A guide to all 20 arrondissements in Paris
Paris’ 20 different districts (called arrondissements), spiral clockwise from the center like a snail shell. Get to know them all with our thorough guide.

Paris is a mosaic of densely populated neighborhoods, known as arrondissements, which spiral clockwise like a snail shell from the Left Bank (south) and Right Bank (north) of the Seine River right up to the périphérique (ring road) that encircles the city.
Each arrondissement has its own distinctive personality and draws for visitors, from the raucous jazz bars of the Latin Quarter (5th arrondissement) to the leafy parks of the far-flung 19th. Read on for an introduction of each of the city’s 20 arrondissements, with highlights and top attractions for travelers in each.
A handy tip: The last two numbers of any Paris postal code (which always start with the city’s département number, 75) indicate which arrondissement that location is in. For example, 75001 means the 1st arrondissement, while 75002 is in the 2nd and so on. These numbers make it easy to quickly check the location of hotels and rental apartments in the city. Note that postal codes that don’t begin with 75 lie beyond the périphérique.
1st arrondissement
Best neighborhood for sightseeing
Occupying the Right Bank and a sliver of Île de la Cité, Paris’ historic heart, the elegant 1st arrondissement (premier) has the fewest residents of them all. Instead, it has a huge number of blockbuster sights, including the Musée du Louvre, the elegantly planted Jardin des Tuileries and Jardin du Palais Royal, new(ish) contemporary art space Bourse de Commerce, and the grandiose Place Vendôme, home of some of the world’s most luxurious jewelry brands.
The chic rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, with its array of high-end boutiques, begins here; for high-street brands, head to the rue de Rivoli and Les Halles shopping center (Châtelet) on the site of what used to be the city’s biggest fresh produce market. The 1st also takes in the western wedge of the Île de la Cité, which hides the ethereal stained-glass chapel Sainte-Chapelle and picturesque square du Vert-Galant on the very tip of the island, marked by a large willow tree.
Local tip: Try hard to avoid the many tourist-trap restaurants in the 1st. Instead, head to historic places like budget-friendly Petit Bouillon Pharamond and Au Pied de Cochon, or creative spots like Verjus, Alfred and Mediterranean-infused Loulou (it’s in the middle of the Tuileries, and the fantastic terrace has an Eiffel Tower view).
The area abounds with other upscale places like three-Michelin-starred Kei and La Halle aux Grains at the top of the Bourse de Commerce. The area is also known for the buzzy rue Ste-Anne, (which begins at the Opéra Garnier), scattered with Japanese restaurants ranging from traditional udon to sushi spots.
2nd arrondissement
Best neighborhood for historic passageways and pretty streets
Paris’ smallest district, the 2nd arrondissement (deuxième) contains many of the city's 19th-century glass-roofed covered passages – including the oldest, the enchanting Passage des Panoramas. Street stalls and food shops such as Stohrer, a bakery opened in 1730, line pedestrianized rue Montorgueil, whose northern extension, rue des Petits Carreaux, heads into the vestiges of Paris’ garment-making district, Sentier, today hopping with bistros and bars.
Local tip: While here, make sure to catch a play or stand-up show at one of the theaters in the Grands Boulevards area. If you’re not fluent in French, catch funny man Olivier Giraud’s How to Become a Parisian in One Hour?, an easy stand-up show during which the comedian makes a mockery of the bad-natured locals in an eye-opening, extremely funny hour.
3rd arrondissement
Best neighborhood for cafes and museums
Known as the Haut Marais (Upper Marais), the 3rd arrondissement (troisième) underwent a mid-2000s metamorphosis and today bursts with design ateliers and stylish cafes. Unmissable sights include the Musée National Picasso, in a stunning 17th-century hôtel particulier (private mansion), and the Musée Carnavalet, which recounts the history of the French capital.
Local tip: Avoid the area on Saturdays from lunchtime on as it’s usually extremely busy. If you want to have the narrow beautiful lanes to yourself, opt for an early-morning visit (before lunchtime) or try Sunday after midday, when most shops tend to be open (and when many are closed elsewhere in the city).Exception: The parser function of type "canto_diptych" is not defined. 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4th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for hip shops and world-famous heritage sites
Part of the 4th arrondissement (quatrième), the Marais district received a facelift of its own in the 1960s and ’70s and remains one of Paris’ most fashionable areas. The multifaceted 4th is also home to thriving Jewish and LGBTIQ+ communities, as well as the iconic Centre Pompidou cultural center, with its rich collections modern and contemporary art. (Note that the Pompidou will close for five years starting in 2025 for a top-to-bottom renovation.) The area is known for Quaide l'Hôtel deVille, a scenic waterfront promenade that is the perfect place for a sundowner. Also within this area is the eastern end of the Île de la Cité island, dominated by the peerless, now magnificently restored Notre-Dame. The smaller island to its east, boutique-lined Île St-Louis, is the home of Berthillon ice cream.
Local tip: Unless you’re going to visit the museums (check opening times, as many close on Tuesdays), then explore the area come evening. Once the neighborhood empties of visitors, locals come out to play in the warm glow of cafes and restaurants. The area is alluringly lit, highlighting details you might miss in the day – such as the ghoulish stone carvings in the bridges straddling the Seine.
5th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for nightlife
Fanning out around La Sorbonne’s prestigious university campus on the Left Bank, the student-filled 5th arrondissement (cinquième), also known as the Latin Quarter, abounds with secondhand bookstores and record shops, cheap restaurants, art deco cinemas, jazz clubs and late-night bars. The Musée National du Moyen Âge incorporates both medieval and Roman-era architecture, while natural history museums are located in the botanic gardens of Jardin des Plantes. French luminaries, meanwhile, are laid to rest in the domed Panthéon mausoleum.
Local tip: Paris is a truly cosmopolitan city – and its dining scene has only just started to really reflect the country’s diverse cultural heritage. Yet local institution, the restaurant at the art deco Grande Mosquée, has been serving Moroccan specialties like tagine and couscous for years. There’s also a hammam (steam bath) open to women only, where you can spend a morning unwinding before speeding things up at this busy lunch spot.
6th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for quintessential Paris
Famed for fabled literary cafes like Les Deux Magots, which sits opposite the city's oldest church, 11th-century Église St-Germain des Prés, the quintessentially Parisian 6th arrondissement (sixième) is a jewel box of exquisite boutiques, restaurants and hotels. In the arrondissement’s southeast is the chestnut-shaded park Jardin du Luxembourg, where children prod 1920s wooden toy sailboats on an octagonal pond.
Local tip: If you can, avoid the better-known – and overly touristy – cafes, as little remains of a local feel there. Instead, book dinner and a show at Chez Papa Jazz Club and to enjoy the sultry stylings of jazz singer as you tuck into your magret de canard (duck breast).
7th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for iconic Paris landmarks
Further to the west along the Left Bank is the wealthy 7th arrondissement (septième). Shaped like a fan, it has attractions including Impressionist art showcase Musée d’Orsay, the Musée Rodin's sculpture-filled mansion and rose garden, and the Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, which highlights art from Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. Manicured lawns front the central Hôtel des Invalides military complex, which contains the tomb of Napoléon. To the west is Paris’ emblematic Eiffel Tower.
Local tip: Set some time aside to explore rue St Dominique and rue Cler, the area’s most charming streets, which have vendors everything from pastries to wine, as well as fabled restaurants like upscale bistro Fontaine de Mars.
8th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for luxury shopping
Back on the Right Bank, the grand 8th arrondissement (huitième) is crisscrossed by broad, elegant boulevards. The most famous of these is the Champs-Élysées, bookended by the mighty Arc de Triomphe and the vast Place de la Concorde (where Louis XVI was guillotined). Avenues Champs-Élysées, George V and Montaigne form the Triangle d’Or (Golden Triangle) – the home to flagship fashion houses like Chanel and Dior. Gourmet emporiums surround Place de la Madeleine’s Grecian temple-style church Église de la Madeleine.
Local tip: A huge arrondissement, the 8th has a plethora museums big and small. Whatever your appetite for art and design, small museums like the Nissim de Camondo, Cernuschi and Jacquemart-Andrée, as well as larger institutions like the Grand Palais, Petit Palais, Modern Art Museum, Palais de Tokyo, Palais Galliera and Musée de l’Orangerie, can satisfy it.
9th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for department stores, markets and grand opera
Eastward, the 9th arrondissement (neuvième) home to Paris’ opulent opera house, Palais Garnier, (the theater had a starring role in Gaston Leroux’ 1910 novel The Phantom of the Opera). It’s also where you'll find art-nouveau department stores Galeries Lafayette and Le Printemps. Foodie favorite rue des Martyrs – bursting with fromageries (cheese stores), boulangeries (bakeries) and other delights, extends uphill from here – while bars that range from glamorous to slightly seedy line the side streets around place St-Georges and Pigalle.
Local tip: The 9th has always been a major “going out” district. You can enjoy a night of memorable entertainment at theaters including the Edouard VII and the Mogador; cool concert venues like the Elysée Montmartre, La Cigale, La Boule Noire and the legendary L’Olympia; the chic Folies Bergère; and drag cabaret Madame Arthur (just over the border of the 18th).
10th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for transport links and canal-side dining
Grittier – and, many say, more exciting – than the arrondissements that precede it, the 10th arrondissement (dixième) is many visitors’ introduction to Paris: train stations Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est both lie within its borders. Iron footbridge–spanned Canal St-Martin’s revival continues apace thanks to indie-run bars, restaurants, shops and cultural centers such as Point Éphémère.
Local tip: Most visitors tend to zoom to the cool canal-side spots – but for a different twist on Paris, dive into the tangle of streets south of La Chapelle metro station to explore Little India and its canteens. If you happen to be here around September 19, don’t miss Ganesh Chaturthi, a colorful festival during which the locals pay tribute to the beloved elephant-headed deity.
11th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for restaurants
Traditionally home to furniture makers, Paris’ most densely populated arrondissement is today as well known for its graphic designers, multimedia artists, coworking spaces – and stylish watering holes to match. (Head to rue Oberkampf, the neighborhood’s spine, for a full array of options.) The 11th (onzième) has also become a destination for modern dining, with standout restaurants including Clamato, Le Servan, Cafe du Coin and Le Saint Sébastien.
Local tip: On the eastern edge of the 11th, the arrondissement’s traditions live on at 37 bis rue de Montreuil (or just 37 Bis). This “courtyard of industry” remains home to dozens of active sculptors, ceramicists, cabinet makers and other makers, their workshops open to the public.
12th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for local flair
This resolutely local 12th arrondissement (douzième) stretches from Place de la Bastille (ground zero of the French Revolution) to the sprawling forest of Bois de Vincennes, and is traversed by elevated railway–turned–public park Promenade Plantée. Other highlights include the huge Opéra Bastille, Marché d’Aligre’s lively food and flea markets, and Bercy Village, where old wine warehouses have been transformed into a lively shopping district.
Local tip: On the other side of the périphérique yet technically still in the 12th, the 2500-acre Bois de Vincennes has wooded areas, lakes and a well-laid-out zoo.
13th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for urban transformation
Crossing the Seine (again), the 13th arrondissement (treizième) is home to Paris’ largest Chinatown, where Asian bakeries and Buddhist temples are surrounded by a forest of skyscrapers, many used as giant canvases for street art. Elsewhere, innovations like the book-shaped national library Bibliothèque Nationale de France and repurposed industrial sites – such as a railway depot–turned–start-up campus Station F – make the regenerating 13th arrondissement feel like anywhere else in Paris.
Local tip: Once a sleepy residential district, the 13th has a growing number of amenities of interest to visitors. The shiny, sky-high Too Hotel has a Starck-designed restaurant on the 27th floor – possibly the highest in the city after the Eiffel Tower’s Jules Verne – that comes with sprawling views of Paris. Street-art gallery Itinerrance always has something cool to check out, with exhibition opening nights the liveliest times to visit.
14th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for catacombs and crêperies
The northern part of the 14th arrondissement (quatorzième) is the entry point for skull-and-bone-lined subterranean tunnels Les Catacombes, long-standing Montparnasse brasseries such as Le Select and La Coupole, and stacks of Breton crêperies. Mostly residential, the south part of the district shelters leafy Parc Montsouris.
Local tip: Though less famous than Père-Lachaise in the 20th, Cimitière du Montparnasse is the final resting place of a huge number of cultural heavies, from Guy de Maupassant and Constantin Brancusi to Serge Gainsbourg, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.
15th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for quiet Parisian life
The gigantic 15th arrondissement (quinzième) is Paris’ most populous, with a mix of 19th-century and modern apartment blocks that house middle-class families who live life away from the tourist crowds. While sights here are few, the 15th’s lovely parks here include Parc André Citroën (home to the helium-filled Ballon de Paris) and artificial island Île aux Cygnes.
Local tip: Bibliophiles should pencil in a visit to the Marché du Livre Ancien, where every weekend dozens of vendors of used and rare books set up shop near the Parc Georges Brassens.Exception: The parser function of type "canto_diptych" is not defined. 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16th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for posh boulevards and woodland walks
Incorporating the large Bois de Boulogne woodland area, the swank 16th arrondissement (seizième) is geographically Paris’ largest. Top draws include the Palais de Chaillot’s trio of museums overlooking the terraced Jardins du Trocadéro (as well as the Eiffel Tower, directly across the Seine); the Musée Marmottan Monet is among its lesser-known gems.
You can’t come to the area without taking a walk in the woods or visiting the spectacular – and controversial – Frank Gehry–designed Fondation Louis Vuitton, which puts on some of Paris’ most ambitious art exhibitions. If you’re here with children, the Jardin d’Acclimatation is a brilliant park featuring rides plus roaming squirrels and peacocks. At the 16th’s southern tip, the Roland Garros tennis complex comes to life at the beginning of every summer with the French Open.
Local tip: The most charming part of the area is around Passy metro, close to the Wine Museum and the rue de l’Annonciation. You can also visit the former home of novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac, which is nearby.
17th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for families
Outside of Paris visitors’ usual itineraries, the 17th arrondissement (dix-septième) is a mash-up of classical Parisian apartment buildings, rejuvenated post-industrial areas and Clichy-Batignolles, a sustainable new “eco quarter“ known for its family-friendly credentials (think numerous parks and gardens, plus restaurants where staff don’t bat an eyelid at a stroller). In recent years, artisan workshops and interior-decoration firms have been replaced by upscale boutiques and Instagram-friendly restaurants.
Local tip: The 17th offers great shopping if you can’t face the crowds of the Marais. Make sure to stop in at Hasard Ludique, a lively art hub inside an abandoned station along Paris’ disused Petite Ceinture railway line.
18th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for city views
The 18th arrondissement (dix-huitième) is known for Montmartre’s steep, ivy-clad streets and crowned by hilltop Sacré-Cœur basilica. Portrait artists on touristy Place du Tertre recall the days when Picasso, Braque and Modigliani lived and worked here – though the throngs of visitors tend to detract from the romance of the area. To Montmartre’s south extends the (rather tame) red-light district Pigalle, home to the iconic Moulin Rouge cabaret; to its east, Château Rouge and La Goutte d’Or make up Paris’ “Little Africa” neighborhood. The aromatic street markets, colorful fabric shops and vibrant music scene here make for a nice complement to Montmartre’s often kitsch vibe.
Local tip: Descend Montmartre to the north to continue to Les Puces de St-Ouen, just across the périphérique. This is the mother of all flea markets, where sellers at stalls stock absolutely everything you can imagine, from rare antiques to jewelry, vintage door knobs to Air France posters, fireplaces and wooden staircases ripped out of crumbling stately homes, clothing and much, much more.
19th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for green spaces
Drawing few non-Parisian visitors, the far-flung 19th arrondissement (dix-neuvième) does have some rough edges – as well as many gems. Many of them lie within the futuristic, fairground-like Parc de la Villette, which has science museums alongside such music venues as the Philharmonie de Paris concert hall. A park of a very different stripe, Parc des Buttes Chaumont, on the outskirts of Belleville, is picturesquely landscaped with grottoes, waterfalls and a lake.
Local tip: Streets like rue de la Villette, near the Jourdain metro, have retained their indy vibe thanks to a handful of creative boutiques, bars and restaurants. And don’t miss a walk through the Mouzaïa neighborhood, with its pretty, detached houses surrounded by leafy gardens – a rare sight in densely populated Paris.
20th arrondissement
Best neighborhood for lively bars, street art and final resting places
The most famous attraction in Paris’ 20th arrondissement (vingtième) is Cimetière du Père Lachaise, burial place of famous cultural figures including Molière, Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Édith Piaf and many others. This historically working-class area has been majorly gentrifying in recent years, with the quarters of Ménilmontant and Belleville now home to both artist studios and wonderfully old-school hangouts such as Le Vieux Belleville, where you can join in on an accordion-accompanied chanson.
Local tip: Climb up to a charming pocket of houses lined up along quiet cobblestone streets in an area called la campagne à Paris, close to Porte de Bagnolet metro station. Lively areas of indy bars and restaurants are found on rue des Pyrénées and rue de Bagnolet. Off the small side street Villa Riberolle, seek out hidden restaurants Caché and Amagat.