Tile under area for future washer/dryer pedestal or install pedestal directly to subfloor
Hey y'all, renovating my laundry room and I have a question. Is there a really good reason to either tile under the area where I am planning on building a washer/dryer pedestal, or simply build the pedestal and attach it to the subfloor directly and tile around the area. If I went with the tile around option, I would leave the current vinyl sheeting in place under the pedestal and remove it only where tile would be placed? Thoughts, concerns, anything I'm missing? Thanks submitted by /u/bollmannt [link] [comments]
Hey y'all, renovating my laundry room and I have a question. Is there a really good reason to either tile under the area where I am planning on building a washer/dryer pedestal, or simply build the pedestal and attach it to the subfloor directly and tile around the area. If I went with the tile around option, I would leave the current vinyl sheeting in place under the pedestal and remove it only where tile would be placed? Thoughts, concerns, anything I'm missing? Thanks
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