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Several hours in, it’s become apparent that I lack the patience for much of Kin...
Dell’s new Alienware Area-51 Gaming Desktop lineup has landed, and if you're st...
If, like me, you failed and failed and failed to get a decent score in arcadey ...
Peter Akemann - co-founder of Call Of Duty's Treyarch and recent president of T...
Alice Bee (RPS in peace) covered the announcement for Forgotlings back in 2023....
I was initially sceptical that we'd be seeing dark fantasy strategy RPG Whisper...
I'm just so tired, man. Is this a dare? Because I'm basically taking the bait j...
I had trouble sleeping last night, due to a combination of press trip excitem...
Watch out for that falling breezeblock! It's about to-- ah, too late, you've be...
The battle for medieval Bohemia is about to kick off again with Kingdom Come: D...
Once upon a time, Alice B (RPS in peace) was frustrated that the villagers in E...
After several hours of battles, sieges, imprisonment and torture in Kingdom Com...
Minecraft recently dropped pig variants into beta, giving porkly variants in co...
There was a moment in gaming history when it looked like all games would succum...
Friendly skateboarding game OlliOlli World and its rollerskating gun friend Rol...
Get ye to the walls, pikefolk of PC gaming. We've had a languid and fattening w...