Updating an old non-electrical door bell with a low tech modern bell?
Someone asked me to replace their old doorbell. On the outside of the door is a clunky mechanical button and a peep hole. Inside there is a slide cover over the peep hole. There is no power to it. You push the button and it rings the bell. It is slow and sounds like it's under water. The door is at the bottom of a staircase and they live on the second floor, so I'm guessing that even if the bell was pristine, they still wouldn't hear it (hearing issues). I've searched through this sub, and YouTube. All the things related that I've seen are bells hard wired to the house, or connected to something like Nest, or other things that don't apply. At the big box hardware stores, the blue and the orange ones, all the bells are connected to the Internet or wired or overkill for this scenario. Nothing can be wired, there's no Internet in that house, and no wifi. I guess the best thing to get would be a door bell (that has a battery) with a peep hole, and when the button is pressed it would make some sort of wireless device, that can be placed upstairs (to be mounted on a wall or placed on a table). I'm guessing that this exists and my Google Fu isn't working properly.... submitted by /u/paulb104 [link] [comments]
Someone asked me to replace their old doorbell. On the outside of the door is a clunky mechanical button and a peep hole. Inside there is a slide cover over the peep hole. There is no power to it. You push the button and it rings the bell. It is slow and sounds like it's under water. The door is at the bottom of a staircase and they live on the second floor, so I'm guessing that even if the bell was pristine, they still wouldn't hear it (hearing issues). I've searched through this sub, and YouTube. All the things related that I've seen are bells hard wired to the house, or connected to something like Nest, or other things that don't apply. At the big box hardware stores, the blue and the orange ones, all the bells are connected to the Internet or wired or overkill for this scenario. Nothing can be wired, there's no Internet in that house, and no wifi. I guess the best thing to get would be a door bell (that has a battery) with a peep hole, and when the button is pressed it would make some sort of wireless device, that can be placed upstairs (to be mounted on a wall or placed on a table). I'm guessing that this exists and my Google Fu isn't working properly....
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