Fields of Mistria museum collectables list
Fields of Mistria has a museum to fill up with collectables and you’ll be rewarded with furniture and money for doing so. The museum is broken up into four wings: archaeology, fish, flora, and insects. All of these collectables can be tracked in your in-game almanac and you can check the tooltip on each individual […]

Fields of Mistria has a museum to fill up with collectables and you’ll be rewarded with furniture and money for doing so.
The museum is broken up into four wings: archaeology, fish, flora, and insects. All of these collectables can be tracked in your in-game almanac and you can check the tooltip on each individual item to see if you have donated them to the museum already or not. Helpful!
Below we list what you need to complete the museum in Fields of Mistria, though note it’s not able to be 100% completed as of the current early access release.
Update (March 12): We’ve updated this guide with the new museum sections added in the first major update (patch 0.13).
Fields of Mistria museum Archaeology Wing

The Archaeology Wing focuses on digging up the circular dig spots you see in the ground with your shovel or a pickaxe. There are dig spots both in the mines and on the surface and different areas yield different rewards. Some of the Archaeology Wing items are also obtained via fishing and diving, though you’ll need to unlock a specific skill in the fishing and archeology skill tree to get these items.
Below we list the different parts of the Archaeology Wing, as well as where you have to dig or what you have to unlock to find these items. Note that two sets are incomplete; the “Metals of Mistria” and “Gems of Mistria” sets cannot be completed, as one of the required items from each category are unavailable in the current early access.
Set Location Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Dig Site Material Set Anywhere Clay Peat Shard Mass Shards Sod Prehistoric Artifact Set The Beach Amber Trapped Insect Fossilized Egg Meteorite Tiny Dinosaur Skeleton Trilobite Fossil Ancient Artifact Set The Western Ruins Ancient Crystal Goblet Ancient Gold Coin Ancient Horn Circlet Ancient Royal Scepter Ancient Stone Lantern Alda Artifact Set Sweetwater Farm Alda Bronze Sword Alda Clay Pot Alda Feather Pendant Alda Gem Bracelet Alda Mural Tablet Caldosian Artifact Set The Eastern Road Caldosian Breastplate Caldosian Drinking Horn Caldosian Emperor Bust Caldosian Sword Statuette of Caldarus Aldarian Artifact Set The Narrows Aldarian Gauntlet Aldarian Sword Aldarian War Banner Family Crest Pendant Lost Crown of Aldaria Oopart Artifact Set Anywhere, requires “Well Placed” skill Black Tablet Completely Wrong Map Muttering Cube Unknown Dragon Statuette Weightless Stone Aquatic Artifact Set Fishing, requires “Aquatic Antiquities” skill Coin Lump Giant Fish Scale Rubber Fish Rusted Treasure Chest Water Sphere Sunken Artifact Set Diving, requires “Sunken Secrets” skill Criminal Confession Mermaid’s Comb Rainbow Seaweed Rock with a Hole Rusted Shield Deep Woods Artifact Set The Deep Woods Crystal Apple Gathering Basket Metal Leaf Buried Artifact Set Mines Diamond-backed Mirror Flint Arrowhead Obsidian Blade Shortcut Scroll Stone Horse Upper Mines Artifact Set Upper Mines (Mines 1-19) Miner’s Helmet Miner’s Pickaxe Miner’s Rucksack Miner’s Slab Tin Lunchbox Tide Cavern Artifact Set Tide Caverns (Mines 21-39) Crab Statue Dense Water Starlight Coral Stone Shell Tidestone Deep Earth Artifact Set Deep Earth (Mines 41-59) Earth-infused Stone Faceted Rock Gem Really Round Rock Rock Statue Seriously Square Stone Lava Caves Artifact Set Lava Caves (Mines 51-79) Fire Crystal Rainbow Geode Red Obsidian Tiny Volcano Warm Rock Ritual Artifact Set Ritual Chambers in the mines, requires “Lost to History” skill Ritual Beads Ritual Chalice Ritual Incense Burner Ritual Scepter Ritual Tablet Vintage Farm Tools Set The farm, requires “Former Farmers” skill Vintage Brush Vintage Cow Bell Vintage Hammer Vintage Sickle Vintage Watering Can Metals of Mistria Set Mines Perfect Copper Ore Perfect Gold Ore Perfect Iron Ore N/A Perfect Silver Ore Gems of Mistria Set Mines Perfect Diamond Perfect Emerald N/A Perfect Ruby Perfect Sapphire
Fields of Mistria museum Fish Wing

The fish section of the museum is pretty straight forward, as each set is sorted by both its location and season. Note that to catch Legendary fish, you’ll need to have level 30 fishing with the “Legendary” skill.
Set Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3 Fish 4 Fish 5 Multi-Season Koi Pike Pollock Smallmouth Bass Trout Spring River Fish Set Bluegill Carp Chub Paddlefish Walleye Spring Pond Fish Set Angel Fish Barb Brown Trout Crucian Carp Goldfish Spring Ocean Fish Set Anchovy Lobster Mackerel Ocean Sunfish Shrimp Summer River Fish Set Bream Loach Minnow Sweetfish Tarpon Summer Pond Fish Set Brown Bullhead Giant Koi Golden Shiner Lake Chub Sauger Summer Ocean Fish Set Char Crab Dart Grouper Stingray Fall River Fish Set Graling Lamprey Perch Razorback Shad Fall Pond Fish Set Bluefish Killifish Rainbow Trout Striped Bass White Perch Fall Ocean Fish Set Butterfish Halibut Mullet Saury Shark Winter River Fish Set Bowfish Dace Freshwater Eel Herring Shadow Bass Winter Pond Fish Set Alligator Gar Burbot Flathead Catfish Giant Tilapia Tilapia Winter Ocean Fish Set Horse Mackerel King Crab Oarfish Sand Lance Sea Bass Deep Woods Fish Set Forest Perch Lake Trout Muskie Silver Redhorse Sunny Upper Mines Fish Set Cave Eel Cave Shark Cave Shrimp Rock Guppy Stone Loach Tide Caverns Fish Set Archerfish Mini-Whale Shark Sapphire Betta Transparent Jellyfish Water Balloon Fish Deep Earth Fish Set Earth Eel Emerald Horned Charger Pebble Minnow Rockbiter Shardfin Lava Caves Fish Set Armored Bass Candelabra Seadragon Firesail Fish Lava Piranha Sulfur Crab Legendary Fish Set Cherry Fish Leaf Fish Lightning Fish Snow Fish
Fields of Mistria museum Flora Wing

Most of the flora section of the museum needs to be grown on your farm or foraged. Each season requires you to grow four crops and one tree (though some of the seasonal fruit trees grow natively spread out around Mistria).
Notably, the red toadstool item drops from the red mushroom enemies in the Upper Mines. It’s not a foragable good that just sits there to be found.
If the season ended and you missed an item, keep an eye out on Balor’s merchant cart, as he sells off-season items, though his stock is random.
Set Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Spring Crop Set Cabbage Cherry Potato Strawberry Turnip Spring Flower Set Daffodil Dandelion Lilac Snowdrop Anemone Tulip Spring Forage Set Fennel Fiddlehead Morel Mushroom Nettle Wild Leek Summer Crop Set Chili Pepper Corn Cucumber Tomato Watermelon Summer Flower Set Catmint Cosmos Daisy Iris Marigold Summer Forage Set Basil Dill Oregano Sage Thyme Fall Crop Set Apple Broccoli Cranberry Pumpkin Sweet Potato Fall Flower Set Celosia Chrysanthemum Fog Orchid Heather Viola Fall Forage Set Chestnut Garlic Horseradish Moon Fruit Rosemary Winter Crop Set Beet Cauliflower Daikon Radish Pomegranate Snow Peas Winter Flower Set Crocus Frost Lily Jasmine Poinsettia Snapdragon Winter Forage Set Burdock Root Holly Oyster Mushroom Pineshroom Rose Hip Deep Woods Forage Set Bell Berry Spirit Mushroom Temple Flower Thorn Vine Walnut Upper Mines Forage Set Narrows Moss Red Toadstool Shadow Flower Sweetroot Upper Mines Mushroom Tide Caverns Forage Set Jade Dulse Mines Mussels Sea Grapes Tide Lettuce Underseaweed Deep Earth Forage Set Crystal Berries Crystal Rose Earthshroom Rockroot Shale Grass Lava Caves Forage Set Ash Mushroom Breath of Flame Flame Pepper Hot Potato Lava Chestnuts
Fields of Mistria museum Insects Wing

While bugs do have seasonal and time requirements, there’s no skill level associated with them, so you don’t have to worry about unlocking something specific to find all the bugs. You will need to make sure you’re looking in the right places at the right time, though.
Set Bug 1 Bug 2 Bug 3 Bug 4 Bug 5 Multi-Season Insect Set Ant Bumbleebee Fuzzy Moth Hummingbird Hawk Moth Praying Mantis Spring Insect Set Butterfly Caterpillar Ladybug Luna Moth Roly Poly Summer Insect Set Cicada Cricket Dragonfly Firefly Sand Bug Fall Insect Set Cicada Nymph Inchworm Monarch Butterfly Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Walking Leaf Winter Insect Set Brightbulb Moth Crystal Caterpillar Frost Flutter Butterfly Walking Stick Winterpillar Rare Insect Set Jewel Beetle Lightning Dragonfly Magma Beetle Mistmoth Orchid Mantis Grass Insect Set Grasshopper Icehopper Leafhopper Petalhopper Strawhopper Beach Insect Set Beach Hopper Hermit Crab Relic Crab Surf Beetle Waterbug Deep Woods Insect Set Dragon Horn Beetle Loam Caterpillar Mote Firefly Singing Katydid Windleaf Butterfly Upper Mines Insect Set Copper Nugget Beetle Lantern Moth Mine Cricket Tunnel Millipede Worm Tide Caverns Insect Set Coral Mantis Hermit Snail Puddle Spider Sea Scarab Waterfly Deep Earth Insect Set Crystal Wing Moth Crystalline Cricket Deep Earthworm Gem Shard Caterpillar Rock Roach Lava Caves Insect Set Cooktop Beetle Diamond Beetle Fire Wasp Lava Snail Smoke Moth Legendary Insect Set Fairy Bee Flower Crown Beetle Snowball Beetle Speedy Snail Strobe Firefly