How to tame Pests in Abiotic Factor
Pests can be more than just a nuisance in Abiotic Factor. If players put their minds to it, they can turn the little critters into a resource and even start their journey down the wonderful path of pet ownership. That said, taming a Pest is easier said than done. Abiotic Factor is a survival crafter that takes a lot of cues from Half-Life. Players are stranded in a scientific facility on their first work day, quickly becoming overrun with interdimensional travelers. Using whatever resources they can scrounge up, players must manufacture supplies and solutions to any obstacles that might present themselves. One of those potential solutions is turning the enemy Pests into something you can actually use, but it's not exactly straightforward. Before players can tame Pests, they'll need to reach certain milestones and have access to specific crafting recipes. And that's not to mention all the nachos. When can you start taming Pests? Image via Playstack YouTube Technically, players can attempt to tame Pests as soon as they stumble upon a reliable source of Nachos. Nachos are the key to taming Pests, as you need them to craft Pest Traps. It's not a particularly daunting task, as you can readily find the resource early in a playthrough in the Security Office or Flathill. It's likely that once you find Nachos, you'll get an idea for the crafting recipe that creates the Pest Trap. If not, players should hunt down the rest of the materials required to craft the item. Where to get Pest Traps? Image via Playstack YouTube The Pest Trap item cannot be found within Abiotic Factor, at least for now. It's exclusively an item obtained through crafting. As such, players must gather the required materials and guess the correct recipe. A Stapler, Nachos, and 2 Ductape make a Pest Trap. Once it's in your inventory, it'll work like other deployable items. Simply set it down in a location of your choice and wait for the magic to happen. An important consideration is that a creature must walk into the Pest Trap to be captured; the Trap won't generate Pests on its own. So, don't leave it in an area with nothing to capture. What do you do after you catch a Pest? Image via Playstack The task is only half complete once you notice you've caught a Pest. To fully tame the Pest, you must earn its trust by feeding it. It's easier said than done, however. The Pests and other creatures can have quite a picky palate, and only specific food will keep them happy. Regardless of what's inside the Pest Trap, the creatures will only be happy with Nachos or Anteverse Wheat. Earlier in a playthrough, Anteverse Wheat is the more plentiful resource, especially if players bring some back from Far Garden to grow. It takes 3 Anteverse Wheat or 3 Nachos to tame a Pest. Once the creature is satisfied, players can name it and open the Pest Trap without fear of attack. What can you do with a tamed Pest? Once players tame a Pest, it will attack anything hostile to players. The pet can be ordered to follow a player if a helping claw is desired. Alternatively, you can let it patrol like a junkyard dog or send it back to the Pest Trap. If you want to put the Pest to non-violent use, consider crafting some Pest Wheels. These items become researchable once players get their hands on the Pest Traps, but they also require a Power Cell. Depending on your progress, a Power Cell might be a tall order, but eventually, it's a trivial cost. A Pest Wheel allows players to send a tamed Pest back to the Wheel instead of the Pest Trap. There, the creature will run like a hamster on a wheel, generating electricity for whatever else you'd like to power. Later in the game, players will encounter an enemy type called Skinks. These are also Pest Trap candidates, and they're unique in that once tamed, they can be used as a crafting resource and converted into a weapon. What creatures work with Pest Traps and Pest Wheels? Image via Playstack Steam Thankfully, it's not too difficult to keep track of what can be tamed through the use of a Pest Trap. The item only works on Pests, Electro-Pests, Volatile Pests, and Skinks. The same is true for Pest Wheels. Of course, Abiotic Factor is still in Early Access, and Pest taming wasn't even an option when the game first became playable. It's entirely possible that more creatures will be tamable over time, and players may even see the feature expand in functionality and depth. Only time will tell. The post How to tame Pests in Abiotic Factor appeared first on Destructoid.

Pests can be more than just a nuisance in Abiotic Factor. If players put their minds to it, they can turn the little critters into a resource and even start their journey down the wonderful path of pet ownership. That said, taming a Pest is easier said than done.
Abiotic Factor is a survival crafter that takes a lot of cues from Half-Life. Players are stranded in a scientific facility on their first work day, quickly becoming overrun with interdimensional travelers. Using whatever resources they can scrounge up, players must manufacture supplies and solutions to any obstacles that might present themselves.
One of those potential solutions is turning the enemy Pests into something you can actually use, but it's not exactly straightforward. Before players can tame Pests, they'll need to reach certain milestones and have access to specific crafting recipes. And that's not to mention all the nachos.
When can you start taming Pests?

Technically, players can attempt to tame Pests as soon as they stumble upon a reliable source of Nachos. Nachos are the key to taming Pests, as you need them to craft Pest Traps. It's not a particularly daunting task, as you can readily find the resource early in a playthrough in the Security Office or Flathill.
It's likely that once you find Nachos, you'll get an idea for the crafting recipe that creates the Pest Trap. If not, players should hunt down the rest of the materials required to craft the item.
Where to get Pest Traps?

The Pest Trap item cannot be found within Abiotic Factor, at least for now. It's exclusively an item obtained through crafting. As such, players must gather the required materials and guess the correct recipe. A Stapler, Nachos, and 2 Ductape make a Pest Trap.
Once it's in your inventory, it'll work like other deployable items. Simply set it down in a location of your choice and wait for the magic to happen. An important consideration is that a creature must walk into the Pest Trap to be captured; the Trap won't generate Pests on its own. So, don't leave it in an area with nothing to capture.
What do you do after you catch a Pest?

The task is only half complete once you notice you've caught a Pest. To fully tame the Pest, you must earn its trust by feeding it. It's easier said than done, however. The Pests and other creatures can have quite a picky palate, and only specific food will keep them happy.
Regardless of what's inside the Pest Trap, the creatures will only be happy with Nachos or Anteverse Wheat. Earlier in a playthrough, Anteverse Wheat is the more plentiful resource, especially if players bring some back from Far Garden to grow.
It takes 3 Anteverse Wheat or 3 Nachos to tame a Pest. Once the creature is satisfied, players can name it and open the Pest Trap without fear of attack.
What can you do with a tamed Pest?
Once players tame a Pest, it will attack anything hostile to players. The pet can be ordered to follow a player if a helping claw is desired. Alternatively, you can let it patrol like a junkyard dog or send it back to the Pest Trap.
If you want to put the Pest to non-violent use, consider crafting some Pest Wheels. These items become researchable once players get their hands on the Pest Traps, but they also require a Power Cell. Depending on your progress, a Power Cell might be a tall order, but eventually, it's a trivial cost. A Pest Wheel allows players to send a tamed Pest back to the Wheel instead of the Pest Trap. There, the creature will run like a hamster on a wheel, generating electricity for whatever else you'd like to power.
Later in the game, players will encounter an enemy type called Skinks. These are also Pest Trap candidates, and they're unique in that once tamed, they can be used as a crafting resource and converted into a weapon.
What creatures work with Pest Traps and Pest Wheels?

Thankfully, it's not too difficult to keep track of what can be tamed through the use of a Pest Trap. The item only works on Pests, Electro-Pests, Volatile Pests, and Skinks. The same is true for Pest Wheels.
Of course, Abiotic Factor is still in Early Access, and Pest taming wasn't even an option when the game first became playable. It's entirely possible that more creatures will be tamable over time, and players may even see the feature expand in functionality and depth. Only time will tell.
The post How to tame Pests in Abiotic Factor appeared first on Destructoid.