All R.E.P.O monsters listed
Looking for a list of all R.E.P.O monsters? As of writing, there are 19 monsters in R.E.P.O, all desperate to kill you or smash your treasure. Below, we've listed all monsters, their threat level, behavior, and the cash they drop if you manage to kill them. All R.E.P.O Monsters Apex Predator Animal Banger Bowtie Chef Clown Gnome Headman Hidden Huntsman Mentalist Peeper Reaper Robe Rugrat Shadow Child Spewer Trudge Upscream Apex Predator Image by Destructoid Threat level: Medium Cash upon death: $2k-$3k Don’t be fooled by this adorable ducky, it’s hiding a dark alter-ego. The Apex Predator will appear as a toy duck and follow you around the map, energetically bobbing next to your cart as though it wants to be counted in your total. If you pick it up, however, it will become a spiky-toothed monster and chase you for a few seconds. Your only recourse is to run away and attempt to outlive it until it reverts into duck form. As long as you ignore this monster, it isn’t too dangerous. Animal Image by Destructoid Threat level: Low Cash upon death: $2k-$4k These spider-like entities will wander around rather aimlessly across maps. If you keep a distance from them, they are safe enough to leave alone. Or, you can kill them with any melee object for extra cash. If you get close to one it will lunge at you, sending you backward, stunned, and with a little bit of damage. After an attack, they stun themselves and go motionless for a few seconds. Be careful if they are around valuables as they have been known to aggravate Gnomes and Bangers. Banger Image by Destructoid Threat level: Low Cash upon death: $0 Bangers are walking skulls with dynamite stuffed inside of them. They will often roam in groups of three and set alight their fuses once they see a player. As expected, you’ll have a limited amount of time before the Banger explodes. It is possible to pick one up and throw it like a grenade, but you must do so within 3 seconds or the Banger will escape from your grasp. If you try to attack a Banger with a melee weapon it will explode in your face and likely kill you unless you have health upgrades. If used strategically, you can use Bangers to hurt other monsters. Bowtie Image by Destructoid Threat level: Medium Cash upon death: $2k-$4k The Bowtie monster is a large, slow creature, less dangerous than others on this list. If spotted, they will emit a loud cry that will push you back. Afterwards, they may stomp around and crush you if you’re too close. Try to avoid these blundering creatures or better yet, kill them for some extra cash. Chef Image by Destructoid Threat level: Medium Cash upon death: $2k-$5k The Chef monster is a large mustachio-sporting frog that will smile once it spots you and rolls toward you with knives slashing outwards. This monster is dangerous but won’t outright kill you if you’re misfortunate enough to get stuck on its blades. The best way to deal with this monster is by dodging its attack and leading it towards furniture instead, which will stun it on impact. Once stunned, you can take advantage of its condition and kill it for substantial cash. Clown Image by Destructoid Threat level: High Cash upon death: $5k-$8k The Clown monster is a shambling beast with a stretched-out clown face. Once it sees you it will emit a laser beam from its nose tip that will arc in a large horizontal line. If caught in the beam’s blast it’s pretty much game over, so watch out for the tell-tale thumping footprints and clown laughter to signal when this monstrosity is nearby. After its beam attack, it will rush towards the player and try to stomp on them. The Clown is a formidable foe, one of the worst on this list, so it’s best to avoid and run away rather than attempt to take it head-on. Gnome Image by Destructoid Threat level: Low Cash upon death: $0 Gnomes can be an absolute pest. Not only will they stab you for low but consistent damage, but they will also make it their mission to destroy your loot. Often they will jump inside your cart and chip away at items until they shatter. Luckily, these infuriating creatures can be stopped without fancy weaponry. You simply need to pick them up and drop them to shatter them. Just be mindful of your health bar as they usually spawn in groups of five and it’s easy to get swarmed. You’ll know they’re near when you start to hear clinking noises. Headman Image by Destructoid Threat level: Medium Cash upon death: $4k-$8k The Headman is a giant head that will float towards you, snapping its jaws with the sole goal of taking a bite out of you. If you see a Headman, try to angle away from it. As soon as it sees your flashlight it will become hostile and attempt an attack. The Headman can be killed by most melee weapons and won’t cause you too much trouble as long as you avoid shining light onto it. Hidden Image by Destructoid Threat level: Low Cash upon

Looking for a list of all R.E.P.O monsters? As of writing, there are 19 monsters in R.E.P.O, all desperate to kill you or smash your treasure. Below, we've listed all monsters, their threat level, behavior, and the cash they drop if you manage to kill them.
All R.E.P.O Monsters
Apex Predator

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $2k-$3k
Don’t be fooled by this adorable ducky, it’s hiding a dark alter-ego. The Apex Predator will appear as a toy duck and follow you around the map, energetically bobbing next to your cart as though it wants to be counted in your total.
If you pick it up, however, it will become a spiky-toothed monster and chase you for a few seconds. Your only recourse is to run away and attempt to outlive it until it reverts into duck form. As long as you ignore this monster, it isn’t too dangerous.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $2k-$4k
These spider-like entities will wander around rather aimlessly across maps. If you keep a distance from them, they are safe enough to leave alone. Or, you can kill them with any melee object for extra cash. If you get close to one it will lunge at you, sending you backward, stunned, and with a little bit of damage. After an attack, they stun themselves and go motionless for a few seconds. Be careful if they are around valuables as they have been known to aggravate Gnomes and Bangers.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $0
Bangers are walking skulls with dynamite stuffed inside of them. They will often roam in groups of three and set alight their fuses once they see a player. As expected, you’ll have a limited amount of time before the Banger explodes. It is possible to pick one up and throw it like a grenade, but you must do so within 3 seconds or the Banger will escape from your grasp.
If you try to attack a Banger with a melee weapon it will explode in your face and likely kill you unless you have health upgrades. If used strategically, you can use Bangers to hurt other monsters.

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $2k-$4k
The Bowtie monster is a large, slow creature, less dangerous than others on this list. If spotted, they will emit a loud cry that will push you back. Afterwards, they may stomp around and crush you if you’re too close. Try to avoid these blundering creatures or better yet, kill them for some extra cash.

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $2k-$5k
The Chef monster is a large mustachio-sporting frog that will smile once it spots you and rolls toward you with knives slashing outwards. This monster is dangerous but won’t outright kill you if you’re misfortunate enough to get stuck on its blades.
The best way to deal with this monster is by dodging its attack and leading it towards furniture instead, which will stun it on impact. Once stunned, you can take advantage of its condition and kill it for substantial cash.

- Threat level: High
- Cash upon death: $5k-$8k
The Clown monster is a shambling beast with a stretched-out clown face. Once it sees you it will emit a laser beam from its nose tip that will arc in a large horizontal line. If caught in the beam’s blast it’s pretty much game over, so watch out for the tell-tale thumping footprints and clown laughter to signal when this monstrosity is nearby.
After its beam attack, it will rush towards the player and try to stomp on them. The Clown is a formidable foe, one of the worst on this list, so it’s best to avoid and run away rather than attempt to take it head-on.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $0
Gnomes can be an absolute pest. Not only will they stab you for low but consistent damage, but they will also make it their mission to destroy your loot. Often they will jump inside your cart and chip away at items until they shatter.
Luckily, these infuriating creatures can be stopped without fancy weaponry. You simply need to pick them up and drop them to shatter them. Just be mindful of your health bar as they usually spawn in groups of five and it’s easy to get swarmed. You’ll know they’re near when you start to hear clinking noises.

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $4k-$8k
The Headman is a giant head that will float towards you, snapping its jaws with the sole goal of taking a bite out of you. If you see a Headman, try to angle away from it. As soon as it sees your flashlight it will become hostile and attempt an attack. The Headman can be killed by most melee weapons and won’t cause you too much trouble as long as you avoid shining light onto it.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $3.5k-$7k
The Hidden is one of the hardest enemies to challenge because it is almost invisible. The only indication this creature is near is the dark fog cloud it projects and the footsteps it leaves behind.
Once it has you in its clutches, it will start breathing erratically and will haul you across the map, separating you from your squad. Although it’s little more than a shadow, it is killable if you have a melee weapon. The purpose of this monster is mostly to sow confusion amongst parties.

- Threat level: High
- Cash upon death: $3k-$7k
The Huntsman can be a formidable monster as it can one-shot kill you with its shotgun if you don’t have any health upgrades. The good news is that it's completely blind so you should be able to survive an encounter if you stay still and out of its way. It is also possible to lure him away if you drop an object close by him. He will aim towards the noise and patrol the area around it, buying you time to escape.

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $3k-$6k
The Mentalist is a large-brained entity that floats around the map. It can teleport and is known to lift players from the ground and slam them back down, delivering large amounts of damage in one blow. They can also lift and damage your loot if it is near you during an attack.
The Mentalist isn’t too strong and can be killed by standard weapons but the trick is getting close enough to it without triggering the anti-gravity attack.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $0
The Peeper is a giant eye that appears on ceilings and in the sky in outdoor spaces. The eye immobilizes you and forces you to look at it, leaving you vulnerable to attacks by other monsters. To shake it off, you must break its line of sight. To do so, walk backwards and sideways until a piece of furniture or terrain gets in the way. Once it attacks, it will disappear and teleport elsewhere. Make sure you react quickly as the Peeper emits slow but consistent damage for every second you look at it.

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $6k-$8k
The Reaper appears as a creepy child doll with knives for arms. When she spots you, she runs towards you, slashing her knives from side to side. Whilst she won't instantly kill you, you won’t be able to take many hits before you’re sliced to ribbons.
As such, keep an ear out and hide if you hear rustling leaves or hay (this indicates she is close). This particular creature relies on eyesight alone, so as long as you keep a distance you should be able to outmaneuver her.

- Threat level: Medium
- Cash upon death: $5k-$8k
The Robe entity is a ghost-like creature that floats across the map. The Robe will mostly leave you alone unless you look at it directly in the face. When this happens, the creature will shriek and chase you. In this event, it is better to run rather than hide as it can reach under chairs and beds.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $1.6k-$3k
Rugrats appear as babies that run around looking for items to throw at players. Not only does this damage the player upon impact, but the items they throw are usually destroyed too.
Once the Rugrat has thrown all valuables in an area, it will attempt to flee. You can get rid of them by picking them up and throwing them (similar to Gnomes). However, this requires + 3 strength or more than one player at once to lift them.
Shadow Child

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $2k-$5k
The Shadow Child is a nightmarish apparition that teleports around the map. You’ll know it’s in the vicinity when you hear a child’s laughter. Be careful as the Shadow Child will fling you across the map and deal damage. You’ll know when this is about to happen since your vision darkens and you hear the child say ‘yoink’.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $1k-$4k
The Spewer is a floating set of teeth that vomits on players, delivering acid damage. They will sometimes adhere themselves to players and force them to be sick, dealing added damage to anyone nearby.
You can shake off a Spewer by having another player attack or stun it with a weapon. It delivers low but consistent damage so you’ll want to shake it off immediately. Eventually, the Spewer will remove itself and gear up for another attack.

- Threat level: High
- Cash upon death: $5k-$8k
The Trudge is a large creature that carries around a mace and delivers large shock attacks to players. If spotted, it will pull you towards it and attack without interruption. The Trudge is seemingly named for how it ‘trudges’ around maps. Essentially, it is a very slow monster that can be outrun or hidden from when needed.

- Threat level: Low
- Cash upon death: $2k-$4k
The Upscream is a curious spider-like monster that likes to scream into players’ faces, stunning them and sending them backward. This creature isn’t too difficult to deal with and is more of an annoyance. You can lift objects and crash them into the Upscream to ward it away.
That rounds up our list of all monsters in R.E.P.O and how to deal with them. If you’re enjoying the game, see our guide on how to use Energy Crystals and where to buy them.
The post All R.E.P.O monsters listed appeared first on Destructoid.