the regular Bird mount.
List of All Purple Eyes Clan Skills in Ninja Time
Below is a list of all the skills that can be unlocked by leveling up your mastery of the Purple Eyes Clan in Ninja Time. Most skills cost between 75 and 150 chackra to use, and generally, they have a cooldown of around 15 seconds. However, two skills stand out from the rest: Celestial Subjugation and Demonic Statue, which have very high cooldowns and chackra costs.
Purple Eyes
Purple Eyes Mode1
• Your Purple Eyes Mastery level increases by +12 while the mode is active.
Rocket Barrage1
• You shoot out several smaller rockets that deal very low damage.
Universal Pull3
• You spawn a gravity orb that pulls enemies in a small area around you.
Divine Push5
• You push enemies in a large area away from you, dealing very high damage.
Rhino Rush7
• You summon a charging rhino that deals high damage to all enemies it passes through.
Chameleon Invocation7
• You summon a rideable land mount.
Bird Invocation7
• You summon a rideable flying mount.
Universal Absorption10
• You spawn a clone that forms a red area around it that steals away chackra from nearby enemies.
Soul Grasp10
• You spawn a clone that grabs an enemy close to you and deals very high damage to them. The move has a very small range.
• You spawn a hellgate in front of you that deals damage over time to all enemies around you and then pushes them away.
Gamma Beam15
• You briefly channel a ball of chackra that explodes, dealing very high damage and pushing away all enemies around you.
Celestial Subjugation20
• You spawn a black gravity ball that goes up into the air and pulls nearby enemies to it, which get slammed by concrete blocks for a very high amount of damage.
Demonic Statue25
• You spawn a Demonic Statue, which fires a beam in front of it that deals extremely high damage.
The Best Purple Eyes Clan Skill Loadout in Ninja Time
Since you can equip only eight Rinnegan skills to your hotbar, you will want to carry an optimal loadout with you at all times. Utility must-haves are definitely the Purple Eyes Mode and the Bird Invocation. Universal Absorption can also be handy if you have a family that boosts your maximum chackra. As for the damage skills, the best ones are in this order: Demonic Statue, Celestial Subjugation, Divine Push, Rhino Rush, Hellgate, Gamma Beam, and Soul Grasp.
Skill Type
How to Get the Purple Eyes Clan in Ninja Time
If you don't have the Purple Eyes Clan already, then you can spin for it in the Spins section of the main menu. However, keep in mind that you have only 0.5% to roll the Purple Eyes Clan. So, if you spend all of your spins, check out our Ninja Time codes and get more for free.
How to Level Up the Purple Eyes Clan Mastery in Ninja Time
To unlock all of the skills on the Purple Eyes Clan skill tree in Ninja Time, you will need to increase your mastery level. To do that, you can either use the Rinnegan skills you already unlocked or max out your mastery and then level up your Purple Eyes Clan manually. Filling out your mastery is actually very easy because completing any quest maxes it out immediately. However, remember to spend your mastery right away, as all XP you get after reaching the mastery cap goes to waste.
That sums up everything you need to know about the Purple Eyes Clan's skills in Ninja Time. For more of our Ninja Time content, make sure to check out the Ninja Time section of Destructoid.
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