How to increase Small Business Renown in The Sims 4
A large part of making your small business in The Sims 4 successful, at least in the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack, is increasing your renown to unlock perk points. Depending on your level and alignment, you can gain perks ranging from a digital tip jar to guaranteeing customer satisfaction. How to raise Business Renown in The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies You'll naturally gain renown over time as you open your business, interact with your customers, and gain positive reviews. Here are some factors that can influence your customer experience and reviews: Price modifier Available business activities Your interactions with customers Quality of items and services sold Quality and cleanliness of your lot Much like in the real world, your customers want affordable products and services in a clean, nice-looking shop. They also don't want you and your employees to be rude or ignore them. You'll naturally gain positive reviews over time as long as you treat your customers well, have a clean shop, and provide the items or services they're looking for. You can also change your Price Modifier through the Small Business Settings menu to initiate a sale if you need a small boost. Screenshot by Destructoid From here, it's a matter of time and dedication. Opening your store for one day usually won't be enough to raise your renown to the next level. It can take dozens or even hundreds of in-game hours before you start climbing the ranks, especially if you have a new household that's building their skills and wealth from scratch. Once you close your business for the day, check out the reviews to see what your customers are saying. If they think your prices are too high, you may need to lower your price modifier slightly. Similarly, if they like your prices but think your lot is dirty, clean up any messy dishes, trash piles, or water puddles that might be present before opening again. Don't worry, though; as you get more money, you can hire employees who handle this. All Small Business perks in The Sims 4 The main benefit of raising your small business' renown is gaining perk points for upgrading your company. While neutral alignment perks benefit your business with few to no drawbacks, the Dreamer and Schemer alignment options have significant upsides and noticeable downsides. Below is every perk available in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies. Hopeful Hustle (Level one) Perk Alignment Description Leave a Tip? Neutral Customers have a chance to tip your business. Investing more points into this increases their tip chance and amount. Inspiring Business Story Dreamer Your Sim can share their business journey to inspire other Sims. Sway to Buy Schemer You can persuade customers to buy items on your Retail Displays. Striving Startup (Level two) Perk Alignment Description Going Viral Neutral You'll see an increase in overall customer satisfaction. Employee Bonus Dreamer You can give bonuses to your employees to fulfil their needs. Fake Payments Schemer You can fake household bill and employee salary payments. Neighborhood Gem (Level three) Perk Alignment Description Muscle Memory Neutral You have faster skill gain while your business is open. Chug the WUTANT Dreamer Gain a drink that gives a massive, temporary spike in energy. White-Collar Robbery Schemer Lets your Sim enter restricted business areas and gain a Kleptomaniac-like trait. Community Staple (Level four) Perk Alignment Description Invest in SimoCoin Neutral You can mine "SimoCoin" on your home computer for passive income. Customer Appreciation Day Dreamer You can choose to have all Entrance Fees, goods, and services be free in exchange for guaranteed customer satisfaction and Adoring sentiments from other Sims. Fire Starter Schemer You can start fires on your lot to file insurance claims. Local Legend (Level five) Perk Alignment Description Irresistible Scent Neutral Customer satisfaction will increase, keeping them around your business longer. Bartering Dreamer Customer can give you rare collectibles instead of money. Ultrasonic Whistle Schemer Your business will play a high-pitched whistle that forces customers to leave but attracts new ones. Everyone will also pay your Entrance Fee regardless of how long they stay. The post How to increase Small Business Renown in The Sims 4 appeared first on Destructoid.

A large part of making your small business in The Sims 4 successful, at least in the Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack, is increasing your renown to unlock perk points. Depending on your level and alignment, you can gain perks ranging from a digital tip jar to guaranteeing customer satisfaction.
How to raise Business Renown in The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies
You'll naturally gain renown over time as you open your business, interact with your customers, and gain positive reviews. Here are some factors that can influence your customer experience and reviews:
- Price modifier
- Available business activities
- Your interactions with customers
- Quality of items and services sold
- Quality and cleanliness of your lot
Much like in the real world, your customers want affordable products and services in a clean, nice-looking shop. They also don't want you and your employees to be rude or ignore them. You'll naturally gain positive reviews over time as long as you treat your customers well, have a clean shop, and provide the items or services they're looking for. You can also change your Price Modifier through the Small Business Settings menu to initiate a sale if you need a small boost.
From here, it's a matter of time and dedication. Opening your store for one day usually won't be enough to raise your renown to the next level. It can take dozens or even hundreds of in-game hours before you start climbing the ranks, especially if you have a new household that's building their skills and wealth from scratch.
Once you close your business for the day, check out the reviews to see what your customers are saying. If they think your prices are too high, you may need to lower your price modifier slightly. Similarly, if they like your prices but think your lot is dirty, clean up any messy dishes, trash piles, or water puddles that might be present before opening again. Don't worry, though; as you get more money, you can hire employees who handle this.
All Small Business perks in The Sims 4
The main benefit of raising your small business' renown is gaining perk points for upgrading your company. While neutral alignment perks benefit your business with few to no drawbacks, the Dreamer and Schemer alignment options have significant upsides and noticeable downsides. Below is every perk available in The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies.
Hopeful Hustle (Level one)
Perk | Alignment | Description |
Leave a Tip? | Neutral | Customers have a chance to tip your business. Investing more points into this increases their tip chance and amount. |
Inspiring Business Story | Dreamer | Your Sim can share their business journey to inspire other Sims. |
Sway to Buy | Schemer | You can persuade customers to buy items on your Retail Displays. |
Striving Startup (Level two)
Perk | Alignment | Description |
Going Viral | Neutral | You'll see an increase in overall customer satisfaction. |
Employee Bonus | Dreamer | You can give bonuses to your employees to fulfil their needs. |
Fake Payments | Schemer | You can fake household bill and employee salary payments. |
Neighborhood Gem (Level three)
Perk | Alignment | Description |
Muscle Memory | Neutral | You have faster skill gain while your business is open. |
Chug the WUTANT | Dreamer | Gain a drink that gives a massive, temporary spike in energy. |
White-Collar Robbery | Schemer | Lets your Sim enter restricted business areas and gain a Kleptomaniac-like trait. |
Community Staple (Level four)
Perk | Alignment | Description |
Invest in SimoCoin | Neutral | You can mine "SimoCoin" on your home computer for passive income. |
Customer Appreciation Day | Dreamer | You can choose to have all Entrance Fees, goods, and services be free in exchange for guaranteed customer satisfaction and Adoring sentiments from other Sims. |
Fire Starter | Schemer | You can start fires on your lot to file insurance claims. |
Local Legend (Level five)
Perk | Alignment | Description |
Irresistible Scent | Neutral | Customer satisfaction will increase, keeping them around your business longer. |
Bartering | Dreamer | Customer can give you rare collectibles instead of money. |
Ultrasonic Whistle | Schemer | Your business will play a high-pitched whistle that forces customers to leave but attracts new ones. Everyone will also pay your Entrance Fee regardless of how long they stay. |
The post How to increase Small Business Renown in The Sims 4 appeared first on Destructoid.