Best Classes in World // Zero – Ultimate Class Guide & Tier List
As you progress through the various worlds inside World // Zero, you will realize that you are as strong as the class you are using. No doubt, some classes, like Necromancer and Stormcaller, stand out from the rest. However, almost every class excels at something—even Paladin. So, we prepared the following World // Zero guide to classes and a tier list to help you pick the best ones. Table of Contents What are Classes in World // Zero How to Unlock New Classes in WZ World // Zero Class Tier List World // Zero Class Tier Lists for the Nightmare Dungeons, Infinite Tower, and XP Farming Ranking the Classes for the Infinite Tower Leaderboard Runs World // Zero Class List Tier V Classes Tier IV Classes Tier III Classes Tier II Classes Tier I Classes Summary of the Best Classes in World // Zero What are Classes in World // Zero You can see what each class in World // Zero offers through the class menu (K button) When you inspect a class, you can see its skills, stats, and the weapons it uses Classes in World // Zero let you switch up your playstyle whenever you want because each one offers a different set of class-specific skills. Now, most skills are just there to help you dish out more damage. However, some classes also have utility skills that increase your defenses, DPS, movement speed, etc. How to Unlock New Classes in WZ You can unlock most classes in World // Zero by leveling up Quests related to some of the classes in World // Zero let you unlock Mastery classes You can unlock most classes in World // Zero by simply leveling up. Now, there are a few Mastery classes that you can get after you complete some really long and grindy quests. To find out more about these quests, inspect the Elementalist, Mage of Light, Demon, and Spirit Archer classes. Alternatively, each class is available for Robux. Now, if you want to purchase one of the late-game classes, like Demon, you are better off buying the Skip to Endgame battlepass. The battlepass costs 200 more Robux than the Demon class, and it grants you 140 levels right away. As you instantly level up, you will unlock most classes, including the Demon, and jump straight into the endgame. World // Zero Class Tier List Image via TierMaker In the above tier list, we ranked each class in World // Zero based on how good they are overall. We gave a slight priority to dual-wielding classes. Why? Because they let you switch between perks on the fly and maximize your DPS depending on whether you are fighting regular mobs or bosses. Currently, the best classes in World // Zero are the Stormcaller and Necromancer. Both have very high DPS, excellent AoE, and decent survivability. For more information about each class, check out the class list further below. World // Zero Class Tier Lists for the Nightmare Dungeons, Infinite Tower, and XP Farming As I mentioned previously, most classes have their niches at which they excel in World // Zero. For example, the Elementalist, which you unlock in the second world, is insane at clearing later floors of the Infinite Tower. With that in mind, you can find all classes ranked from best to worst, depending on how good they are for clearing specific types of content in the table below. Nightmare Dungeons XP Farming Infinite Tower(Leaderboards) Infinite Tower(Gear Farming) Necromancer Stormcaller Elementalist Warlord Stormcaller Summoner Stormcaller Mage of Shadows Shadowblade Spirit Archer Mage of Shadows Stormcaller Guardian Necromancer Hunter Necromancer Dragoon Guardian Spirit Archer Dragoon Mage of Shadows Hunter Mage of Light Shadowblade Berserker Mage of Shadows Warlord Guardian Warlord Warlord Berserker Hunter Dual Wielder Elementalist Demon Spirit Archer Hunter Dragoon Necromancer Berserker Demon Demon Guardian Dual Wielder Elementalist Paladin Dual Wielder Elementalist Spirit Archer Mage of Light Shadowblade Summoner Mage of Light Berserker Summoner Demon Summoner Shadowblade Dragoon Mage of Light Paladin Dual Wielder Paladin Paladin Each of the tier lists above ranks classes in World // Zero based on different criteria. For Nightmare Dungeons, the overall clear speed is essential. So, the best classes are equally good at dealing with both mobs and bosses. The XP Farming tier list ranks classes based on how good they are for farming XP when you just unlock them. So, use the above ranking to map out your class progression until you reach the maximum level. Ranking the Classes for the Infinite Tower Leaderboard Runs There are two main reasons for grinding the Infinite Tower in World // Zero. Firstly, you can earn guild points by pushing to the highest floors of it. Secondly, Infinite Tower is one of the best spots for grinding endgame gear and battlepass XP. To farm gear and battlepass XP efficiently, stick to classes that are good at dealing with a lot of mobs at once. Also, grind only until floor 180, as the mobs get

As you progress through the various worlds inside World // Zero, you will realize that you are as strong as the class you are using. No doubt, some classes, like Necromancer and Stormcaller, stand out from the rest. However, almost every class excels at something—even Paladin. So, we prepared the following World // Zero guide to classes and a tier list to help you pick the best ones.
Table of Contents
What are Classes in World // Zero
Classes in World // Zero let you switch up your playstyle whenever you want because each one offers a different set of class-specific skills. Now, most skills are just there to help you dish out more damage. However, some classes also have utility skills that increase your defenses, DPS, movement speed, etc.
How to Unlock New Classes in WZ
You can unlock most classes in World // Zero by simply leveling up. Now, there are a few Mastery classes that you can get after you complete some really long and grindy quests. To find out more about these quests, inspect the Elementalist, Mage of Light, Demon, and Spirit Archer classes.
Alternatively, each class is available for Robux. Now, if you want to purchase one of the late-game classes, like Demon, you are better off buying the Skip to Endgame battlepass. The battlepass costs 200 more Robux than the Demon class, and it grants you 140 levels right away. As you instantly level up, you will unlock most classes, including the Demon, and jump straight into the endgame.
World // Zero Class Tier List

In the above tier list, we ranked each class in World // Zero based on how good they are overall. We gave a slight priority to dual-wielding classes. Why? Because they let you switch between perks on the fly and maximize your DPS depending on whether you are fighting regular mobs or bosses. Currently, the best classes in World // Zero are the Stormcaller and Necromancer. Both have very high DPS, excellent AoE, and decent survivability. For more information about each class, check out the class list further below.
World // Zero Class Tier Lists for the Nightmare Dungeons, Infinite Tower, and XP Farming
As I mentioned previously, most classes have their niches at which they excel in World // Zero. For example, the Elementalist, which you unlock in the second world, is insane at clearing later floors of the Infinite Tower. With that in mind, you can find all classes ranked from best to worst, depending on how good they are for clearing specific types of content in the table below.
Nightmare Dungeons XP Farming Infinite Tower
(Leaderboards)Infinite Tower
(Gear Farming)
Mage of Shadows
Spirit Archer
Mage of Shadows
Spirit Archer
Mage of Shadows
Mage of Light
Mage of Shadows
Dual Wielder
Spirit Archer
Dual Wielder
Dual Wielder
Spirit Archer
Mage of Light
Mage of Light
Mage of Light
Dual Wielder
Each of the tier lists above ranks classes in World // Zero based on different criteria. For Nightmare Dungeons, the overall clear speed is essential. So, the best classes are equally good at dealing with both mobs and bosses. The XP Farming tier list ranks classes based on how good they are for farming XP when you just unlock them. So, use the above ranking to map out your class progression until you reach the maximum level.
Ranking the Classes for the Infinite Tower Leaderboard Runs
There are two main reasons for grinding the Infinite Tower in World // Zero. Firstly, you can earn guild points by pushing to the highest floors of it. Secondly, Infinite Tower is one of the best spots for grinding endgame gear and battlepass XP. To farm gear and battlepass XP efficiently, stick to classes that are good at dealing with a lot of mobs at once. Also, grind only until floor 180, as the mobs get increasingly stronger after that point.
For the World // Zero Infinite Tower leaderboard runs, use classes that apply a lot of status effects. The reason why the status effects are so significant is that they deal damage equal to a percentage of the enemies' maximum HP. So, the damage of World // Zero classes with a lot of status effects stays consistent no matter how high you climb in the Infinite Tower.
World // Zero Class List
To add more context to all of the ranking we did in the above tier lists, below you can find a list of all classes in World // Zero, along with their pros & cons. Some classes really need good perks to work properly. So, we included optimal perks for both grinding mobs and bosses for each class.
Tier V Classes
Class | Pros & Cons | Mob Perks | Boss Perks |
![]() Stormcaller | + Massive AoE + Excellent for clearing mobs + Great for longer dungeons | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Master Thief • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Necromancer | + Insane at clearing bosses and mobs + High damage and short cooldowns | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Master Thief • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Mage of Shadows | + High burst damage + Very good AoE + Great at applying status effects − Long cooldowns | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Self Destruct • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Hunter | + Very good boss killer + Applies Burn and Poison − Poor at dealing with mob packs | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Shadowblade | + Very high DPS + Great at resetting aggro − Requires good gear to shine − Small AoE | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Self Destruct • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Warlord | + Excellent AoE + Consistent DPS − Only decent for bosses | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Summoner | + Very good boss killer + Excellent at farming elite monsters − Extremely bad mob clearer − Bad status effect options | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Self Destruct • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
Tier IV Classes
Class | Pros & Cons | Mob Perks | Boss Perks |
![]() Spirit Archer | + Excellent mob clearing + Made for XP farming + Decent support − Low boss DPS | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Master Thief • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Dragoon | + Good DPS + High mobility − Weak without good gear − Only decent survivability | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Demon | + Life steal + Very high boss DPS − Bad at dealing with mobs | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Elite Assassin |
Tier III Classes
Class | Pros & Cons | Mob Perks | Boss Perks |
![]() Berserker | + Extremely high DPS with Rage + Good for dodging attacks − Reliant on good gear | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Mage of Light | + Borderline unkillable + Great as a support − Low damage | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Self Destruct • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Paladin | + Decent XP farmer + Basically immortal − Very low damage | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Ferocious • Pet: Elite Assassin |
Tier II Classes
Class | Pros & Cons | Mob Perks | Boss Perks |
![]() Guardian | + Good CC and AoE combo + Very good survivability | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Master Thief • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Elementalist | + Insane damage over time + Multiple skills that apply status effects − Low base damage − Only decent AoE | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
![]() Dual Wielder | + Very high boss DPS − Limited AoE − Low survivability | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Boss Bane • Pet: Boss Bane | • Armor: Glass • Weapon: Elite Assassin • Pet: Elite Assassin |
Tier I Classes
Tier I classes in World // Zero are very similar because they share the same damage and cooldowns. Their play style is just a bit different. Since you will switch to a better class relatively early on, feel free to experiment with them.
Skills Pros & Cons
Defender• Groundbreaker (E) - Smash your greataxe into the ground for heavy damage! (5s)
• Cyclone Swing (R) - Swing your greataxe around in a circle to hit any enemies around you! (8s)+ High damage and HP
− Low mobility and slow attacks
Arcane Mage• Arcane Blast (E) - Hurl an arcane ball toward your enemies that explodes and deals heavy damage! (5s)
• Arcane Wave (R) - Create four bursts of arcane energy in a line in front of you! (8s)+ High damage
+ Decent range
− Low HP and mobility
Swordmaster• Crescent Strike (E) - You launch a crescent attack at your enemies! (5s)
• Leap Slash (R) - Leap toward your enemies and inflict a powerful blow! (8s)+ Good damage and mobility
− Squishy
Summary of the Best Classes in World // Zero
If you are looking for the strongest classes in World // Zero that you can stick to in the long run, then pick either Stormcaller, Necromancer, or Mage of Shadows. However, grinding to unlock those will take you a while. So, until then, stick with the Guardian in the very early game, and then switch to either Dragoon or Spirit Archer until the late game.
By sticking to the class tier lists above, you are sure to have an easy time grinding in World // Zero. If you want to make the start of your RPG journey a bit easier, then make sure to claim some freebies through our World // Zero codes.
The post Best Classes in World // Zero – Ultimate Class Guide & Tier List appeared first on Destructoid.